Day Sixty-three 10/21 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/ a week before the last Syrian Truce, 08/25 a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, what did I see? I saw the Bride now reigning in heaven, I saw that she had in her possession the stone cut out without hands, Dan. 2. I saw that it had the surface of a Meteor, (see Niribu, at least coming for us, these last thirty years). I saw, heard that when she released it, I heard a voice lament and I quote, "this is the antichrist murderer," 02/14/2015, Apb, see
-The earth and all it survey, even the heavens, the universe are all experiencing both glorious and horrid to imagine changes, so much so even the greatest of scientist, unless admittedly, they just can't wrap their highly technical brains around it, which is why science fiction itself is become so tremendously advance, as they pretend what they can't see their way through, what if, what if, what if. What if they admit, Jesus, Daniel's man in linden, even Ezekiel's witness of God's awkward for him, literal indescribable chariot, where all signs of great knowledge and unsightly innovations that was to come, just as King Nebuchadnezzar's prophecy of the stone cut out without hands falling from heaven was it's aching to mind, heart and blood finale.
-Even its surreal evidence, that growing mankind, reaping wicked devices, genocides sown only had a certain length of time to do so, hell having enlarged itself all. That in a times, times, and a half, now all expired into Daniel's final week, into countdowns continuance. Again, swearing by the man in linden, much too much righteous blood to measure had been spilled trying to stop him, the very one who hath them from the beginning. Who became so sorry that He did, devised a plan which laid all that is HIM, that's Elohim for what, billions of years? There now it laid in the balancing act of His cleverness or what some would call foolishness of advancing HIS Incalculable Heart's blood to Love Affairs for them.
-As to make of Himself, flesh, the woman's womb, taking it all the way to a garden of indecision, and into a den, even a spider's web of corrupt, to demonic men, soon they would drive nails into him. All the while thinking to finish him, only to polarize into beyond that thinkable of every word promised Mother Eve that day. How her womb alone would bare us a son, wounded, bruised, the chastisement of our peace all upon His divine, spilled blood, this Lion of the tribe of Judah. This Son of David, that one John now witness reigning in heaven, and now, according to our own Oracles of God's throne, the Bride now witness as reigning there, readying the strike, to conform the rebellious earth Kingdoms of men are done, Apb, The RAM
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting
Father, The Prince of Peace, Isa. 9:6
The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27, see Cain
The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise, see Ps. 51, see Abel
-Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
-Seen to seeing, hearing, the word, forewarning "week," there's something mightily important about an approaching week, 08/18/2016 (see Syrian Truce, 08/25)
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, (also see beginning of Syrian Truce, 09/13), beware, Apb
-There's something about a dream, regarding the setting of this 'ring of fire,' all round, on the map, even more proof, all rebellion is come to an end, 08/30/2016
There's Something about again living on plantations, before be evacuated into closed borders of Mexico 07/16/2016
-Seen to be seeing Miya on Dunlap street where Obama at one time was, as so at a time, Lady Obama, meaning again, time has lapsed America into it's own works of oblivion, 08/18//2016
When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon
-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb
And A Child Shall Lead Them, One Way Prayer
Mystery America, Who Hath Bewitched You?
