-Day fifty-six 10/14, of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniels week, see Dan. 9
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, why speak in parable? For they having eyes, but they see not, but they having ears, but they hear not, their hearts are waxed gross, Jesus...
THE UNENDING LOVE ANTEDOTE, You Just entered the Septennial…2001-2017
The Septennial, The SHRINKS Organization 2012, Fea. Sia Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth,
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast:
Unto Dayson Peak Deburk and Robin Jaybird Longknife was born their first son Arise Sioux Noel Deburk, their second son Standing Apache Arrow Deburk, their third son Cheyenne Water Falls Deburk, their fourth son Marked Tree Hill Deburk, their fifth son Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth Deburk, their sixth son Lion Wolf Paw Deburk, their seventh son Medicine Bow Sign Deburk, and their last son Bronze Coten Field Deburk and a daughter Falcon Wings, Nesting Brave Heart Longknife.
Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth Deburk
"There's just this one other thing, my angry at the world daughter was screaming at her grand mother how she hate her family, when grandmar Rumah told her, that's the problem, until you hate yourself, you'll never be like Jesus regardless of even 24/7 church attendance. That's crazy, she screamed back, how you gonna hate yourself? Remember the religious leader Nicodemus asking Jesus, how can a man born, be born again? Remember the Apostle Paul, once Saul of Tarsus and the most revered persecutor of the early church, now stating, "I am crucified with Christ," then he says, yet not I, meaning not as yet a physical death, but Christ lives in me, (a contrite, humble spirit, mortifying the heart of flesh), and the life, (and the ministry, the out reach), I now live, I live by the faith, (grace and truth), of the Son of God who loved me (God hath commended His Love toward Us), and gave Himself for me, (born again, unlikely to sin). There's only one way to become like Jesus, Granny told her, selfdom must perish, soon there was nothing left here to be said, this is truth now there's only one of two actions, acceptance or rejection. So until you hate as in set aside everything that prevents you of Him, of Jesus, don't you see? Now we know the identity not of the multi-ton elephant in the room, but this seeming precious, precious baby, I, well all of mankind was, is so fearlessly caring after just as Holy Spirits shockingly remind us is supposed to be dead. It's, well this baby is everything and everybody preventing us from maturing into Jesus Christ, only then nd according to Ephesian 4, are we the men and woman, the husband and wives, the sons and daughters, the Heavenly Bridegroom and Bride, unto it's Wedding Supper, Heavenly Father by the sacrifice of His Only begotten Son want us to be. Saying this, I don't know about the class, but immediately I thought about how distraught father Abraham was at the sacrifice of his son, Isaac, as he prepared him a burnt offering to God, as so was God beyond broken hearted, at the sacrifice of His Own, but because of His Love for God, Father Abraham was going on to sacrifice this specialty son, until God offered him one all the better, though God, loving us so much," as one a made sadden at witnessing how meticulously Clayden Mikel brushed away the slightest of sentiment, possibly even finding himself sorrow for what he'd done to Desrek Allum. "Knowing, there was no other way to teach us except by example He went on to sacrifice His Son, now our Jesus, the last. final one, as a Lamb lead to the slaughter, relieving our blood guiltiness by bleeding righteous blood for us, now this is how all righteous blood of God's Anointed is counted, by which we hear the saints under the throne, calling on Elohim to be the avenger of their martyred blood. Again, class and least you forget, it is impossible for man to reap something other than what they sow, impossible, Satan's Seat or Holy Spirit, this truth is where you see Jesus and the Religious leaders in a standoff about which is the greatest Temple of God, and Jesus says, destroy God, meaning it surely wasn't there's and in three days, again young people, it is impossible, to reap an opposing harvest, ...good day ladies and Gents, until tomorrow, well, will you Sia be here tomorrow or another? I don't know, Sia Morristrom, it's a mystery for now. ...for they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, awake, be as aware as God, Himself, Apb, the RAM, continue reading here, www.2016maaseiahadonai.blogspot.com
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause because the date wasn't clear, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something cataclysmic as an ELE that's gonna take only one night, to happen by Oct. 2017, see Rev. 2:21-23
