-Day Sixty-one 10/19, of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniels week, see Dan. 9, www.givemetwelve2016.blogspot.com
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Christians Martyred by ISIS: 1,131, in addition, at least 125 Christian churches had been attacked or destroyed by ISIS. The report, Genocide Against Christians in the Middle East, was submitted to Secretary of State John Kerry on March 9, 2016 by the Knights of Columbus and the humanitarian group In Defense of Christians. Eight days later, March 17.
Kerry officially declared that ISIS’s ongoing actions against Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities constituted genocide. Britain, the European Parliament, the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Iraqi and Kurdish governments have also declared ISIS’s actions genocide. see more here, http://www.infowars.com/christians-martyred-by-isis-1131/ and here http://www.prisoneralert.com/
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Countdowns To Daniel Week, Continue
The 2016 Election, Dodging The Alter, Escaping God's Wrath,
Prophecy Link
There seem to be this play of tug of war with the physical heart, with the medical profession proposed lady killer, (heart disease, see America's Grim Reaper bearing a sword like syringe, death is inevitable), 10/29/2016. Just what would you do, how many people does America kill on a daily basis this nation, this world, just to give them one more day to live, (DIE, perish)?
Has the US Military, or just a freedom to bear arms become your personal safeguard to assigned assassin, of being terrified with panic just to have one more day to walk alone the now infected with apocalypse, the multitudinous bones of it, of the valley of death (wilderness of sin, where the fat man sings, Armageddon)? See more here, www.yourchurchcondemnsix.blogspot.com
-As one sitting in the dark, a single can of unopened pork and beans, horrid lack, things this way cometh, 10/25/2016
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," (death is inevitable), I pause because the date wasn't clear, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something cataclysmic as an ELE that's gonna take only one night, to happen by Oct. 2017, see Rev. 2:21-23
Hey Neighbor, (see Venezuela), Can I Borrow A Can Opener www.2016theussueofblackbowls.blogspot.com
All 4 One, For Better Or Worse,
-I been bombarded mind, heart and soul, with the lyrics, I swear, by the moon, and the stars in the sky. I'll be there, for better or worse, till death do us part, I'll love with every beat of my hearts, ....I swear. These indescribable lyrics coming into my head, heart days ago were so loud in my ear early morning, that they awaken me from my sleep.
-I'm not going to even play around with guessing here, this can only be one thing, receiving songs (psalms, allegories), as words of knowledge, Here is the lament of the Bridegroom, regarding the now made ready Marriage Supper here reassuring us this waiting seeming for the ancient, especially here lately. As those being assured He. Jesus is on His way here, believing Her Prince King is now closer to her, than He's been since His ascension above, His now wooing the Righteous Bride, how not to faint, but stand, today, even its very second, is the day of it's Blessed Salvation, (escape).
Arriving With Healing In His Wings, The Sunlight Of God!
-Believe this end time Apostle, I was there doing such the celebration, (see here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuuZMg6NVe Although it was time, a sorely injured Sunlight of God, moving from behind a mountain which spoke totally interrupted it, instead having Me (end time outreach), brought before Him. Then as a mighty Elohim answering Moses most urgent inquiry, "who do I say sent me?" ("Who do men say I Am?" Jesus), and the answer being "I Am,
-That I Am." I am reminded here of Jesus relating calmly to Governor Pilate having placed in his hand the power of death and dying over Him, Heaven's Perfectly Crafted Lamb for mankind, Jesus, again Pilate's sharp inquiries "What Is Truth? And I quote Him, Jesus, 'I'm sent into the world to bear witness to the truth, God's Word (Living Spirit, Heart, Blood), is Truth," ...for vain (accursed), is the help of man..
"Let My People God," yet cried the Sunlight of God of such indescribable ceremonies HIS Throne,
"Ye shall know the truth," (Gospel of Christ) and that Truth (Christ's Cross), shall make ye free,"(Holy Spirit),
So saith Jesus, the Sunlight of God, although we'd entered the Lamb's Wedding Supper, Elohim wasn't finished with them yet... see Rom. 12:1, 2.
The wind bloweth where you listeth and no man can tell from whence it come nor to where it goes, so is everyone born from cursed flesh to Holy Spirit," Jesus, for God so loved the world...
-Just as the Prophet Daniel being told by the Angel Gabriel how beloved by God he is, I mean of course we know God love us, it is the foundation of His Form of Righteousness, Christ's Cross, but to have a member of Heavens Host, like an Angel Gabriel, withstanding fallen Angels 21 days all to confirm it. I now know, what I felt that day, as I was departing God's Throne, Holy Spirits holding me up by telling me, and I quote not just him, but Them, the host unnumbered, "we can't wait to be where you are." Talk about fear and trembling, when I shared this phenomenon with my god daughter Angela, she said, they trust telling you that because you are so humble.
-Meaning I'll just feel unworthy, and will find a way to share it, so that no amount of glory is taken upon myself, but Elohim alone. Remember when John went to bow to pay worship to the one assisting him along heavens reveal and the elder in question told him, no! To do it not, that he was one of his brethren in these identical labors after the souls of men, (meaning one of the twenty-four elders), to instead worship God. One thing we learn from Jesus, no doubt a Holy Spirit anointing, is how there is only One who deserve all worship and praise, and that is Abba Father, let everything that hath breath, praise His Holy Name, let every knee bow, to the only worthy.
Drunken, Bewitched, Suicidal On Martyed Blood www.2016theissueofblackbowls.blogspot.com
And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. Rev.17:6
-Although one of Moses first curses by God against Egypt was to turn their water supply into blood, clearly, there isn't enough wars and blood. Those even spilled for the purpose of peace, these supposedly Holy Wars to prevent Him from seeing what is being described to John as this Satanic to demonic formation of mankind, even it's addition to carnage, spilled everywhere. This crimson stain all over the everything supposedly his, theirs, how even as they take of pleasured dishes, the cups and plates, the bed and pulpits are all inundated with it. So much so if you're not one righteously partaking of Jesus' Blood and eating of His Precious Flesh, (worship of Spirit and Truth), then are you the mankind doomed to wound and mutilate of this constant digesting of themselves right into the grave and after this, the judgment, and for multitudes hell.
-Prophetically, their spirits back to God who gave it, whereas the Soul by the millions having pleasure in sin will find itself waking up in hell with that only the beginning. From there they're await the movement from one horrid fate to another, for still is there a great white throne judgement and he guilty tossed into a lake of fire, burning with brimstone, it is said to be an unthinkable punishment that is forever, see here, www.186yourchurchcondemnhell15.blogspot.com I explain lately how hell is a beyond terrifying place that was originally created for Lucifer and a third of heavens host plotting against God and His anointed, and now secondarily, it's where the ungodly will be punished.
The Valley Of Adultery, Whoredom To Dry Bone
-Seem to be seeing a field after field for as far as the eyes can see of this build up of torture vehicles, (all awaiting the US military, awarded diamond wedding rings for its manslaughter), with a US General replying, "don't be alarmed men, "Mede," (as in the Medes and Persians, ISLAM, The Rebellious), is very dirty." Jer. 37:8 1998, 2003, Apb
-I started watching the TV series, Aftermath, only to learn it's just another biblically charged apocalyptic spin-off of using America's addition to violence, to guns, bombs and insults toward God/Jesus/The Bride to spill mountainous blood of their proposed zombie apocalypse. One thing I can say, at least America's policing force seem to have gotten the memo, and lest I forget, it's Military force even right now with Mosul it's next bloody holocaust at targeting what's become ISIS, it's own self-destructing brand of a monster, Frankenstein.
-Right now, every aspect of the wonderful US of A's society, like it's government of years of safeguarding to peace getting bloodletting. It is that noticeably spinning it's infectious inhabitants one way or another presently into its own formation of civil, to nuclear Armageddon, it's own soil, all four corners, please see Eze. 7th chapter. Whereas most preppers, like Wayne Brady Aftermath character just can't wait for their supposedly Mad Max to Zombie Apocalypse to kick into high gear; now having an excuse to spill rivers of blood blowing human beings to bits, it's only satisfactory, with blaming God for it, it's seconds to a damning finale.
-There is this one good thing I can say about TV series regarding the earth ending to the genocide of the human being like, the Last Ship, 12 Monkeys and now Aftermath, whereas they got one thing right. There's just this painstaking truth that if you're not rooted and grounded in Jesus Christ it is impossible doing these very second greatest of trials, regardless of how you've prepped, that you die well, (saved).
-As I related in the beginning, now this stark reminder, mankind is going to drink the cup of Christ, of their blessed death, redemption and glorification. Or, they're to bitterly partake of a cup filled up of Righteous blood, targeted by God's Wine Press, that their whore Mother Mystery, hath for them, right into judgment, hell, as so the lake of fire, see more here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEXYKRrKnmk and also here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlMh8Cc2Qoc and also here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9g2PutZlwEs so a question, who is the good shepherd of your death, dying and ascension? Jesus, Get to Him!
Behold The Slain Lamb. He Reigns
Blessed are the dead, that die in the lord Jesus Christ, that they may rest from the labors (crosses, death and dying), and their works (works of the cross, Christ death, dying and resurrection), do follow them, (they have their reward).
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
Remember, Remember the 4th of November
-Day Sixty 10/18, of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniels week, see Dan. 9, www.givemetwelve2016.blogspot.com
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Christians Martyred by ISIS: 1,131, in addition, at least 125 Christian churches had been attacked or destroyed by ISIS. The report, Genocide Against Christians in the Middle East, was submitted to Secretary of State John Kerry on March 9, 2016 by the Knights of Columbus and the humanitarian group In Defense of Christians. Eight days later, March 17, Kerry officially declared that ISIS’s ongoing actions against Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities constituted genocide. Britain, the European Parliament, the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Iraqi and Kurdish governments have also declared ISIS’s actions genocide. see more here, http://www.infowars.com/christians-martyred-by-isis-1131/ and here http://www.prisoneralert.com/
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Countdowns To Daniel Week, Continue
The 2016 Election, Dodging The Alter, Escaping God's Wrath,
Prophecy Link
-As one sitting in the dark, a single can of unopened pork and beans, horrid lack, things this way cometh, 10/25/2016
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause because the date wasn't clear, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something cataclysmic as an ELE that's gonna take only one night, to happen by Oct. 2017, see Rev. 2:21-23
Hey Neighbor, (see Venezuela), Can I Borrow A Can Opener?
Whoa! Here Comes The Next 911! Doomsday Clock Points To Nov. 6-7, 2015
-Seeing or recognizing this date I'm reminded of one of the most cunningly frightful dreams, I looked in and there's President Hussein Obama and an allying Clinton, no question. There is also a paper boy riding a bike, a date of Nov. 4th, on his handle bars is a funeral reef reaching high into the heavens and beyond representing an incalculable death toll. This is not the first time I've had dreams about world powers and handle bars, in a much earlier dream I witness Russia and China, those equally threating a WW3 even US soil, were both here, being spread like axle grease on handle bars. All as a hands off gesture no doubt, possibly the proxy war they're fighting right now, over Assad's Syria, now this reaping of vast holocaust to Armageddon it's many years of sowing martyred blood.
-Now those who've been following the Rising Above Ministry, (RAM), Apostle P. Bradford (Apb), like it or not, know by now something cataclysmic this way of American soil is come, it's been forewarn since before the mid eighties. Given a specific date of arrival, Christmas night 2001, a 15.10 year time table of which Senator Hussein Obama's described as "the one," presidential administration 2008, was then awarded two weeks and seven years of it, now expired. This mean, this night of 2001 America was made to be measured, weighed and found mighty with guilty blood, (see Dan. 2th, 4th, 5th, Chpt.), at least 190 years of it, all which was to be subtracted within an hour of what was it's enormous existence to mind shattering innovations.