"Clayden, ah, whom we call Apple, he's ah, he's kinda, he's infatuated with the homophile lifestyle, and at the time Dr. Deburk was speaking on it, explaining the difference between fornication and same sex marriage. How one is more naturally sinful and the other more, well He hinted around to how choosing the homophile lifestyle is like choosing Satanism, that in some cases it's even pedophile, ah demonic. As one, he said, goes into this lifestyle knowing God has given it's practice up to vile affections, that continuing into contagions and malignancy like Cancer, which totally explains HIV Aids, both which has killed tens of millions world wide. He ah, ah, well it all started when a person asked the difference between an infirmity and a temptation, wait, wait, you was there? A few rolls ahead of you Aggie, to the left, and well, Dr. Allum, ah Deburk explained how an infirmity is a natural occurrence of mankind being cursed, while a temptation is to be urged by condemned flesh, Satan, even demons into or along an ordeal you know is against God, is to transgress or grieve the Holy Spirit. That you're then left in aching indecision between the two, like momentarily being torn between two or even many lovers and Apple said, like choosing the lesser of two evils. Yeah, then Dr. Desrek said, actually no, because godliness isn't evil, you know you're choosing between a light or twilight, one by God's Grace, Jesus, the veil is no more. One, even from birth, there's a mirror but it's not clear, your ability to decide is cloudy, the storms, dragons,
dangerous, deadly and even damning. He said the bible make it clear all unrighteousness is sin, that if you decide to remain in sin, then you're deciding to live a life without Him, without God as Shepherd. As so, without Jesus as Lord and without the Holy Rim as this unpronounced Comforter and Friend, soon you're without this impenetrable armor of God. So are you, well, was he, Dr. Deburk saying, heterosexuality is a natural sin, whereas homosexuality, unnatural, is more the work of satanic, even demonic temptation? Almost like crossing the point of no return, I mean what a wow factor, I know, he made a lot of young people mad that day, Apple just decided he would, well, do something about it. Ah stop the wielding sword of truth I guess, it's cutting, stabbing pain one way or another, which is either prayerfully, socially or violently, just know, choosing violence is like the carnivorous world, a doctrine of kill or be killed, I guess. Is that why so many are choosing to put metal to the brain, put metal to the what are, suicide, Stamos means the taking of ones life? That the more it is apparent God does have a Will, and it is that by end time prophecy being fulfilled, there are people who're deceived into thinking. Well, how they may as well rush their appearances in hell I guess, why wait around and watch everything they treasure more than God by horrors inconceivable sink into the mire, a virtual endless abyss? Yeah, but those committing suicide Reese don't see it that way, they see it as a means to the end all pain, but there is only one to end all pain, even death itself will be put away, and that is Jesus. His winning and getting all believers to God's Throne, His Heir, and if you're wondering how actually, even factually true is all that? Just as it was recorded Jesus existed, that he was crucified, that He went into that tomb, wounded, bruised and dead for all of us. So said the prophet Isaiah, so said all of them about Him at one time, allegory or another, it is also recorded you guys how He came out of that tomb three days later. That He walked again upon the earth with His Disciples some 40 days, just as we enter into His suffering, even His cross and martyrdom, we've also entered into His Resurrection and glorification. If we can believe His Gospel Truth straight through to His Resurrection, to His Teaching, even His Promises that His Own Ascension was that He go and prepare us mansions in heaven. Evidently, why is it then so hard to believe in a Savior who was promised us, mankind before the foundation of this earth? That He is coming for us. Then according to grandma Maaseiah, it's any minute now, you hear me guys, it's any minute now, so don't go falling into temptation now, you no longer walk according to the flesh, remember? The Apostle Paul and the twelve, suffered mightily, even the lost of his head, their heads to bring us this message, this beyond description victory, don't unravel it or lose it all now. Here falling into temptations of damnations, for if our Christ Lord can be tempted but without sin, then guess what? So can we who're heads over hill in love with Him, see, if this wasn't possible He wouldn't commissioned us to love nor to be perfect as our Father in heaven. So Beeth do you think he knew, you think Jesus knew he would ascend that fortieth day? He was Reese now again more Holy Spirit, than man, so it's possible He knew, probably like Maaseiah, who know, it's any minute now, I mean she just know it, wow Beeth man, wow! Look here, since I got you all's attention, I been meaning to tell you guys, Brave, she ah, wasn't, ah pregnant, it was a false alarmed, so thank you guys for keeping that too yourselves. So Heus, when Elohim brought six couples into Noah's Ark, that wasn't just Him being overly generous? But commending His Love toward us even then, He was enabling six couples to one day be the one, this woman seed that's to reproduce right into the fullness of time concerning the Christ. Then here's the Angel Gabriel arriving explaining to a teen girl Mary what beyond extraordinary is about to happen, all by the anointing of Holy Spirits in her womb. Now here presently this same Gabriel appearing to Maaseiah regarding all the kingdoms of men, now become those of God and His now Reigning in heaven and on the earth, Son/Christ/Lord. Yeah and he would save His people, all of mankind's blood lineage, from their