Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, What Will Happen in Mosul?
VOM's Todd Nettleton was interviewed this week by Mission Network News' Lyndsey Koh for a story about the battle for Mosul, and especially what the freeing of that city will mean for Christians in the region. Here is an excerpt from the resulting story
Iraq (MNN) — On Monday, Iraqi forces and their allies launched a new offensive on the city of Mosul in an attempt to reclaim it from ISIS.
Mosul is ISIS’ largest stronghold in Iraq. The major city has been under ISIS control for the past two years. Currently, the BBC estimates around 5,000 ISIS fighters are still fortified in the city. Sirwan Barzani, a Peshmerga military commander, said the process to reclaim Mosul could take as long as two months. At the offset of the attack this week, Iraqi forces were met with heavy gunfire and a smattering of suicide car bombers.
Todd Nettleton with The Voice of the Martyrs -- USA says Mosul has been a symbol of power and status for ISIS in Iraq.
“[When] they took over the city, it was a part of their so-called caliphate. The fact that they controlled physical territory, including a major city like Mosul, was a big part of their appeal in their recruiting process, [saying], ‘Look, we’re a state! We’re a country! We have territory! We have cities!… If you’re a good Sunni Muslim, you need to get here. There is now a caliphate in existence, we control territory, we’re led by a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.’”
If Mosul is reclaimed, Nettleton explains the loss would weaken ISIS’ reputation and strength.
“The less territory they control, the less economic heft they have, the harder it becomes for them to spread that message and say [they’re] a functioning state. As they lose territory, that becomes a tougher sell.”
However, if Mosul is indeed freed from the clutches of ISIS, there would be a lot more question marks for the future. The most obvious ones would be: Now what? Who will be in charge?
“The population of Mosul is predominantly Sunni. The government of Iraq is predominantly Shia. So will the Sunni population of Mosul be willing to come under control of the Shia government of Iraq? What role will the Kurds play?… It’s a lot of upheaval that’s going on.”
Read the rest of the story on the Mission Network News web site, also see http://www.persecutionblog.com/2016/10/what-will-happen-in-mosul.html
Iraq (MNN) — On Monday, Iraqi forces and their allies launched a new offensive on the city of Mosul in an attempt to reclaim it from ISIS.
Todd Nettleton with The Voice of the Martyrs -- USA says Mosul has been a symbol of power and status for ISIS in Iraq.
“[When] they took over the city, it was a part of their so-called caliphate. The fact that they controlled physical territory, including a major city like Mosul, was a big part of their appeal in their recruiting process, [saying], ‘Look, we’re a state! We’re a country! We have territory! We have cities!… If you’re a good Sunni Muslim, you need to get here. There is now a caliphate in existence, we control territory, we’re led by a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.’”
If Mosul is reclaimed, Nettleton explains the loss would weaken ISIS’ reputation and strength.
“The less territory they control, the less economic heft they have, the harder it becomes for them to spread that message and say [they’re] a functioning state. As they lose territory, that becomes a tougher sell.”
However, if Mosul is indeed freed from the clutches of ISIS, there would be a lot more question marks for the future. The most obvious ones would be: Now what? Who will be in charge?
“The population of Mosul is predominantly Sunni. The government of Iraq is predominantly Shia. So will the Sunni population of Mosul be willing to come under control of the Shia government of Iraq? What role will the Kurds play?… It’s a lot of upheaval that’s going on.”
Read the rest of the story on the Mission Network News web site, also see http://www.persecutionblog.com/2016/10/what-will-happen-in-mosul.html
Apostle Note:
Prophecy Link
-Seen to be seeing Israel making an offer of Israeli troops to President Obama, a Voice crying aloud, synchronize Israel, seen to be seeing a reluctant Israel falling into the hands of Hamath, 2008-2010, P. L. Apb
-And God bless every effort according to the Will of His Wine Press, but not only am I, this Apostle of Resurrection, by this article reminded of the end times, when the recorded tribulation saints will fall into the enemy's hand. This is like America fighting its own Frankenstein monster, so at lest we know how this story will end, how its to ebb and flow until Jesus, mightier in these battle, the Monster slayer Himself, how simply by the brightness of his coming he's to destroy all of them. Mostly this story remind me of the night I'm in between sleep and in motion as a panorama around my head is the name Jeremiah and the scripture, 37:8, all of which I've come to call America's and the West profound God hand writing on the wall surrounding their judgments.