-Apparently those incomprehensible catastrophes, followed by both a pale horse and Islamic reign will be realized especially by Oct. 2017, readying all mankind and warring factions unto the last, final week of Daniel. Into what the Prophet Ezekiel is prophesying his 38th and 39th chapter, see here, www.ezekiel586bc1986ad.blogspot.com. It is of that I also witness, early 2015, of the stone cut without hands, having the surface of a meteor, now being released into what is the greatest of evil. As that of mankind's rebelliousness finale, the famed gathering of the heathen raging, battling away straight into readied fields at Megiddo, woe, woe and woe.
A Darkness, Night Is Coming Where No Man Worketh, Jesus!
Get Yet To Alters Of Jesus Christ, Darkness Is Coming, Apb,
-What great scientist to the most learn of men of every capacity is forewarning of all the earth's elements performing themselves so unusually, continuously, is described in scripture as having judgment upon all fours corners of an assigned or targeted territory. You try to retreat to the heavens, Nibiru and all it's catastrophic components are there, you will escape downward, only there, Damater is performing itself even more disastrous, Earthquakes, Volcanos, Record Storms and it's many variations are there.
-The planet itself, even life blood, humankind' single home is being overthrown by an accursed from the beginning world peace now turn nuclear wars and these unimaginable threats are all upon and around it. So much so a pale horse of pestilence, that is to claim one quarter of human lives out it, is only one of many scourges upon the unrepentant. All with Western soils around this world inundated either with raging flood, or in record heats and burning fires. Even right into costly, souls being lost debates, the elite verses bible prophecy fulfilling, and Jesus alone, the single Savior, this salvational ark, get Him, Get Christ's Cross, awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.thelittlehorn2015.blogspot.com www.2016maaseiahadonai.blogspot.com
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Christians Martyred by ISIS: 1,131, in addition, at least 125 Christian churches had been attacked or destroyed by ISIS. The report, Genocide Against Christians in the Middle East, was submitted to Secretary of State John Kerry on March 9, 2016 by the Knights of Columbus and the humanitarian group In Defense of Christians. Eight days later, March 17, Kerry officially declared that ISIS’s ongoing actions against Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities constituted genocide. Britain, the European Parliament, the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Iraqi and Kurdish governments have also declared ISIS’s actions genocide. see more here, http://www.infowars.com/christians-martyred-by-isis-1131/ and here http://www.prisoneralert.com/
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Countdowns To Daniel Week, Continue
The 2016 Election, Dodging The Alter, Escaping God's Wrath,
Prophecy Link
-As one sitting in the dark, a single can of unopened pork and beans, horrid lack, things this way cometh, 10/25/2016
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause because the date wasn't clear, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something cataclysmic as an ELE that's gonna take only one night, to happen by Oct. 2017, see Rev. 2:21-23
Hey Neighbor, (see Venezuela), Can I Borrow A Can Opener?
Whoa! Here Comes The Next 911! Doomsday Clock Points To Nov. 6-7, 2015
-Seeing or recognizing this date I'm reminded of one of the most cunningly frightful dreams, I looked in and there's President Hussein Obama and an allying Clinton, no question. There is also a paper boy riding a bike, a date of Nov. 4th, on his handle bars is a funeral reef reaching high into the heavens and beyond representing an incalculable death toll. This is not the first time I've had dreams about world powers and handle bars, in a much earlier dream I witness Russia and China, those equally threating a WW3 even US soil, were both here, being spread like axle grease on handle bars. All as a hands off gesture no doubt, possibly the proxy war they're fighting right now, over Assad's Syria, now this reaping of vast holocaust to Armageddon it's many years of sowing martyred blood.
-Now those who've been following the Rising Above Ministry, (RAM), Apostle P. Bradford (Apb), like it or not, know by now something cataclysmic this way of American soil is come, it's been forewarn since before the mid eighties. Given a specific date of arrival, Christmas night 2001, a 15.10 year time table of which Senator Hussein Obama's described as "the one," presidential administration 2008, was then awarded two weeks and seven years of it, now expired. This mean, this night of 2001 America was made to be measured, weighed and found mighty with guilty blood, (see Dan. 2th, 4th, 5th, Chpt.), at least 190 years of it, all which was to be subtracted within an hour of what was it's enormous existence to mind shattering innovations.
-Apparently those incomprehensible catastrophes, followed by both a pale horse and Islamic reign will be realized especially by Oct. 2017, readying all mankind and warring factions unto the last, final week of Daniel. Into what the Prophet Ezekiel is prophesying his 38th and 39th chapter, see here, www.ezekiel586bc1986ad.blogspot.com. It is of that I also witness, early 2015, of the stone cut without hands, having the surface of a meteor, now being released into what is the greatest of evil. As that of mankind's rebelliousness finale, the famed gathering of the heathen raging, battling away straight into readied fields at Megiddo, woe, woe and woe.
A Darkness, Night Is Coming Where No Man Worketh, Jesus!
Get Yet To Alters Of Jesus Christ, Darkness Is Coming, Apb,
-What great scientist to the most learn of men of every capacity is forewarning of all the earth's elements performing themselves so unusually, continuously, is described in scripture as having judgment upon all fours corners of an assigned or targeted territory. You try to retreat to the heavens, Nibiru and all it's catastrophic components are there, you will escape downward, only there, Damater is performing itself even more disastrous, Earthquakes, Volcanos, Record Storms and it's many variations are there.
-The planet itself, even life blood, humankind' single home is being overthrown by an accursed from the beginning world peace now turn nuclear wars and these unimaginable threats are all upon and around it. So much so a pale horse of pestilence, that is to claim one quarter of human lives out it, is only one of many scourges upon the unrepentant. All with Western soils around this world inundated either with raging flood, or in record heats and burning fires. Even right into costly, souls being lost debates, the elite verses bible prophecy fulfilling, and Jesus alone, the single Savior, this salvational ark, get Him, Get Christ's Cross, awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.thelittlehorn2015.blogspot.com www.2016maaseiahadonai.blogspot.com
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
A Mountain, The Sunlight, A Cry, Let My People Go!
Your Trial Run: https://www.gofundme.com/2sew3qp7
-Day Fifty-seven 10/15, of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniels week, see Dan. 9, see here, www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Je suis (I Am, We Are) Jesus Christ, Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!
She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the Lord; she drew not near to her God. Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow. Her prophets are light and treacherous persons: her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law. Zeph. 3:1-4
-When Gods people become lax in the study of his word and when the people will not receive correction from God's Holy Word, God's judgement and woes can't be that far away. Before Judgment come upon Jerusalem, God sent the prophet Zephaniah to warn its inhabitants and to call them to repentance. The great city of Jerusalem that was suppose to be a city if love and the center if God's activity on earth had instead become filthy and polluted with sin and selfishness.
-Woe to her is now pronounced against Jerusalem. The phrase, "That is filthy and polluted, meaning idol worship and all b its attend ant filth I. e., both male and female prostitution. Such polluted the city. The love that throbs un these words, "her God," is pathetic.
Proud and polluted as Jerusalem was, yet God said she was His and that He was "her God." The following are the charges.
1. She obeyed not the voice;
2. She receive not correction
3. She trusted not in the Lord; and
4. She did mot draw close to her God.) The Princes, judges, Preachers and Priest were workers of iniquity and teachers of falsehood.
-Jerusalem's prophets are light and treacherous people," who had no true mission from God, that were frivolous and empty boasters." Her priest had polluted that which was Holy, doing violence to the law, abrogating the laws of Moses, distorting its meaning, neither observing it themselves nor teaching others to keep it.)
-As we think on these things that were written for our warning today, let's remember God was force to destroy that nation and the city of Jerusalem and cast those people out pike chaff to the wind. From, A Word For Everyday, By Jimmy Swaggart Ministry (JSM).
"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sun is a reproach to any people (Prov.14:34).
Remember these Forewarnings? Apb. The RAM
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-Day Fifty-seven 10/15, of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniels week, see Dan. 9, see here, www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Je suis (I Am, We Are) Jesus Christ, Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!
She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the Lord; she drew not near to her God. Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow. Her prophets are light and treacherous persons: her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law. Zeph. 3:1-4
-When Gods people become lax in the study of his word and when the people will not receive correction from God's Holy Word, God's judgement and woes can't be that far away. Before Judgment come upon Jerusalem, God sent the prophet Zephaniah to warn its inhabitants and to call them to repentance. The great city of Jerusalem that was suppose to be a city if love and the center if God's activity on earth had instead become filthy and polluted with sin and selfishness.
-Woe to her is now pronounced against Jerusalem. The phrase, "That is filthy and polluted, meaning idol worship and all b its attend ant filth I. e., both male and female prostitution. Such polluted the city. The love that throbs un these words, "her God," is pathetic.
Proud and polluted as Jerusalem was, yet God said she was His and that He was "her God." The following are the charges.
1. She obeyed not the voice;
2. She receive not correction
3. She trusted not in the Lord; and
4. She did mot draw close to her God.) The Princes, judges, Preachers and Priest were workers of iniquity and teachers of falsehood.
-Jerusalem's prophets are light and treacherous people," who had no true mission from God, that were frivolous and empty boasters." Her priest had polluted that which was Holy, doing violence to the law, abrogating the laws of Moses, distorting its meaning, neither observing it themselves nor teaching others to keep it.)
-As we think on these things that were written for our warning today, let's remember God was force to destroy that nation and the city of Jerusalem and cast those people out pike chaff to the wind. From, A Word For Everyday, By Jimmy Swaggart Ministry (JSM).
"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sun is a reproach to any people (Prov.14:34).
Remember these Forewarnings? Apb. The RAM
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-There's something about bombs falling, curfews, terrorist attacks, and a song, the lyric "one night only," ringing in my ear, my head 10/07/2016, (the song "one night only," as a word, like the lyrics, "ten whole days," as a word, exactly ten days before the Charleston church shooting, beware, see Dan. 5), ... From, What About Bible Prophecy, Apb
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause because the date wasn't clear, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something cataclysmic as an ELE that's gonna take only one night, to happen by Oct. 2017, see Rev. 2:21-23
An End Has Come Upon The Four Corners Of Westernize Civilization
God's Word The Rod Forsaken, America The Spoilage Worshipped, Equal Monster Parents, Children, Repent!
"Only, they're going to more than hate you for bringing them the truth, like their father Satan, they'll try to steal, (bedevil your message), kill and destroy you too. No, believe me, when your children start to take you correcting them according to their insults, injuries even bullying, as though they're proud of it. That the bad you're pointing out is actually a compliment to them, that is the final analysis you need that they are the lost generation. Those worse than in Noah's Day; this is even why the Angel Gabriel is forewarning we're that mankind, that final dispensation of rebellion as all things of God are unto fulfillment, all things. Thus you also know admittedly are not, it is going to take a miracle, like God Himself coming down from His Throne, using the woman's womb to make of Himself Flesh. Heretofore, tempted at all points as we are and dwell among us as a form of righteousness, whereas belief in Him/Elohim, abolishes the original curse. Excuse, ah, didn't God already do, ah, O my God," as one made sick as to stumble into a seat, this mesmerized mentally, hey were fanning him to bring Him back. "O your God young man, even our God is right. For without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory and according to this same Apostle, first descending He, Jesus lead captivity captured, meaning the bound righteous dead was now released and received into Glory just as Jesus Himself. Awake, Apb, The RAM, also see, www.seecollinhain2016.blogspot.com
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause because the date wasn't clear, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something cataclysmic as an ELE that's gonna take only one night, to happen by Oct. 2017, see Rev. 2:21-23
An End Has Come Upon The Four Corners Of Westernize Civilization
God's Word The Rod Forsaken, America The Spoilage Worshipped, Equal Monster Parents, Children, Repent!