Countdowns To Daniel Week, Continue
Because of who you are, I was so slain in the spirit by this song lately, it was all that Holy Spirit should just descend and take me on up with them, only this time allow me to enter into my, our reign there, making me pillar in the house of my, our God. I think I testified of this song once that I would've sworn it was Ce Ce Winans, but it is instead being performed here, by a Vicki Yohe. I have explained how I find it best to response more to the lyrics of a song, than it's performer of Jesus frightfully I may add, finding so many in error of their tremendous gifts, see here, Mat. 7:21-23, the lyrics is what our spirit is originally drawn to, then if it's holy spirit, is there an even deeper form of worship ...because of who you are I give you glory, because of who you are I give you praise, Lord, I worship you because of who you are, these lyrics so express and steal my heart off to Jesus Christ and in word of John The Beloved, Revelator, though horrid events incomprehensible proceed you, even so come Lord Jesus, Amen
And A Child Shall Lead Them
-While playing kick ball in the park yesterday, 10/23, a strange anomaly captured my attention, by the way I'm stun at how many children have never heard of nor played kick ball. Whereas at one time in the sky it looked as though there were two suns. I pointed toward the heavens and I said, ok there's the sun over there, high, mighty, steaming, for the month of October. Then just as soon far off from the first I point out this just as glowing, sparkling as the sun anomaly and I said, so what is that?
-All kids, a dozen or more and I just stopped everything to try and figure this, never figuring it, one saying it was Jesus, boy don't I wish, so we went back to falling down laughing play. When later as this weird appearing seem to dissipate what appeared to be a second sun was now this stunning rainbow. Not just one but another, like 20 feet away.
-Like some of you, welI, I mean I've read how indescribable the heavens now a days, especially with Jesus and even Niribu on His, it's way here, and it was, it really was. I'll say it again, for a short time it appeared as though we were looking at two shining suns, the kids and I, all, yet this phenomena. Being of aware of these heavenly bodies coming to change everything humankind, I was reminded of one of my earliest visions , it was Jesus name, with a scientist equation on either said of it, I never really understood, only that Jesus coming will be with the presence of heavenly bodies, beware, Apb
Sitting In The Dark, Lost
As one sitting in the dark, a single can of unopened pork and beans, 10/25/2016, horrid lack, things, this way cometh, even the rise of the pale horse, 2001-2017, beware
Hey Neighbor, Can I Borrow A Can Opener?
Every article about this country keep using the word socialism like it's a deadly contagion. Yet in the same breath, America, a republic, a financial genius is a borderline Venezuela itself, so which pot is blacker? Actually, Its like both countries committed suicide, having forsaken God, same result, different weapon. Don't get caught like a Judas, hanging, dangling at the end of ropes meat that perisheth, get ye to Jesus, the only blessed Savior.
As The Deer Panteth After The Waterbrook, He That Save His Life Perishes www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
And A Judgement Did Seat!
-This article overstates the scenario of mankind being in control instead of God, instead of the raging into a finale by at least 2025 of it's end time bible prophecies. Let me remind you of the two beast I saw rise, one from land, one from sea, around the same time as the beginning of Senator Obama's Presidential Campaign. When John as recorded Rev. 13, witness something similar, they, these two beast were described as those demonic spirits which would possess two men into the long biblically anticipated Antichrist and false prophet.
-The most major of death riders I've seen, was seen or shown to be released from beneath the earth more like a Yellowstone, super volcano, (see here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXmwZvKYTKY) and America. The West and most of the free-world are literally like the descriptive fall of Mystery Babylon in only an hour no more, it, this rider of death, was then described as a bringer of mayhem and deadly tolls upon the abominations and detestations upon the lives, lands and churches of the people for they have forsaken God. Now the Angel Gabriel 2004/05 is declaring us, all mankind, the fulfillment of all things, see Isa. 13, Eze. 4, 38, 39, Dan. 7-9, Zech. 14, Mat. 25, I Thess. 4 II Thess. 2, I Cor. 15, the book of Revelation in it's entirety.