-Heretofore forewarning how an enemy like those mention here, not only would come, but would come continuously, despite these wars, regardless of their defeat, how like demonic soldiers they would press and push through and become like in the days of especially Belshazzar's Dan. 5, the authentic hand of God, writing on wall. This revelation of truth would further explain Bush's war being design one Error/Era into a new fear factor, why equally a pile of torture vehicles in these blistering with biblical prophecy territories, where described by a US general, as one to reassure his men, again design a dirty Mede, why equally doing a dream of such the like things I witness a US General hand
-Then, just recently as recorded above I was given a visual, audible "week," prophecy, (see also a voice crying, "don't touch Geneva), just a "week," prior to the Geneva Switzerland Syrian/Russian/US Truce, it is all these things which let us know, we're speeding head, helmets and Hijabs into the final "week," of Daniel. As I explain lately, without this week, there is catching away of the bride, no return of Jesus Christ, no defeat of the antichrist, meaning mankind's purposeful genocide continues, there is no Jesus' Millennium, explaining why 2003 Holy Spirit show me, more a world outcry for a Hussein to reign, more antichrist, than for Christ himself.
Instead Hallelujah I say, for as well doing these visions and dreams there was the witness of seeing Jesus' Millennium follow Obama's, whereas 45 million lives are threaten by insurmountable death tolls. No wonder the Bride, captured in a post rapture since John heard a voice like a trumpet cry, come up here, the trumpet I witness be passed off to the Angels Gabriel of Elohim being the same as from the foundation of this planet. A Special Bride now 1986-2016 being shown not only reigning in heaven, 02/14/2015, but readied to by the release of the stone cut out without hands to bring all kingdom and Nation building most cataclysmically to screeching halt, awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM
-The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27, see Cain
-The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise, see Ps. 51, see Abel
-Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
-Seen to seeing, hearing, the word, forewarning "week," there's something mightily important about an approaching week, 08/18/2016 (see Syrian Truce, 08/25)
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, (also see beginning of Syrian Truce, 09/13), beware, Apb
-There's something about a dream, regarding the setting of this 'ring of fire,' all round, on the map, even more proof, all rebellion is come to an end, 08/30/2016
There's Something about again living on plantations, before be evacuated into closed borders of Mexico 07/16/2016
-Seen to be seeing Miya on Dunlap street where Obama at one time was, as so at a time, Lady Obama, meaning again, time has lapsed America into it's own works of oblivion, 08/18//2016
When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb
Now The End Begins, Jesus is Come Again
Your Trial or Error, https://www.gofundme.com/2sew3qp7
-Day Sixty-four 10/22, of the "week," prophecy 08/18/ a week before the last Syrian Truce, 08/25 a coun5tdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017; 2017/18-2024/25, see www.givemetwelve2016.blogspot.com
Prophecy Link
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, (also see beginning of Syrian Truce, 09/12), beware, Apb
Now The End Begins, Jesus is Come Again www.thefourthofthegodhead15.blogspot.com
-Is all this a subterfuge? America, Russia, pending world war and what's really happening right now borders more so on the line of movie demonstrations like Deep Impact, Armageddon and 2012. In all these extinction Level Events, the people, the virtual 99% were always the last to learn, but where as sitting ducks not only for the Elite, but as they made all preparation to save only themselves.
-I listen to a video yesterday which accursed our national and international leaders of this very thing, that we have a threat more so from Planetary bodies or other Alien visitations from heaven more like Niribu (Planet X), or our own Sun, (CME's) more so than anything like as being reported here. Of course we know such the like wars will come and in some cases is come, we've been forewarn of them since before Jesus, and I've seen them happen Arab and Asian, lately especially, US soil.