"Only, they're going to more than hate you for bringing them the truth, like their father Satan, they'll try to steal, (bedevil your message), kill and destroy you too. No, believe me, when your children start to take you correcting them according to their insults, injuries even bullying, as though they're proud of it. That the bad you're pointing out is actually a compliment to them, that is the final analysis you need that they are the lost generation. Those worse than in Noah's Day; this is even why the Angel Gabriel is forewarning we're that mankind, that final dispensation of rebellion as all things of God are unto fulfillment, all things. Thus you also know admittedly are not, it is going to take a miracle, like God Himself coming down from His Throne, using the woman's womb to make of Himself Flesh. Heretofore, tempted at all points as we are and dwell among us as a form of righteousness, whereas belief in Him/Elohim, abolishes the original curse. Excuse, ah, didn't God already do, ah, O my God," as one made sick as to stumble into a seat, this mesmerized mentally, hey were fanning him to bring Him back. "O your God young man, even our God is right. For without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory and according to this same Apostle, first descending He, Jesus lead captivity captured, meaning the bound righteous dead was now released and received into Glory just as Jesus Himself. Awake, Apb, The RAM, also see, www.seecollinhain2016.blogspot.com
From Jerusalem, To America, To Venezuela, The Grim Reaper Has Come
-Well, I just hope Putin himself gave this order for them to stand down, the last time his military stood down from a US threat, as so Nato or the UN, I don't know who lost their life or their job, I know Putin was furious about it. You all have to consider US elections, if Putin is truly supporting Trump for President, then he possibly doesn't want to do anything right now to forestall US Elections.
-This I know and understand from 30 years of bible prophecy and counting, just as soon as I witness Putin, after Britain's Cameron ordered his troops Syrian soil; those supposedly targeting ISIS, (but really Assad's Syria). I dreamed about this doing another demo, of the catching away of the Bride, around late June 2015, so this was early July, 2015, whereas I heard a voice lament, "its all about Cameron," even see the Hussein Whitehouse, Brexit, prophesied by this ministry 2003/4..
-Lets just say, I saw Putin Russia's move easily as the beginning to the end of the peace pack that is supposed to be reached Assyrian's territory by both Ismail sons and the sons of Isaac. As is prophesied these thousands of years by the prophet Daniel, and we, this generation according to an appearing Angel Gabriel, the fulfillment of all of it.
-Seeming, not only why I witness the two beast of Rev. 13 come out of prediction just as Senator Obama's Presidential Campaign arrived on the scene. I eventually by an alike vision and dream witness Jesus' Millennium follow his, Obama's time table of two weeks and seven years, 2008, there's no turning back of any of it, no, only countdowns continues even into a 15% death toll, pending US soil.
-What these beyond urgent matters mean is, and believe this Apostle, if the same Gabriel who appeared to the prophet Daniel, and as we know to a teen age, future mother Mary, truly all the world powers great and small are headed toward cataclysmic forms of demonstrations not of their making, here, see especially Rev. 17, 18. arriving them all at the post of Jerusalem America's complete deletion.
-It is said, all the world is a stage of play actors, if so, all world leaders, allies, need to reconsider this Satanic to Demonic imitation of life. Which is actually the heathen raging against an Almighty God, prick His Anointed, infuriate Him right into the deadliest of Armageddon and blessed are those who do, get out that is, even what is referred to by Holy Spirits, America, the slow motion exodus, now with black bowls pending. Not only is judgment a reality prophecy. hell is right now enlarging itself, and it is not bias whatsoever.
-Heretofore, seeing Jesus' Millennium follow Obama's at present administration, mean such the explosive world events are to carry these warring masses domestic and foreign right over into the last week of Daniel and the fulfillment and finale of all earth wide rebellion. These sudden destructions of which would then clarify seeing a US General hand his (prophetic), horse off to a prophet Jeremiah.
-Clearly see America's hand writing on the wall of pending judgments, Jer. 37:8, 1998, a siege into cataclysms is come; now, as Jesus Himself would say, repent, get you and yours completely out of it or perish, banks, houses, churches, children, all corrupt leaders, parents, guardians stripped like in the day of their birth, all great treasures made worthless, please see, read more here, Psalm 2, Jer. 37:8, Isa. 13, Eze. 4: 9: Dan. 9, 12, etc. Awake! Be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see also, www.2016turfwarsrumors.blogspot.com www.escapeherenton16.blogspot.com, www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com
-Well, I just hope Putin himself gave this order for them to stand down, the last time his military stood down from a US threat, as so Nato or the UN, I don't know who lost their life or their job, I know Putin was furious about it. You all have to consider US elections, if Putin is truly supporting Trump for President, then he possibly doesn't want to do anything right now to forestall US Elections.
-This I know and understand from 30 years of bible prophecy and counting, just as soon as I witness Putin, after Britain's Cameron ordered his troops Syrian soil; those supposedly targeting ISIS, (but really Assad's Syria). I dreamed about this doing another demo, of the catching away of the Bride, around late June 2015, so this was early July, 2015, whereas I heard a voice lament, "its all about Cameron," even see the Hussein Whitehouse, Brexit, prophesied by this ministry 2003/4..
-Lets just say, I saw Putin Russia's move easily as the beginning to the end of the peace pack that is supposed to be reached Assyrian's territory by both Ismail sons and the sons of Isaac. As is prophesied these thousands of years by the prophet Daniel, and we, this generation according to an appearing Angel Gabriel, the fulfillment of all of it.
-Seeming, not only why I witness the two beast of Rev. 13 come out of prediction just as Senator Obama's Presidential Campaign arrived on the scene. I eventually by an alike vision and dream witness Jesus' Millennium follow his, Obama's time table of two weeks and seven years, 2008, there's no turning back of any of it, no, only countdowns continues even into a 15% death toll, pending US soil.
-What these beyond urgent matters mean is, and believe this Apostle, if the same Gabriel who appeared to the prophet Daniel, and as we know to a teen age, future mother Mary, truly all the world powers great and small are headed toward cataclysmic forms of demonstrations not of their making, here, see especially Rev. 17, 18. arriving them all at the post of Jerusalem America's complete deletion.
-It is said, all the world is a stage of play actors, if so, all world leaders, allies, need to reconsider this Satanic to Demonic imitation of life. Which is actually the heathen raging against an Almighty God, prick His Anointed, infuriate Him right into the deadliest of Armageddon and blessed are those who do, get out that is, even what is referred to by Holy Spirits, America, the slow motion exodus, now with black bowls pending. Not only is judgment a reality prophecy. hell is right now enlarging itself, and it is not bias whatsoever.
-Heretofore, seeing Jesus' Millennium follow Obama's at present administration, mean such the explosive world events are to carry these warring masses domestic and foreign right over into the last week of Daniel and the fulfillment and finale of all earth wide rebellion. These sudden destructions of which would then clarify seeing a US General hand his (prophetic), horse off to a prophet Jeremiah.
-Clearly see America's hand writing on the wall of pending judgments, Jer. 37:8, 1998, a siege into cataclysms is come; now, as Jesus Himself would say, repent, get you and yours completely out of it or perish, banks, houses, churches, children, all corrupt leaders, parents, guardians stripped like in the day of their birth, all great treasures made worthless, please see, read more here, Psalm 2, Jer. 37:8, Isa. 13, Eze. 4: 9: Dan. 9, 12, etc. Awake! Be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see also, www.2016turfwarsrumors.blogspot.com www.escapeherenton16.blogspot.com, www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com
Her Cup Filled With Martyred Blood
-"So you're saying there won't be another Us President, no, no, no, not, I, Maaseiah, she actually witness Christ Millennium follow Obama's administration; wait, wait, you're saying we're in that much trouble? Only those not following Jesus, this is Beo the birth pains of the greatest of tribulation ever" remember, Jesus promised to cast all unrepentant, lives, lands, churches into great tribulation which is come. So according to what Holy Spirits here, there and everywhere are telling Maaseiah, these last thirty years these evil times are worse than in Noah's Day. That Obama Presidency was given exactly two weeks and seven years, in that order and then those two beast of Revelation 13, come out of prediction. That's no including an additional one she saw tearing through the churches and stomping, chomping people while they sat their porches, undoubtedly a pundit of the stock/bear market. Remember Maaseiah predicted the Hussein White House 2003 in the beginning, meaning you can't Bronze believe none of what you hear or see, none! That is what Jesus was forewarning of the disciples about the Jerusalem Temple, because he knew like now across this country and the world, there will be nothing left of any of them, that's not one stone left upon another, even by king Nebuchadnezzar's prophecy, he saw all nation building be brought to dust, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, all blown away into oblivion accordingly therefore, and I quote Him, Jesus, "let no man deceive you." I tell you guys, never in mankind's prophetic history has Jesus' every word said here ringed so evident, and all mankind have been set up for this biggest ever fall, even this entire earth, since before the Genesis. Yeah, like if you want to know what is this very second going on in the spirit world, and thus the real world, yeah Cheyenne calls it, reality prophecy, instead of reality TV, then read Daniel 7-12 chapters, and Revelation 16-22 chapters, it is all what thousands of years of disobedience and rebellion hath for all things unrepentant man.
-"So you're saying there won't be another Us President, no, no, no, not, I, Maaseiah, she actually witness Christ Millennium follow Obama's administration; wait, wait, you're saying we're in that much trouble? Only those not following Jesus, this is Beo the birth pains of the greatest of tribulation ever" remember, Jesus promised to cast all unrepentant, lives, lands, churches into great tribulation which is come. So according to what Holy Spirits here, there and everywhere are telling Maaseiah, these last thirty years these evil times are worse than in Noah's Day. That Obama Presidency was given exactly two weeks and seven years, in that order and then those two beast of Revelation 13, come out of prediction. That's no including an additional one she saw tearing through the churches and stomping, chomping people while they sat their porches, undoubtedly a pundit of the stock/bear market. Remember Maaseiah predicted the Hussein White House 2003 in the beginning, meaning you can't Bronze believe none of what you hear or see, none! That is what Jesus was forewarning of the disciples about the Jerusalem Temple, because he knew like now across this country and the world, there will be nothing left of any of them, that's not one stone left upon another, even by king Nebuchadnezzar's prophecy, he saw all nation building be brought to dust, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, all blown away into oblivion accordingly therefore, and I quote Him, Jesus, "let no man deceive you." I tell you guys, never in mankind's prophetic history has Jesus' every word said here ringed so evident, and all mankind have been set up for this biggest ever fall, even this entire earth, since before the Genesis. Yeah, like if you want to know what is this very second going on in the spirit world, and thus the real world, yeah Cheyenne calls it, reality prophecy, instead of reality TV, then read Daniel 7-12 chapters, and Revelation 16-22 chapters, it is all what thousands of years of disobedience and rebellion hath for all things unrepentant man.
-Day fifty-six 10/14, of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniels week, see Dan. 9
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, why speak in parable? For they having eyes, but they see not, but they having ears, but they hear not, their hearts are waxed gross, Jesus...
THE UNENDING LOVE ANTEDOTE, You Just entered the Septennial…2001-2017
The Septennial, The SHRINKS Organization 2012, Fea. Sia Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth,
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast:
Unto Dayson Peak Deburk and Robin Jaybird Longknife was born their first son Arise Sioux Noel Deburk, their second son Standing Apache Arrow Deburk, their third son Cheyenne Water Falls Deburk, their fourth son Marked Tree Hill Deburk, their fifth son Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth Deburk, their sixth son Lion Wolf Paw Deburk, their seventh son Medicine Bow Sign Deburk, and their last son Bronze Coten Field Deburk and a daughter Falcon Wings, Nesting Brave Heart Longknife.
Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth Deburk
"There's just this one other thing, my angry at the world daughter was screaming at her grand mother how she hate her family, when grandmar Rumah told her, that's the problem, until you hate yourself, you'll never be like Jesus regardless of even 24/7 church attendance. That's crazy, she screamed back, how you gonna hate yourself? Remember the religious leader Nicodemus asking Jesus, how can a man born, be born again? Remember the Apostle Paul, once Saul of Tarsus and the most revered persecutor of the early church, now stating, "I am crucified with Christ," then he says, yet not I, meaning not as yet a physical death, but Christ lives in me, (a contrite, humble spirit, mortifying the heart of flesh), and the life, (and the ministry, the out reach), I now live, I live by the faith, (grace and truth), of the Son of God who loved me (God hath commended His Love toward Us), and gave Himself for me, (born again, unlikely to sin). There's only one way to become like Jesus, Granny told her, selfdom must perish, soon there was nothing left here to be said, this is truth now there's only one of two actions, acceptance or rejection. So until you hate as in set aside everything that prevents you of Him, of Jesus, don't you see? Now we know the identity not of the multi-ton elephant in the room, but this seeming precious, precious baby, I, well all of mankind was, is so fearlessly caring after just as Holy Spirits shockingly remind us is supposed to be dead. It's, well this baby is everything and everybody preventing us from maturing into Jesus Christ, only then nd according to Ephesian 4, are we the men and woman, the husband and wives, the sons and daughters, the Heavenly Bridegroom and Bride, unto it's Wedding Supper, Heavenly Father by the sacrifice of His Only begotten Son want us to be. Saying this, I don't know about the class, but immediately I thought about how distraught father Abraham was at the sacrifice of his son, Isaac, as he prepared him a burnt offering to God, as so was God beyond broken hearted, at the sacrifice of His Own, but because of His Love for God, Father Abraham was going on to sacrifice this specialty son, until God offered him one all the better, though God, loving us so much," as one a made sadden at witnessing how meticulously Clayden Mikel brushed away the slightest of sentiment, possibly even finding himself sorrow for what he'd done to Desrek Allum. "Knowing, there was no other way to teach us except by example He went on to sacrifice His Son, now our Jesus, the last. final one, as a Lamb lead to the slaughter, relieving our blood guiltiness by bleeding righteous blood for us, now this is how all righteous blood of God's Anointed is counted, by which we hear the saints under the throne, calling on Elohim to be the avenger of their martyred blood. Again, class and least you forget, it is impossible for man to reap something other than what they sow, impossible, Satan's Seat or Holy Spirit, this truth is where you see Jesus and the Religious leaders in a standoff about which is the greatest Temple of God, and Jesus says, destroy God, meaning it surely wasn't there's and in three days, again young people, it is impossible, to reap an opposing harvest, ...good day ladies and Gents, until tomorrow, well, will you Sia be here tomorrow or another? I don't know, Sia Morristrom, it's a mystery for now. ...for they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, awake, be as aware as God, Himself, Apb, the RAM, continue reading here, www.2016maaseiahadonai.blogspot.com
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause because the date wasn't clear, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something cataclysmic as an ELE that's gonna take only one night, to happen by Oct. 2017, see Rev. 2:21-23
Countdowns To Daniel Week, Continue
Because of who you are, I was so slain in the spirit by this song lately, it was all that Holy Spirit should just descend and take me on up with them, only this time allow me to enter into my, our reign there, making me pillar in the house of my, our God. I think I testified of this song once that I would've sworn it was Ce Ce Winans, but it is instead being performed here, by a Vicki Yohe. I have explained how I find it best to response more to the lyrics of a song, than it's performer of Jesus frightfully I may add, finding so many in error of their tremendous gifts, see here, Mat. 7:21-23, the lyrics is what our spirit is originally drawn to, then if it's holy spirit, is there an even deeper form of worship ...because of who you are I give you glory, because of who you are I give you praise, Lord, I worship you because of who you are, these lyrics so express and steal my heart off to Jesus Christ and in word of John The Beloved, Revelator, though horrid events incomprehensible proceed you, even so come Lord Jesus, Amen
And A Child Shall Lead Them
-While playing kick ball in the park yesterday, 10/23, a strange anomaly captured my attention, by the way I'm stun at how many children have never heard of nor played kick ball. Whereas at one time in the sky it looked as though there were two suns. I pointed toward the heavens and I said, ok there's the sun over there, high, mighty, steaming, for the month of October. Then just as soon far off from the first I point out this just as glowing, sparkling as the sun anomaly and I said, so what is that?
-All kids, a dozen or more and I just stopped everything to try and figure this, never figuring it, one saying it was Jesus, boy don't I wish, so we went back to falling down laughing play. When later as this weird appearing seem to dissipate what appeared to be a second sun was now this stunning rainbow. Not just one but another, like 20 feet away.
-Like some of you, welI, I mean I've read how indescribable the heavens now a days, especially with Jesus and even Niribu on His, it's way here, and it was, it really was. I'll say it again, for a short time it appeared as though we were looking at two shining suns, the kids and I, all, yet this phenomena. Being of aware of these heavenly bodies coming to change everything humankind, I was reminded of one of my earliest visions , it was Jesus name, with a scientist equation on either said of it, I never really understood, only that Jesus coming will be with the presence of heavenly bodies, beware, Apb
Sitting In The Dark, Lost
As one sitting in the dark, a single can of unopened pork and beans, 10/25/2016, horrid lack, things, this way cometh, even the rise of the pale horse, 2001-2017, beware
Hey Neighbor, Can I Borrow A Can Opener?
Every article about this country keep using the word socialism like it's a deadly contagion. Yet in the same breath, America, a republic, a financial genius is a borderline Venezuela itself, so which pot is blacker? Actually, Its like both countries committed suicide, having forsaken God, same result, different weapon. Don't get caught like a Judas, hanging, dangling at the end of ropes meat that perisheth, get ye to Jesus, the only blessed Savior.
As The Deer Panteth After The Waterbrook, He That Save His Life Perishes www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
And A Judgement Did Seat!
-This article overstates the scenario of mankind being in control instead of God, instead of the raging into a finale by at least 2025 of it's end time bible prophecies. Let me remind you of the two beast I saw rise, one from land, one from sea, around the same time as the beginning of Senator Obama's Presidential Campaign. When John as recorded Rev. 13, witness something similar, they, these two beast were described as those demonic spirits which would possess two men into the long biblically anticipated Antichrist and false prophet.
-The most major of death riders I've seen, was seen or shown to be released from beneath the earth more like a Yellowstone, super volcano, (see here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXmwZvKYTKY) and America. The West and most of the free-world are literally like the descriptive fall of Mystery Babylon in only an hour no more, it, this rider of death, was then described as a bringer of mayhem and deadly tolls upon the abominations and detestations upon the lives, lands and churches of the people for they have forsaken God. Now the Angel Gabriel 2004/05 is declaring us, all mankind, the fulfillment of all things, see Isa. 13, Eze. 4, 38, 39, Dan. 7-9, Zech. 14, Mat. 25, I Thess. 4 II Thess. 2, I Cor. 15, the book of Revelation in it's entirety.
-Thirdly but certainly not finally, as there is just the plethora and beyond of projected cataclysms against US soil, especially an ELE type disaster, by Oct. 2017. Meaning this time next year, whereas millions in only a short space will be left, dead, contagious or homeless. There are those who may think these great evils they call world powers are in control of turf wars and rumors, but even Rev. 17:17, forewarn how God is yet the puppeteer here as well. How like in days not only of Noah, of Moses, but especially in this day and time of the greatest of rebellion, like those of the prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, of God's Revelations passed over to John, hence one question, what about bible prophecy?
A Voice, "Asteroid, Destroy Wisconsin," (the west constantly sinning), cancel elections, get to the alters instead ....the stone cut out without hands, the antichrist murderer, Dan. 2, come out of prediction 02/15, also had the surface of a meteor, even see Niribu, http://planetxnews.com/2016/06/16/overwhelming-evidence-2017-arrival-planet-x-nibiru/
Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abominations. GOH, Eze. 7:8
Forget Your Pensions, Jesus Is Coming
also here, http://pros.bonnerandpartners.com/1606BBLFALLDWN19/PBBLS912?h=true
-I found this article just now, and I'm showing mouth gaping awe, because this wasn't alternate news engine, but is come by MSN, again I'm shock that our own media is now telling us this. These are reveals held in trust to this apostles prophecies, these thirty years and counting. I been seeing and forewarning of this, an end to America, the West and all that is, not only as it wealth falters, but by cataclysmic events, by Oct. 2017, that will end suddenly at least 190 years of it, the article I'm sharing here is just another proof.
-That as far as God is concern it is happen, America, the monstrous beast, genocide maker they've made of God Graces ends, now on to the final week of Daniel, which is the finale of mankind's for thousands of years rebellion, awake, Apb, from what about bible prophecy? See more here, www.2016turfwarsrumors.blogspot.com
Broken, Rainbow Covenant
And A Child Shall Lead Them
-This is the generation, forewarn, 2011, as those unlike their parents and or grand parents that would grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America. Heretofore, this horrid to imagine, took place my house, St. Elmo Street, around the mid nineties, Holy Spirits visiting me, explaining how America is to be no more, and then asked a single question, of course they knew the answer, still, what would happen if all of America's debt become do?
-You see at the time, I had no ideal what a petrodollar was, or that the dollar was the world currency, didn't know how the stock market work, and now this talk of banks being inundated a type of Noah's Ark deluge itself with something called derivatives. I didn't know that if the world finances had laid all their monetary eggs into one basket, this unwise, to foolery, that, that basket, or should I say, that now basket case was, and though dwindling fast, is America.
-Quoting Holy Spirit, this morning of 2011, while I attended now seven year Lawren and Caden, here a voice, "do they know, do your children know, that although they grew up in free territory, that although you, their parents grew up in free territory, that their children, again, now seven year old, would grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America, Apb.
Behold I Will Strip Their Leaders
You may ask, how can the weeping God behind a silence in heaven accuse all leadership of stripping His People of everything His Christ brought them? Because all leadership over God's people should all have one primary purpose, and that is to lead all human hearts to Jesus Christ, only if He, Jesus be lifted up, remember? His Spirit, heart, blood, this blessed temple of God, least the more in hell they perish. This is why Paul, and Maaseiah witness all but the foundation laid of Christ and His Holy Apostles, burn, this is how Maaseish heard them described, His Holy Apostles. Whose smoke rose up to God weeping and mourning, whereas the Holy Creator, father, has as in days past, heard their cries, judged their slayers accordingly, beginning with westernized civilization, with plans to strip them as in the days of their birth.
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, why speak in parable? For they having eyes, but they see not, but they having ears, but they hear not, their hearts are waxed gross, Jesus...
THE UNENDING LOVE ANTEDOTE, You Just entered the Septennial…2001-2017
The Septennial, The SHRINKS Organization 2012, Fea. Sia Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth,
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast:
Unto Dayson Peak Deburk and Robin Jaybird Longknife was born their first son Arise Sioux Noel Deburk, their second son Standing Apache Arrow Deburk, their third son Cheyenne Water Falls Deburk, their fourth son Marked Tree Hill Deburk, their fifth son Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth Deburk, their sixth son Lion Wolf Paw Deburk, their seventh son Medicine Bow Sign Deburk, and their last son Bronze Coten Field Deburk and a daughter Falcon Wings, Nesting Brave Heart Longknife.
Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth Deburk
"There's just this one other thing, my angry at the world daughter was screaming at her grand mother how she hate her family, when grandmar Rumah told her, that's the problem, until you hate yourself, you'll never be like Jesus regardless of even 24/7 church attendance. That's crazy, she screamed back, how you gonna hate yourself? Remember the religious leader Nicodemus asking Jesus, how can a man born, be born again? Remember the Apostle Paul, once Saul of Tarsus and the most revered persecutor of the early church, now stating, "I am crucified with Christ," then he says, yet not I, meaning not as yet a physical death, but Christ lives in me, (a contrite, humble spirit, mortifying the heart of flesh), and the life, (and the ministry, the out reach), I now live, I live by the faith, (grace and truth), of the Son of God who loved me (God hath commended His Love toward Us), and gave Himself for me, (born again, unlikely to sin). There's only one way to become like Jesus, Granny told her, selfdom must perish, soon there was nothing left here to be said, this is truth now there's only one of two actions, acceptance or rejection. So until you hate as in set aside everything that prevents you of Him, of Jesus, don't you see? Now we know the identity not of the multi-ton elephant in the room, but this seeming precious, precious baby, I, well all of mankind was, is so fearlessly caring after just as Holy Spirits shockingly remind us is supposed to be dead. It's, well this baby is everything and everybody preventing us from maturing into Jesus Christ, only then nd according to Ephesian 4, are we the men and woman, the husband and wives, the sons and daughters, the Heavenly Bridegroom and Bride, unto it's Wedding Supper, Heavenly Father by the sacrifice of His Only begotten Son want us to be. Saying this, I don't know about the class, but immediately I thought about how distraught father Abraham was at the sacrifice of his son, Isaac, as he prepared him a burnt offering to God, as so was God beyond broken hearted, at the sacrifice of His Own, but because of His Love for God, Father Abraham was going on to sacrifice this specialty son, until God offered him one all the better, though God, loving us so much," as one a made sadden at witnessing how meticulously Clayden Mikel brushed away the slightest of sentiment, possibly even finding himself sorrow for what he'd done to Desrek Allum. "Knowing, there was no other way to teach us except by example He went on to sacrifice His Son, now our Jesus, the last. final one, as a Lamb lead to the slaughter, relieving our blood guiltiness by bleeding righteous blood for us, now this is how all righteous blood of God's Anointed is counted, by which we hear the saints under the throne, calling on Elohim to be the avenger of their martyred blood. Again, class and least you forget, it is impossible for man to reap something other than what they sow, impossible, Satan's Seat or Holy Spirit, this truth is where you see Jesus and the Religious leaders in a standoff about which is the greatest Temple of God, and Jesus says, destroy God, meaning it surely wasn't there's and in three days, again young people, it is impossible, to reap an opposing harvest, ...good day ladies and Gents, until tomorrow, well, will you Sia be here tomorrow or another? I don't know, Sia Morristrom, it's a mystery for now. ...for they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, awake, be as aware as God, Himself, Apb, the RAM, continue reading here, www.2016maaseiahadonai.blogspot.com
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause because the date wasn't clear, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something cataclysmic as an ELE that's gonna take only one night, to happen by Oct. 2017, see Rev. 2:21-23
Countdowns To Daniel Week, Continue
Because of who you are, I was so slain in the spirit by this song lately, it was all that Holy Spirit should just descend and take me on up with them, only this time allow me to enter into my, our reign there, making me pillar in the house of my, our God. I think I testified of this song once that I would've sworn it was Ce Ce Winans, but it is instead being performed here, by a Vicki Yohe. I have explained how I find it best to response more to the lyrics of a song, than it's performer of Jesus frightfully I may add, finding so many in error of their tremendous gifts, see here, Mat. 7:21-23, the lyrics is what our spirit is originally drawn to, then if it's holy spirit, is there an even deeper form of worship ...because of who you are I give you glory, because of who you are I give you praise, Lord, I worship you because of who you are, these lyrics so express and steal my heart off to Jesus Christ and in word of John The Beloved, Revelator, though horrid events incomprehensible proceed you, even so come Lord Jesus, Amen
And A Child Shall Lead Them
-While playing kick ball in the park yesterday, 10/23, a strange anomaly captured my attention, by the way I'm stun at how many children have never heard of nor played kick ball. Whereas at one time in the sky it looked as though there were two suns. I pointed toward the heavens and I said, ok there's the sun over there, high, mighty, steaming, for the month of October. Then just as soon far off from the first I point out this just as glowing, sparkling as the sun anomaly and I said, so what is that?
-All kids, a dozen or more and I just stopped everything to try and figure this, never figuring it, one saying it was Jesus, boy don't I wish, so we went back to falling down laughing play. When later as this weird appearing seem to dissipate what appeared to be a second sun was now this stunning rainbow. Not just one but another, like 20 feet away.
-Like some of you, welI, I mean I've read how indescribable the heavens now a days, especially with Jesus and even Niribu on His, it's way here, and it was, it really was. I'll say it again, for a short time it appeared as though we were looking at two shining suns, the kids and I, all, yet this phenomena. Being of aware of these heavenly bodies coming to change everything humankind, I was reminded of one of my earliest visions , it was Jesus name, with a scientist equation on either said of it, I never really understood, only that Jesus coming will be with the presence of heavenly bodies, beware, Apb
Sitting In The Dark, Lost
As one sitting in the dark, a single can of unopened pork and beans, 10/25/2016, horrid lack, things, this way cometh, even the rise of the pale horse, 2001-2017, beware
Hey Neighbor, Can I Borrow A Can Opener?
Every article about this country keep using the word socialism like it's a deadly contagion. Yet in the same breath, America, a republic, a financial genius is a borderline Venezuela itself, so which pot is blacker? Actually, Its like both countries committed suicide, having forsaken God, same result, different weapon. Don't get caught like a Judas, hanging, dangling at the end of ropes meat that perisheth, get ye to Jesus, the only blessed Savior.
As The Deer Panteth After The Waterbrook, He That Save His Life Perishes www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
And A Judgement Did Seat!
-This article overstates the scenario of mankind being in control instead of God, instead of the raging into a finale by at least 2025 of it's end time bible prophecies. Let me remind you of the two beast I saw rise, one from land, one from sea, around the same time as the beginning of Senator Obama's Presidential Campaign. When John as recorded Rev. 13, witness something similar, they, these two beast were described as those demonic spirits which would possess two men into the long biblically anticipated Antichrist and false prophet.
-The most major of death riders I've seen, was seen or shown to be released from beneath the earth more like a Yellowstone, super volcano, (see here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXmwZvKYTKY) and America. The West and most of the free-world are literally like the descriptive fall of Mystery Babylon in only an hour no more, it, this rider of death, was then described as a bringer of mayhem and deadly tolls upon the abominations and detestations upon the lives, lands and churches of the people for they have forsaken God. Now the Angel Gabriel 2004/05 is declaring us, all mankind, the fulfillment of all things, see Isa. 13, Eze. 4, 38, 39, Dan. 7-9, Zech. 14, Mat. 25, I Thess. 4 II Thess. 2, I Cor. 15, the book of Revelation in it's entirety.
-Thirdly but certainly not finally, as there is just the plethora and beyond of projected cataclysms against US soil, especially an ELE type disaster, by Oct. 2017. Meaning this time next year, whereas millions in only a short space will be left, dead, contagious or homeless. There are those who may think these great evils they call world powers are in control of turf wars and rumors, but even Rev. 17:17, forewarn how God is yet the puppeteer here as well. How like in days not only of Noah, of Moses, but especially in this day and time of the greatest of rebellion, like those of the prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, of God's Revelations passed over to John, hence one question, what about bible prophecy?
A Voice, "Asteroid, Destroy Wisconsin," (the west constantly sinning), cancel elections, get to the alters instead ....the stone cut out without hands, the antichrist murderer, Dan. 2, come out of prediction 02/15, also had the surface of a meteor, even see Niribu, http://planetxnews.com/2016/06/16/overwhelming-evidence-2017-arrival-planet-x-nibiru/
Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abominations. GOH, Eze. 7:8
Forget Your Pensions, Jesus Is Coming
also here, http://pros.bonnerandpartners.com/1606BBLFALLDWN19/PBBLS912?h=true
-I found this article just now, and I'm showing mouth gaping awe, because this wasn't alternate news engine, but is come by MSN, again I'm shock that our own media is now telling us this. These are reveals held in trust to this apostles prophecies, these thirty years and counting. I been seeing and forewarning of this, an end to America, the West and all that is, not only as it wealth falters, but by cataclysmic events, by Oct. 2017, that will end suddenly at least 190 years of it, the article I'm sharing here is just another proof.
-That as far as God is concern it is happen, America, the monstrous beast, genocide maker they've made of God Graces ends, now on to the final week of Daniel, which is the finale of mankind's for thousands of years rebellion, awake, Apb, from what about bible prophecy? See more here, www.2016turfwarsrumors.blogspot.com
Broken, Rainbow Covenant
And A Child Shall Lead Them
-This is the generation, forewarn, 2011, as those unlike their parents and or grand parents that would grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America. Heretofore, this horrid to imagine, took place my house, St. Elmo Street, around the mid nineties, Holy Spirits visiting me, explaining how America is to be no more, and then asked a single question, of course they knew the answer, still, what would happen if all of America's debt become do?
-You see at the time, I had no ideal what a petrodollar was, or that the dollar was the world currency, didn't know how the stock market work, and now this talk of banks being inundated a type of Noah's Ark deluge itself with something called derivatives. I didn't know that if the world finances had laid all their monetary eggs into one basket, this unwise, to foolery, that, that basket, or should I say, that now basket case was, and though dwindling fast, is America.
-Quoting Holy Spirit, this morning of 2011, while I attended now seven year Lawren and Caden, here a voice, "do they know, do your children know, that although they grew up in free territory, that although you, their parents grew up in free territory, that their children, again, now seven year old, would grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America, Apb.
Behold I Will Strip Their Leaders
You may ask, how can the weeping God behind a silence in heaven accuse all leadership of stripping His People of everything His Christ brought them? Because all leadership over God's people should all have one primary purpose, and that is to lead all human hearts to Jesus Christ, only if He, Jesus be lifted up, remember? His Spirit, heart, blood, this blessed temple of God, least the more in hell they perish. This is why Paul, and Maaseiah witness all but the foundation laid of Christ and His Holy Apostles, burn, this is how Maaseish heard them described, His Holy Apostles. Whose smoke rose up to God weeping and mourning, whereas the Holy Creator, father, has as in days past, heard their cries, judged their slayers accordingly, beginning with westernized civilization, with plans to strip them as in the days of their birth.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Go Fund Me, Windows Of Heaven Waiting
Your Trial or Error, https://www.gofundme.com/2sew3qp7
-Day fifty-five 10/24 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/ a week before the last Syrian Truce, 08/25 a coun5tdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017; 2017/18-2024/25, see www.givemetwelve2016.blogspot.com
Prophecy Link
-Seen to seeing, hearing, the word, forewarning "week," there's something mightily important about an approaching week, 08/18/2016 (see Syrian Truce, 08/25)
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, (also see beginning of Syrian Truce, 09/13), beware, Apb
-There's something about a dream, regarding the setting of this 'ring of fire,' all round, on the map, even more proof, all rebellion is come to an end, 08/30/2016, see here, http://www.universetoday.com/59341/pacific-ring-of-fire/
There's Something about again living on plantations, before being evacuated into closed borders of Mexico 07/16/2016
-Seen to be seeing Miya on Dunlap street where Obama at one time was, as so at a time, Lady Obama, meaning again, time has lapsed America into it's own works of oblivion, 08/18//2016
When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb
The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27, see Cain
The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise, see Ps. 51, see Abel
And A Child Shall Lead Them, One Way Prayer
www.seecollinhain2016.blogspot.com www.escapeherenton16.blogspot.com
Now The End Begins, Jesus is Come Again
Jesus Is Come, Ask About The Wound In His Hand
-This horrid to imagine, took place my house, St. Elmo Street, around the mid nineties, Holy Spirits visiting me, explaining how America is to be no more, and then asked a single question, of course they knew the answer, still, what would happen if all of America's debt become do? You see at the time, I had no ideal what a petrodollar was, or that the dollar was the world currency, didn't know how the stock market work, and now this talk of banks being inundated a type of Noah's blood itself with something called derivatives. I didn't know that if the world finances had laid all their monetary eggs into one basket, this unwise, to foolery, that, that basket, or should I say, that basket case was, and though dwindling fast, is America.