sins, that's like saying, from their own man made detriment, now this stone made without hands made active by the reigning Bride, into it's descending Millennium. Then you Mr. BFA files, you don't worry about Brave's conception, keep doing what's natural and as is nature, it will happen, "yeah, yeah," they all agreed, even lift their cups into a toast. Even thinking, how soon they would all be lifted up to Him, and as was explained, there'll be no more misery, no more death and dying. Although it couldn't be helped, but by the choices they made, so for so many still, there would be hell to pay, seeming forever, though for the redeemed. For those mocked, abused and martyred for their belief, it's outreach of Jesus, their was a heaven both to ascend to and eventually a New Jerusalem to descend into an earth as well shaped and mold into a newness of glorification. "That's stunning Aggie, Aggie, what is that short for? Agurus, after my father, ah I see, yeah my sister Megan started it and it just went from there. Hey, I just need you all to know, Apple wasn't always like that, he worshipped the Genesis Covenant Marriage, he worshipped Jesus' Cross, like us, and I. Well, once the Obama Administration start pushing the LGBTQ and Maaseiah you guys would say, P for pedophile, agenda. Clayden, he just became more and more obsessed, ah tempted I guess you can say, even possessed, first it was prized networks, pushing it, even churches. Soon he became more interested in their movies, I frightfully told mom what was happening to him and to be honest she looked at me like I was crazy, almost like she hated me. Then it progressed worriedly to him watching more and more really vulgar vids, to looking and flirting with men like that, like woman. It was so, so crazy to me, so mentally mutating, you know, so not the Genesis, so not what God intended, hey, hey, Stamos man, look, this is not your fault. No, once they legalized it, now making everything transgender, even God's Rainbow covenant, most young people, children don't stand a chance. Which is why Maaseiah has seen that like it's abominable parents Sodom and Gomorrah, only much, much worse, it all must end, again right now, right after the Bride or as the Bride is taken out! Though until then Apple's light so glorious at the end of this genocidal tunnel is the fact, Mr. ah Dr. Deburk won't press charges, that he has convinced the Dean and the campus to do the same. That's as long as Apple agree to go into Rehab at the S.H.R.I.N.K.S. Facility, you all know what that mean, you don't come out of that place lukewarm, no indecision, veils, coats. No more darken mirrors, it's still your choice, your will, but as Jesus the night of Gethsemane, now you know what's light, and you know what's dark, the point here you guys is that now you know. So Reese how is Unck fairing? Ah, the last time dad and I went to see him, he was ok, still pouring out of God's word, wait, wait, are, how, are you saying Dr. Deburk is your uncle? Yeah, he, wait a minute, how is it I didn't know that, that's we Stamos man, we didn't know that? I don't, it's not like it's a secret, apparently Reese man, no, my father is Dr. Deburk's youngest, only brother, ah man you should've told, supposed we'd said something wrong. Ok, ok, I don't get this, you're sitting at a table with two of Maaseiah's grandsons, and you're floored because I'm Dr. Deburk's nephew. Grandsons, what are you, Agurus and Amir are Maasieah's grandsons, meaning she gave birth to their parents, what? Ok, why you think they call her grand? As in grand Maaseiah I thought, guess, ok, ok, any way Mir to answer your question, the last I saw Uncle Deburk, he was taking about how men are reduce to sin by their disobedience, how it the first sin. How obedience instead is a choice, given the ten commandments, that it can't be forced, again a choice, so you can say Uncle Derry was being himself. Let me share this, grandma Maasieah told my dad, her son, ok, Stamos, River hear that? How she's been, while a certain song, she gets songs as allegories, as words. Well how it's lyrics have been literally worrying her, even burning her, ah, Bill Withers, I think, "aint no sunshine when she's gone." Said she was replacing the word her with the word He', as in Jesus. Only this was just before she realize it wasn't referring to the Bride Groom now rescuing her, but the Church Bride herself, that the world all over will be made a virtual twilight. Even a black void, spiritually, mentally, physically and socially, into the greatest tribulations ever, never, ever being the same once She is taken out. Doesn't the prophet Zechariah speak of Jesus returning doing a twilight? I just saying, that's, yes ah, Reese good catch. I mean you guys, when you take the lyrics to this song and you place it in order of the Bride's disappearance, man they're so, so intimidating until your heart goes panic. Not you guys so much for yourself, but for all who will be left here, yeah brother Heus, even more scary, the transgender bathroom brawls lately, it gave grand Maaseiah even more clarity. That's of the bed and bath scenario ending the demonstration of mankind being awarded this artificial, leopard skin loan of a coat (Mystery America), in the beginning that bedazzled them right into hell's fire, so beware. How at the finale, something this darken mirror until now, how she stood a bed and bath, where from the window she could now see clearly many people. How all around where desperate, desperate people not just standing on these rooftop but stranded there, horridly realizing Jesus having come and snatched out the bride all while they were lost in translating distractions of these bathrooms brawls, so you guys, how scary as hell is all that? Awake, you're ignorance is no longer counted an excuse, but rebellious as we're lead into all truth, be aware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here,,,
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