-Thirdly but certainly not finally, as there is just the plethora and beyond of projected cataclysms against US soil, especially an ELE type disaster, by Oct. 2017. Meaning this time next year, whereas millions in only a short space will be left, dead, contagious or homeless. There are those who may think these great evils they call world powers are in control of turf wars and rumors, but even Rev. 17:17, forewarn how God is yet the puppeteer here as well. How like in days not only of Noah, of Moses, but especially in this day and time of the greatest of rebellion, like those of the prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, of God's Revelations passed over to John, hence one question, what about bible prophecy?
A Voice, "Asteroid, Destroy Wisconsin," (the west constantly sinning), cancel elections, get to the alters instead ....the stone cut out without hands, the antichrist murderer, Dan. 2, come out of prediction 02/15, also had the surface of a meteor, even see Niribu, http://planetxnews.com/2016/06/16/overwhelming-evidence-2017-arrival-planet-x-nibiru/
Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abominations. GOH, Eze. 7:8
Forget Your Pensions, Jesus Is Coming
also here, http://pros.bonnerandpartners.com/1606BBLFALLDWN19/PBBLS912?h=true
-I found this article just now, and I'm showing mouth gaping awe, because this wasn't alternate news engine, but is come by MSN, again I'm shock that our own media is now telling us this. These are reveals held in trust to this apostles prophecies, these thirty years and counting. I been seeing and forewarning of this, an end to America, the West and all that is, not only as it wealth falters, but by cataclysmic events, by Oct. 2017, that will end suddenly at least 190 years of it, the article I'm sharing here is just another proof.
-That as far as God is concern it is happen, America, the monstrous beast, genocide maker they've made of God Graces ends, now on to the final week of Daniel, which is the finale of mankind's for thousands of years rebellion, awake, Apb, from what about bible prophecy? See more here, www.2016turfwarsrumors.blogspot.com
Broken, Rainbow Covenant
And A Child Shall Lead Them
-This is the generation, forewarn, 2011, as those unlike their parents and or grand parents that would grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America. Heretofore, this horrid to imagine, took place my house, St. Elmo Street, around the mid nineties, Holy Spirits visiting me, explaining how America is to be no more, and then asked a single question, of course they knew the answer, still, what would happen if all of America's debt become do?
-You see at the time, I had no ideal what a petrodollar was, or that the dollar was the world currency, didn't know how the stock market work, and now this talk of banks being inundated a type of Noah's Ark deluge itself with something called derivatives. I didn't know that if the world finances had laid all their monetary eggs into one basket, this unwise, to foolery, that, that basket, or should I say, that now basket case was, and though dwindling fast, is America.
-Quoting Holy Spirit, this morning of 2011, while I attended now seven year Lawren and Caden, here a voice, "do they know, do your children know, that although they grew up in free territory, that although you, their parents grew up in free territory, that their children, again, now seven year old, would grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America, Apb.
Behold I Will Strip Their Leaders
You may ask, how can the weeping God behind a silence in heaven accuse all leadership of stripping His People of everything His Christ brought them? Because all leadership over God's people should all have one primary purpose, and that is to lead all human hearts to Jesus Christ, only if He, Jesus be lifted up, remember? His Spirit, heart, blood, this blessed temple of God, least the more in hell they perish. This is why Paul, and Maaseiah witness all but the foundation laid of Christ and His Holy Apostles, burn, this is how Maaseish heard them described, His Holy Apostles. Whose smoke rose up to God weeping and mourning, whereas the Holy Creator, father, has as in days past, heard their cries, judged their slayers accordingly, beginning with westernized civilization, with plans to strip them as in the days of their birth.
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