-When Revelation 17:10-17, show this vicious beast once in abominable beds with her, (Mystery America), now instead turn on her, and hate her, and allied with all others, readying to eat up her flesh, that this is what is happening right now. Evidenced by so many in world powers turning instead to ally Russia's Putin, all of them now grown tired of the wicked blood letting of this global police, beware. So when God forewarn to bring strong delusions upon unbelievers and great contagions and malignancies upon especially sexual abnormality. That at the first mention HE was actually designing America or what would be deluded people dreaming of gaining the world and instead calling it the worship of God, "come of out of her my people!" GOH
-No, right after Holy Spirits inquired about America's debt, they, Holy Spirits visiting that day went on to discuss the fall of banks, the housing market, they even went as far as to demonstrate. Honestly I witness by visions building engineers climbing on top of freshly build houses, giving all builders a time out sign, construction was no more. Then there was the churches, churches too would also crumble, this will explain here lately hearing Holy Spirits lament how selfdom need to be pound into the dust and further witnessing a carnivorous beast tearing, stomping and chomping from the pulpit. This would be the targeting of the accursed, apostate head, right, straight into the pews which were all soon made vacant.
Prophecy Link, 1998
A live vision, my auto, Holy Spirits lamenting concerning eye catching innovations, and I quote Him, "a day will come, when they won't be able to give these whimsical creations away." See more here, Eze. 7:19
Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abominations, Apb, Eze. 7:8
-I been explaining these times are so urgent, more urgent than the days of Noah, that even the alters supposedly of repentance are being called to return to it's One and Only Almighty God, how they're to remember to rend their evil hearts,(see www.onewayprayer2016.blogspot.com), as everything else is a worthless, meaningless sacrifice of the wicked. Herein is the threat, the stripping of all leaders first, then of Americans like His servant Job, naked and bare. I heard it said just weeks past how there is a bear, as in a bear market in 120 counties/countries, sadly, as just prior these rebellions to judgments were so advanced the whole of America. Concurrently, the allying West were seen as those living not only this giant maze of a fall out/homeless shelter, but as those stranded and waiting patiently their turn behind a single water cooler, again just before a woman bearing black bowls approached.
-You must realize this inconceivable judgment of God, of the West decline resulting in unthinkable cataclysms US soil, was pictured prior as all of America participating in a slow motion Exodus, the banks, the stores, the filing stations, the lines upon line of traffic, all. Don't you all get this, Jesus brought me to have a meeting in God's Throne with the Prophet Ezekiel because through him. heart grippingly there was no question, every great sorrow that was to happen to Jeremiah's and now Ezekiel's Jerusalem, Judah, was because of their sins and He puppeteering it all according to their immense unrepentance was Him, was God Himself.
-Horrifyingly meaning they could no longer call on Him for help, they could only get to repentant alter possibly of his ears, eyes, His divine intervention, for the saving of their souls. Regardless, the trial, judgment and sentence, as is America's, is all the way set, decimating them for nearly 200 years of it. It is God, not the Elite, or The NWO's, Obama's, Clintons, Trumps, and Soros' that is become your worse enemies . These are all God's form of weapons of mass destruction, don't you get it? God's Wrath is God, ruler and influence over them, see especially Rev. 17:17 and no longer doubt this unforeseen truth.
-Undoubtedly, this is Jesus again proving He alone is the Good Shepherd, the only worthy and blessed death and dying as His first commission of God commending His Love toward us, is that we repent, God's Kingdom Reigns over all of it. Now we should understand why King Nebuchadnezzar was upset at what he saw, when he witness the stone cut out without hand fall from heaven crushing it all, even himself, he was beyond sick, meaning regardless of his power and authority, there is nothing any man can do. Thank the hallelujah Lord eventually waking up from madness he would, but just now he'd not realized like a King David, nor his son King Solomon, or other righteous leaders on this planet.
-How there is for mankind one righteous thing to do, the little time you past through this temporary, and that alone is to worship God, heart, mind, and soul right into his blessed glorification. I know this, because doing the death rider vision, 1994, his voice, the voice of King David is what I heard lamenting, "fret not thyself, rather 'Trust, Delight and Commit,' and HE, (Elohim), will bring forth thy righteousness (Christ Cross) as the light (revelation), and thy judgment (prophecies), as the noon day.
-As I was sitting my bed that day, 2015, being reduced to a cell phone, writing, posting just like now, determined to prove how tremendously without explications God is. I testified how, well around this same time, a teardrop felled from heaven, God being longsuffering toward us yes, but Elohim, God, as well being in love with Us. As was described of the prophet Daniel by the Angel Gabriel, how greatly beloved He was, I saw this single tear drop, it is was crystal, and I heard just as it left a smatter imprint, took pictures to show as evidence. It had to be like an exact moment a perfect like His Heavenly Father, Jesus spoke toward the heavens, toward His blessed Father's there and said, suggested Elohim, Glorify His Son.
-It's the image now set in my head, the winding down of a 21 day fast, I'd fallen asleep and was now being escorted by heavens host, leaving the throne, again returning, when they said something which both flattered and startled me, even now, though with fear and trembling I admitted it and I quote them, "we can't wait to be with you, where you are." It was hours, even days prior, really suffering doing this fast, having seizures all, Holy Spirit came, seeming sat down aside me and asked, is he (the husband), really worth all of this, all of this pain, this agony? I paused to consider and I said, I love him, (Jesus), and love is worth this, this pain, this agony, the pounding of selfdom into the dust.
-By incredible design of blessed blood, whose fan is in Jesus's hand, unendingly, this is what Holy Spirit meant, while looking with me into mass assembly, declaring and I quote, "these people need to fall in love with God." I was cast down in my spirit lately, having doubts about being or even doing the righteousness of God, even why me? It was here Holy Spirits remind me, how I'd, how we'd spent 95% of my husband's death and dying worshipping and entering into the most stunning of praises, even to the point of astonishing them, of astonishing Holy Spirits.
-Although I hadn't realized it, things seen temporal, things not seen eternal, just now come to think of it, the new kid on the block, five years old, my God grandson, from day one calling me grandma, thinking he hate me because I'm so honest and truthful with him, here lately and though I pay it little attention, that he's joking but he's referring to me, when showing himself this appreciative as your majesty. In case you're wondering yes, he's the one lately asked about receiving a heart of Jesus, and he and I prayed accordingly.
Now say it with me, the same God you would normally call on for help, is the same God right now pulling at the puppet strings of end times prophecies unleashing the greatest of cataclysms. There is only one ark of salvation who is Jesus, get ye as quickly as your feeble knees will deliver you these alters of reconciliation, even in your closets, your knees, even that resting the tip of your tongue. I must say this, Holy Spirit will know whether or not you believe any of this, whether you've done according to their blessed lead, Jesus, whether you're to act humbly, by the way those reading here grant me, Holy Spirits own design Apostle according to her having need, see how, here, your Trial or Error, https://www.gofundme.com/2sew3qp7 amen, even so Lord Jesus, come, awake, Apb, The RAM
-Day fifty-five 10/24 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/ a week before the last Syrian Truce, 08/25 a coun5tdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017; 2017/18-2024/25, see www.givemetwelve2016.blogspot.com
Prophecy Link
-Seen to seeing, hearing, the word, forewarning "week," there's something mightily important about an approaching week, 08/18/2016 (see Syrian Truce, 08/25)
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, (also see beginning of Syrian Truce, 09/13), beware, Apb
-There's something about a dream, regarding the setting of this 'ring of fire,' all round, on the map, even more proof, all rebellion is come to an end, 08/30/2016, see here, http://www.universetoday.com/59341/pacific-ring-of-fire/
There's Something about again living on plantations, before being evacuated into closed borders of Mexico 07/16/2016
-Seen to be seeing Miya on Dunlap street where Obama at one time was, as so at a time, Lady Obama, meaning again, time has lapsed America into it's own works of oblivion, 08/18//2016
When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb
The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27, see Cain
The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise, see Ps. 51, see Abel
And A Child Shall Lead Them, One Way Prayer
www.seecollinhain2016.blogspot.com www.escapeherenton16.blogspot.com
Now The End Begins, Jesus is Come Again
Jesus Is Come, Ask About The Wound In His Hand
Video: The Demolition of the US Economy is Taking Place Right Now
The globalists are betting everything on Hillary
-This horrid to imagine, took place my house, St. Elmo Street, around the mid nineties, Holy Spirits visiting me, explaining how America is to be no more, and then asked a single question, of course they knew the answer, still, what would happen if all of America's debt become do? You see at the time, I had no ideal what a petrodollar was, or that the dollar was the world currency, didn't know how the stock market work, and now this talk of banks being inundated a type of Noah's blood itself with something called derivatives. I didn't know that if the world finances had laid all their monetary eggs into one basket, this unwise, to foolery, that, that basket, or should I say, that basket case was, and though dwindling fast, is America.
-When Revelation 17:10-17, show this vicious beast once in abominable beds with her, (Mystery America), now instead turn on her, and hate her, and allied with all others, readying to eat up her flesh, that this is what is happening right now. Evidenced by so many in world powers turning instead to ally Russia's Putin, all of them now grown tired of the wicked blood letting of this global police, beware. So when God forewarn to bring strong delusions upon unbelievers and great contagions and malignancies upon especially sexual abnormality. That at the first mention HE was actually designing America or what would be deluded people dreaming of gaining the world and instead calling it the worship of God, "come of out of her my people!" GOH
-No, right after Holy Spirits inquired about America's debt, they, Holy Spirits visiting that day went on to discuss the fall of banks, the housing market, they even went as far as to demonstrate. Honestly I witness by visions building engineers climbing on top of freshly build houses, giving all builders a time out sign, construction was no more. Then there was the churches, churches too would also crumble, this will explain here lately hearing Holy Spirits lament how selfdom need to be pound into the dust and further witnessing a carnivorous beast tearing, stomping and chomping from the pulpit. This would be the targeting of the accursed, apostate head, right, straight into the pews which were all soon made vacant.
Prophecy Link, 1998
A live vision, my auto, Holy Spirits lamenting concerning eye catching innovations, and I quote Him, "a day will come, when they won't be able to give these whimsical creations away." See more here, Eze. 7:19
Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abominations, Apb, Eze. 7:8
-I been explaining these times are so urgent, more urgent than the days of Noah, that even the alters supposedly of repentance are being called to return to it's One and Only Almighty God, how they're to remember to rend their evil hearts,(see www.onewayprayer2016.blogspot.com), as everything else is a worthless, meaningless sacrifice of the wicked. Herein is the threat, the stripping of all leaders first, then of Americans like His servant Job, naked and bare. I heard it said just weeks past how there is a bear, as in a bear market in 120 counties/countries, sadly, as just prior these rebellions to judgments were so advanced the whole of America. Concurrently, the allying West were seen as those living not only this giant maze of a fall out/homeless shelter, but as those stranded and waiting patiently their turn behind a single water cooler, again just before a woman bearing black bowls approached.
-You must realize this inconceivable judgment of God, of the West decline resulting in unthinkable cataclysms US soil, was pictured prior as all of America participating in a slow motion Exodus, the banks, the stores, the filing stations, the lines upon line of traffic, all. Don't you all get this, Jesus brought me to have a meeting in God's Throne with the Prophet Ezekiel because through him. heart grippingly there was no question, every great sorrow that was to happen to Jeremiah's and now Ezekiel's Jerusalem, Judah, was because of their sins and He puppeteering it all according to their immense unrepentance was Him, was God Himself.
-Horrifyingly meaning they could no longer call on Him for help, they could only get to repentant alter possibly of his ears, eyes, His divine intervention, for the saving of their souls. Regardless, the trial, judgment and sentence, as is America's, is all the way set, decimating them for nearly 200 years of it. It is God, not the Elite, or The NWO's, Obama's, Clintons, Trumps, and Soros' that is become your worse enemies . These are all God's form of weapons of mass destruction, don't you get it? God's Wrath is God, ruler and influence over them, see especially Rev. 17:17 and no longer doubt this unforeseen truth.