-Though all that is a mascaraed lately, that while they get their bunkers and specialty guess ready, non essential persons like yourselves, of course with the exception of God's Anointed, like this Apostle been forewarning. How like never before, not only is Elohim more disappointed and angry at us, this world, that's not since the days of Noah, only more explosive, though as well is Jesus closer to this planet, to the Church Bride, (the RIGHTEOUS).
-To God's Anointed than He's been since He ascended on high, promised Her an alike escape, glory. This is why this Apostle primary inquiry now, is whether or not you have Him, have you fallen on your knees to Jesus and herein no longer make provisions for the flesh, for now His Seed remain in you, Born Again and you no longer practice sin?
-I been asking myself lately, you know once Jesus rose from death, just as He claimed ,those who believe Him would do the same, rise from death. Herein with testimonies of such beyond phenomena things, I now wonder did Jesus know that in exactly 40 days He would rise into the heavens from them, all with an alike comforter arriving, only 10 days later? I testified after thirty years of demonstrating various forms of Blessed Resurrections to me, even Jesus Himself appearing; as I dozed into sleep the night of 02/17/2015, there come visions to me, those in the forms of Holy Spirit actually texting me, and I quote, "Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way," those 21 Egyptian Christian males, as predicted here (Rev. 5), were going under a sword, refusing to demy Him, Jesus, this only Worthy about the same time, as I said, He's closer than ever before.
-Just as so, how to verify King Nebuchadnezzar's witness of a stone cut out without hands fall from heaven crushing all things man, including he, himself. The identical stone, this Apostle witness lately, in the possession of the Bride now reigning in heaven, with the most surreal thing about it, it had the surface of a, Meteor, of man/earth cataclysmic ending. The prophet Daniel, the only one to interpret these both horrid and glorious things for this King of king, is all the more proof that for thousands of years we've known this. Seems it is just these times right now, has come also biblical prophecy long awaited delivery. Making sense, well, I was listening to a video just the other day, this one lamenting happily, how beyond description glorious it is to be alive at this time of mankind's bible history, to be the ones the Angel Gabriel described as those of total fulfillment regarding all things Holy Spirit, again Hallelujah.
-Magnificently, with that first on the a gender, the unforeseen getting of the Bride out, I witness them shoot like fire rockets right into the sky. I will conclude this post by saying this, I awaken a few months ago, from what I know, how I'd taken strenuously part in what I can only describe as a divine manner of census taking, as recorded in scripture, Ezek. 9, this was done to mark life and immortality all those compassionate, with hearts of Christ, whereas those not receiving a census were those instead upon which now a days greater sorrows and unimaginable death tolls would all the more remain, explaining seeing even the Whitehouse consumed in flames. You see Lucifer, a third of the Angels now fallen, the demon horde and rebellious man who follow Satan's Seat, all have their plans, but we know from Daniel's testament concerning alone, this King of king, pretty much like America's President, the most powerful leader on the earth.
-God doesn't only have His Own Plans, but has since the fall of Adam and the Rebirthing of Him, this last Adam anew, He, Elohim has miraculously by a profound Grace, like right this second implemented them, His prized promises and prophecies. This mean by God's living Christ, Spirit, Word and Righteous Bride, all design before the foundation of the earth, Elohim hasn't left us comfortless nor ignorant about any of it, light, even revelation hath come, but mankind thinking they have blessed liens and leases here, this ginormous deception. Here on a continuous bases speak and make evil of the truth, whereas God cries, not only that His People be loosed from these delusions deem America, though how He will strip bare every known offender.
-Heretofore knowing the unrighteous, they have their reward, whereby they panic and cry mountains fall on us and hide us, from the great God they tell you don't exist, can't, don't worship Him. Undoubtedly you need to ask, how can they, the supposedly elite, run from a non existent wine press of God, all while crying aloud, "for the great day of God's Wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?" Instead, hell itself hath enlarged itself, and their pomp, and their glory reaping of all of it's distinct horrors, beware, the kingdom of God hath become the Kingdoms of God and His Anointed, all of Heavens Throne now celebrate this, casting down golden crowns to highest reward toward this only worthy and they shall reign forever. got Him, got Jesus yet? See more here, www.theonewayprayer2016.blogspot.com
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