-Undoubtedly, this is Jesus again proving He alone is the Good Shepherd, the only worthy and blessed death and dying as His first commission of God commending His Love toward us, is that we repent, God's Kingdom Reigns over all of it. Now we should understand why King Nebuchadnezzar was upset at what he saw, when he witness the stone cut out without hand fall from heaven crushing it all, even himself, he was beyond sick, meaning regardless of his power and authority, there is nothing any man can do. Thank the hallelujah Lord eventually waking up from madness he would, but just now he'd not realized like a King David, nor his son King Solomon, or other righteous leaders on this planet.
-How there is for mankind one righteous thing to do, the little time you past through this temporary, and that alone is to worship God, heart, mind, and soul right into his blessed glorification. I know this, because doing the death rider vision, 1994, his voice, the voice of King David is what I heard lamenting, "fret not thyself, rather 'Trust, Delight and Commit,' and HE, (Elohim), will bring forth thy righteousness (Christ Cross) as the light (revelation), and thy judgment (prophecies), as the noon day.
-As I was sitting my bed that day, 2015, being reduced to a cell phone, writing, posting just like now, determined to prove how tremendously without explications God is. I testified how, well around this same time, a teardrop felled from heaven, God being longsuffering toward us yes, but Elohim, God, as well being in love with Us. As was described of the prophet Daniel by the Angel Gabriel, how greatly beloved He was, I saw this single tear drop, it is was crystal, and I heard just as it left a smatter imprint, took pictures to show as evidence. It had to be like an exact moment a perfect like His Heavenly Father, Jesus spoke toward the heavens, toward His blessed Father's there and said, suggested Elohim, Glorify His Son.
-It's the image now set in my head, the winding down of a 21 day fast, I'd fallen asleep and was now being escorted by heavens host, leaving the throne, again returning, when they said something which both flattered and startled me, even now, though with fear and trembling I admitted it and I quote them, "we can't wait to be with you, where you are." It was hours, even days prior, really suffering doing this fast, having seizures all, Holy Spirit came, seeming sat down aside me and asked, is he (the husband), really worth all of this, all of this pain, this agony? I paused to consider and I said, I love him, (Jesus), and love is worth this, this pain, this agony, the pounding of selfdom into the dust.
-By incredible design of blessed blood, whose fan is in Jesus's hand, unendingly, this is what Holy Spirit meant, while looking with me into mass assembly, declaring and I quote, "these people need to fall in love with God." I was cast down in my spirit lately, having doubts about being or even doing the righteousness of God, even why me? It was here Holy Spirits remind me, how I'd, how we'd spent 95% of my husband's death and dying worshipping and entering into the most stunning of praises, even to the point of astonishing them, of astonishing Holy Spirits.
-Although I hadn't realized it, things seen temporal, things not seen eternal, just now come to think of it, the new kid on the block, five years old, my God grandson, from day one calling me grandma, thinking he hate me because I'm so honest and truthful with him, here lately and though I pay it little attention, that he's joking but he's referring to me, when showing himself this appreciative as your majesty. In case you're wondering yes, he's the one lately asked about receiving a heart of Jesus, and he and I prayed accordingly.
Now say it with me, the same God you would normally call on for help, is the same God right now pulling at the puppet strings of end times prophecies unleashing the greatest of cataclysms. There is only one ark of salvation who is Jesus, get ye as quickly as your feeble knees will deliver you these alters of reconciliation, even in your closets, your knees, even that resting the tip of your tongue. I must say this, Holy Spirit will know whether or not you believe any of this, whether you've done according to their blessed lead, Jesus, whether you're to act humbly, by the way those reading here grant me, Holy Spirits own design Apostle according to her having need, see how, here, your Trial or Error, https://www.gofundme.com/2sew3qp7 amen, even so Lord Jesus, come, awake, Apb, The RAM
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Now That Jesus Is Come, Ask Of The Wounds In His Hands
Day Sixty-four 10/22 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/ a week before the last Syrian Truce, 08/25 a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, What Will Happen in Mosul?
Apostle Note:
Prophecy Link
-Seen to be seeing Israel making an offer of Israeli troops to President Obama, a Voice crying aloud, synchronize Israel, seen to be seeing a reluctant Israel falling into the hands of Hamath, 2008-2010, P. L. Apb
-And God bless every effort according to the Will of His Wine Press, but not only am I, this Apostle of Resurrection, by this article reminded of the end times, when the recorded tribulation saints will fall into the enemy's hand. This is like America fighting its own Frankenstein monster, so at lest we know how this story will end, how its to ebb and flow until Jesus, mightier in these battle, the Monster slayer Himself, how simply by the brightness of his coming he's to destroy all of them. Mostly this story remind me of the night I'm in between sleep and in motion as a panorama around my head is the name Jeremiah and the scripture, 37:8, all of which I've come to call America's and the West profound God hand writing on the wall surrounding their judgments.
-Heretofore forewarning how an enemy like those mention here, not only would come, but would come continuously, despite these wars, regardless of their defeat, how like demonic soldiers they would press and push through and become like in the days of especially Belshazzar's Dan. 5, the authentic hand of God, writing on wall. This revelation of truth would further explain Bush's war being design one Error/Era into a new fear factor, why equally a pile of torture vehicles in these blistering with biblical prophecy territories, where described by a US general, as one to reassure his men, again design a dirty Mede, why equally doing a dream of such the like things I witness a US General hand
-Then, just recently as recorded above I was given a visual, audible "week," prophecy, (see also a voice crying, "don't touch Geneva), just a "week," prior to the Geneva Switzerland Syrian/Russian/US Truce, it is all these things which let us know, we're speeding head, helmets and Hijabs into the final "week," of Daniel. As I explain lately, without this week, there is catching away of the bride, no return of Jesus Christ, no defeat of the antichrist, meaning mankind's purposeful genocide continues, there is no Jesus' Millennium, explaining why 2003 Holy Spirit show me, more a world outcry for a Hussein to reign, more antichrist, than for Christ himself.
Instead Hallelujah I say, for as well doing these visions and dreams there was the witness of seeing Jesus' Millennium follow Obama's, whereas 45 million lives are threaten by insurmountable death tolls. No wonder the Bride, captured in a post rapture since John heard a voice like a trumpet cry, come up here, the trumpet I witness be passed off to the Angels Gabriel of Elohim being the same as from the foundation of this planet. A Special Bride now 1986-2016 being shown not only reigning in heaven, 02/14/2015, but readied to by the release of the stone cut out without hands to bring all kingdom and Nation building most cataclysmically to screeching halt, awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM
-The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27, see Cain
-The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise, see Ps. 51, see Abel
-Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
-Seen to seeing, hearing, the word, forewarning "week," there's something mightily important about an approaching week, 08/18/2016 (see Syrian Truce, 08/25)
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, (also see beginning of Syrian Truce, 09/13), beware, Apb
-There's something about a dream, regarding the setting of this 'ring of fire,' all round, on the map, even more proof, all rebellion is come to an end, 08/30/2016
There's Something about again living on plantations, before be evacuated into closed borders of Mexico 07/16/2016
-Seen to be seeing Miya on Dunlap street where Obama at one time was, as so at a time, Lady Obama, meaning again, time has lapsed America into it's own works of oblivion, 08/18//2016
When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb
Now The End Begins, Jesus is Come Again
-We know such the like dangers as pending nuclear wars to Armageddon at any given moment are upon this earth and mankind, this home away from home for all of mankind. It has all been forewarn these thousands of years right into this present second, even Jesus predicted our days, these end times. How these people, despite it's mass wealth and unforeseen ever innovations, though, when it come to mass destruction, they're to be just as lackadaisical as the people of Noah's days in ways so horrible they're caught so unaware. Frightfully, as so like in Noah's day, there was only one escape of God destroying, like presently, Mystery America, the heavens and the earth, hence, all rebellion, all nation building.
-Just as so, how to verify King Nebuchadnezzar's witness of a stone cut out without hands fall from heaven crushing all things man, including he, himself. The identical stone, this Apostle witness lately, in the possession of the Bride now reigning in heaven, with the most surreal thing about it, it had the surface of a, Meteor, of man/earth cataclysmic ending. The prophet Daniel, the only one to interpret these both horrid and glorious things for this King of king, is all the more proof that for thousands of years we've known this. Seems it is just these times right now, has come also biblical prophecy long awaited delivery. Making sense, well, I was listening to a video just the other day, this one lamenting happily, how beyond description glorious it is to be alive at this time of mankind's bible history, to be the ones the Angel Gabriel described as those of total fulfillment regarding all things Holy Spirit, again Hallelujah.
-Magnificently, with that first on the a gender, the unforeseen getting of the Bride out, I witness them shoot like fire rockets right into the sky. I will conclude this post by saying this, I awaken a few months ago, from what I know, how I'd taken strenuously part in what I can only describe as a divine manner of census taking, as recorded in scripture, Ezek. 9, this was done to mark life and immortality all those compassionate, with hearts of Christ, whereas those not receiving a census were those instead upon which now a days greater sorrows and unimaginable death tolls would all the more remain, explaining seeing even the Whitehouse consumed in flames. You see Lucifer, a third of the Angels now fallen, the demon horde and rebellious man who follow Satan's Seat, all have their plans, but we know from Daniel's testament concerning alone, this King of king, pretty much like America's President, the most powerful leader on the earth.
-God doesn't only have His Own Plans, but has since the fall of Adam and the Rebirthing of Him, this last Adam anew, He, Elohim has miraculously by a profound Grace, like right this second implemented them, His prized promises and prophecies. This mean by God's living Christ, Spirit, Word and Righteous Bride, all design before the foundation of the earth, Elohim hasn't left us comfortless nor ignorant about any of it, light, even revelation hath come, but mankind thinking they have blessed liens and leases here, this ginormous deception. Here on a continuous bases speak and make evil of the truth, whereas God cries, not only that His People be loosed from these delusions deem America, though how He will strip bare every known offender.
-Heretofore knowing the unrighteous, they have their reward, whereby they panic and cry mountains fall on us and hide us, from the great God they tell you don't exist, can't, don't worship Him. Undoubtedly you need to ask, how can they, the supposedly elite, run from a non existent wine press of God, all while crying aloud, "for the great day of God's Wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?" Instead, hell itself hath enlarged itself, and their pomp, and their glory reaping of all of it's distinct horrors, beware, the kingdom of God hath become the Kingdoms of God and His Anointed, all of Heavens Throne now celebrate this, casting down golden crowns to highest reward toward this only worthy and they shall reign forever. got Him, got Jesus yet? See more here, www.theonewayprayer2016.blogspot.com
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, What Will Happen in Mosul?
VOM's Todd Nettleton was interviewed this week by Mission Network News' Lyndsey Koh for a story about the battle for Mosul, and especially what the freeing of that city will mean for Christians in the region. Here is an excerpt from the resulting story
Iraq (MNN) — On Monday, Iraqi forces and their allies launched a new offensive on the city of Mosul in an attempt to reclaim it from ISIS.
Mosul is ISIS’ largest stronghold in Iraq. The major city has been under ISIS control for the past two years. Currently, the BBC estimates around 5,000 ISIS fighters are still fortified in the city. Sirwan Barzani, a Peshmerga military commander, said the process to reclaim Mosul could take as long as two months. At the offset of the attack this week, Iraqi forces were met with heavy gunfire and a smattering of suicide car bombers.
Todd Nettleton with The Voice of the Martyrs -- USA says Mosul has been a symbol of power and status for ISIS in Iraq.
“[When] they took over the city, it was a part of their so-called caliphate. The fact that they controlled physical territory, including a major city like Mosul, was a big part of their appeal in their recruiting process, [saying], ‘Look, we’re a state! We’re a country! We have territory! We have cities!… If you’re a good Sunni Muslim, you need to get here. There is now a caliphate in existence, we control territory, we’re led by a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.’”
If Mosul is reclaimed, Nettleton explains the loss would weaken ISIS’ reputation and strength.
“The less territory they control, the less economic heft they have, the harder it becomes for them to spread that message and say [they’re] a functioning state. As they lose territory, that becomes a tougher sell.”
However, if Mosul is indeed freed from the clutches of ISIS, there would be a lot more question marks for the future. The most obvious ones would be: Now what? Who will be in charge?
“The population of Mosul is predominantly Sunni. The government of Iraq is predominantly Shia. So will the Sunni population of Mosul be willing to come under control of the Shia government of Iraq? What role will the Kurds play?… It’s a lot of upheaval that’s going on.”
Read the rest of the story on the Mission Network News web site, also see http://www.persecutionblog.com/2016/10/what-will-happen-in-mosul.html
Iraq (MNN) — On Monday, Iraqi forces and their allies launched a new offensive on the city of Mosul in an attempt to reclaim it from ISIS.
Todd Nettleton with The Voice of the Martyrs -- USA says Mosul has been a symbol of power and status for ISIS in Iraq.
“[When] they took over the city, it was a part of their so-called caliphate. The fact that they controlled physical territory, including a major city like Mosul, was a big part of their appeal in their recruiting process, [saying], ‘Look, we’re a state! We’re a country! We have territory! We have cities!… If you’re a good Sunni Muslim, you need to get here. There is now a caliphate in existence, we control territory, we’re led by a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.’”
If Mosul is reclaimed, Nettleton explains the loss would weaken ISIS’ reputation and strength.
“The less territory they control, the less economic heft they have, the harder it becomes for them to spread that message and say [they’re] a functioning state. As they lose territory, that becomes a tougher sell.”
However, if Mosul is indeed freed from the clutches of ISIS, there would be a lot more question marks for the future. The most obvious ones would be: Now what? Who will be in charge?
“The population of Mosul is predominantly Sunni. The government of Iraq is predominantly Shia. So will the Sunni population of Mosul be willing to come under control of the Shia government of Iraq? What role will the Kurds play?… It’s a lot of upheaval that’s going on.”
Read the rest of the story on the Mission Network News web site, also see http://www.persecutionblog.com/2016/10/what-will-happen-in-mosul.html
Apostle Note:
Prophecy Link
-Seen to be seeing Israel making an offer of Israeli troops to President Obama, a Voice crying aloud, synchronize Israel, seen to be seeing a reluctant Israel falling into the hands of Hamath, 2008-2010, P. L. Apb
-And God bless every effort according to the Will of His Wine Press, but not only am I, this Apostle of Resurrection, by this article reminded of the end times, when the recorded tribulation saints will fall into the enemy's hand. This is like America fighting its own Frankenstein monster, so at lest we know how this story will end, how its to ebb and flow until Jesus, mightier in these battle, the Monster slayer Himself, how simply by the brightness of his coming he's to destroy all of them. Mostly this story remind me of the night I'm in between sleep and in motion as a panorama around my head is the name Jeremiah and the scripture, 37:8, all of which I've come to call America's and the West profound God hand writing on the wall surrounding their judgments.
-Heretofore forewarning how an enemy like those mention here, not only would come, but would come continuously, despite these wars, regardless of their defeat, how like demonic soldiers they would press and push through and become like in the days of especially Belshazzar's Dan. 5, the authentic hand of God, writing on wall. This revelation of truth would further explain Bush's war being design one Error/Era into a new fear factor, why equally a pile of torture vehicles in these blistering with biblical prophecy territories, where described by a US general, as one to reassure his men, again design a dirty Mede, why equally doing a dream of such the like things I witness a US General hand
-Then, just recently as recorded above I was given a visual, audible "week," prophecy, (see also a voice crying, "don't touch Geneva), just a "week," prior to the Geneva Switzerland Syrian/Russian/US Truce, it is all these things which let us know, we're speeding head, helmets and Hijabs into the final "week," of Daniel. As I explain lately, without this week, there is catching away of the bride, no return of Jesus Christ, no defeat of the antichrist, meaning mankind's purposeful genocide continues, there is no Jesus' Millennium, explaining why 2003 Holy Spirit show me, more a world outcry for a Hussein to reign, more antichrist, than for Christ himself.
Instead Hallelujah I say, for as well doing these visions and dreams there was the witness of seeing Jesus' Millennium follow Obama's, whereas 45 million lives are threaten by insurmountable death tolls. No wonder the Bride, captured in a post rapture since John heard a voice like a trumpet cry, come up here, the trumpet I witness be passed off to the Angels Gabriel of Elohim being the same as from the foundation of this planet. A Special Bride now 1986-2016 being shown not only reigning in heaven, 02/14/2015, but readied to by the release of the stone cut out without hands to bring all kingdom and Nation building most cataclysmically to screeching halt, awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM
-The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27, see Cain
-The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise, see Ps. 51, see Abel
-Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
-Seen to seeing, hearing, the word, forewarning "week," there's something mightily important about an approaching week, 08/18/2016 (see Syrian Truce, 08/25)
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, (also see beginning of Syrian Truce, 09/13), beware, Apb
-There's something about a dream, regarding the setting of this 'ring of fire,' all round, on the map, even more proof, all rebellion is come to an end, 08/30/2016
There's Something about again living on plantations, before be evacuated into closed borders of Mexico 07/16/2016
-Seen to be seeing Miya on Dunlap street where Obama at one time was, as so at a time, Lady Obama, meaning again, time has lapsed America into it's own works of oblivion, 08/18//2016
When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb
Now The End Begins, Jesus is Come Again
Your Trial or Error, https://www.gofundme.com/2sew3qp7
-Day Sixty-four 10/22, of the "week," prophecy 08/18/ a week before the last Syrian Truce, 08/25 a coun5tdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017; 2017/18-2024/25, see www.givemetwelve2016.blogspot.com
Prophecy Link
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, (also see beginning of Syrian Truce, 09/12), beware, Apb
Now The End Begins, Jesus is Come Again www.thefourthofthegodhead15.blogspot.com
-Is all this a subterfuge? America, Russia, pending world war and what's really happening right now borders more so on the line of movie demonstrations like Deep Impact, Armageddon and 2012. In all these extinction Level Events, the people, the virtual 99% were always the last to learn, but where as sitting ducks not only for the Elite, but as they made all preparation to save only themselves.
-I listen to a video yesterday which accursed our national and international leaders of this very thing, that we have a threat more so from Planetary bodies or other Alien visitations from heaven more like Niribu (Planet X), or our own Sun, (CME's) more so than anything like as being reported here. Of course we know such the like wars will come and in some cases is come, we've been forewarn of them since before Jesus, and I've seen them happen Arab and Asian, lately especially, US soil.
-Though all that is a mascaraed lately, that while they get their bunkers and specialty guess ready, non essential persons like yourselves, of course with the exception of God's Anointed, like this Apostle been forewarning. How like never before, not only is Elohim more disappointed and angry at us, this world, that's not since the days of Noah, only more explosive, though as well is Jesus closer to this planet, to the Church Bride, (the RIGHTEOUS).
-To God's Anointed than He's been since He ascended on high, promised Her an alike escape, glory. This is why this Apostle primary inquiry now, is whether or not you have Him, have you fallen on your knees to Jesus and herein no longer make provisions for the flesh, for now His Seed remain in you, Born Again and you no longer practice sin?
-I been asking myself lately, you know once Jesus rose from death, just as He claimed ,those who believe Him would do the same, rise from death. Herein with testimonies of such beyond phenomena things, I now wonder did Jesus know that in exactly 40 days He would rise into the heavens from them, all with an alike comforter arriving, only 10 days later? I testified after thirty years of demonstrating various forms of Blessed Resurrections to me, even Jesus Himself appearing; as I dozed into sleep the night of 02/17/2015, there come visions to me, those in the forms of Holy Spirit actually texting me, and I quote, "Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way," those 21 Egyptian Christian males, as predicted here (Rev. 5), were going under a sword, refusing to demy Him, Jesus, this only Worthy about the same time, as I said, He's closer than ever before.
-Just as so, how to verify King Nebuchadnezzar's witness of a stone cut out without hands fall from heaven crushing all things man, including he, himself. The identical stone, this Apostle witness lately, in the possession of the Bride now reigning in heaven, with the most surreal thing about it, it had the surface of a, Meteor, of man/earth cataclysmic ending. The prophet Daniel, the only one to interpret these both horrid and glorious things for this King of king, is all the more proof that for thousands of years we've known this. Seems it is just these times right now, has come also biblical prophecy long awaited delivery. Making sense, well, I was listening to a video just the other day, this one lamenting happily, how beyond description glorious it is to be alive at this time of mankind's bible history, to be the ones the Angel Gabriel described as those of total fulfillment regarding all things Holy Spirit, again Hallelujah.
-Magnificently, with that first on the a gender, the unforeseen getting of the Bride out, I witness them shoot like fire rockets right into the sky. I will conclude this post by saying this, I awaken a few months ago, from what I know, how I'd taken strenuously part in what I can only describe as a divine manner of census taking, as recorded in scripture, Ezek. 9, this was done to mark life and immortality all those compassionate, with hearts of Christ, whereas those not receiving a census were those instead upon which now a days greater sorrows and unimaginable death tolls would all the more remain, explaining seeing even the Whitehouse consumed in flames. You see Lucifer, a third of the Angels now fallen, the demon horde and rebellious man who follow Satan's Seat, all have their plans, but we know from Daniel's testament concerning alone, this King of king, pretty much like America's President, the most powerful leader on the earth.
-God doesn't only have His Own Plans, but has since the fall of Adam and the Rebirthing of Him, this last Adam anew, He, Elohim has miraculously by a profound Grace, like right this second implemented them, His prized promises and prophecies. This mean by God's living Christ, Spirit, Word and Righteous Bride, all design before the foundation of the earth, Elohim hasn't left us comfortless nor ignorant about any of it, light, even revelation hath come, but mankind thinking they have blessed liens and leases here, this ginormous deception. Here on a continuous bases speak and make evil of the truth, whereas God cries, not only that His People be loosed from these delusions deem America, though how He will strip bare every known offender.
-Heretofore knowing the unrighteous, they have their reward, whereby they panic and cry mountains fall on us and hide us, from the great God they tell you don't exist, can't, don't worship Him. Undoubtedly you need to ask, how can they, the supposedly elite, run from a non existent wine press of God, all while crying aloud, "for the great day of God's Wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?" Instead, hell itself hath enlarged itself, and their pomp, and their glory reaping of all of it's distinct horrors, beware, the kingdom of God hath become the Kingdoms of God and His Anointed, all of Heavens Throne now celebrate this, casting down golden crowns to highest reward toward this only worthy and they shall reign forever. got Him, got Jesus yet? See more here, www.theonewayprayer2016.blogspot.com
Friday, October 21, 2016
And Lead Us Not Into Temptation, Take Up Shield And Buckler!
Day Sixty-three 10/21 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/ a week before the last Syrian Truce, 08/25 a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, what did I see? I saw the Bride now reigning in heaven, I saw that she had in her possession the stone cut out without hands, Dan. 2. I saw that it had the surface of a Meteor, (see Niribu,http://planetxnews.com/2016/06/16/overwhelming-evidence-2017-arrival-planet-x-nibiru/ at least coming for us, these last thirty years). I saw, heard that when she released it, I heard a voice lament and I quote, "this is the antichrist murderer," 02/14/2015, Apb, see www.thesevenvials2016.blogspot.com
-The earth and all it survey, even the heavens, the universe are all experiencing both glorious and horrid to imagine changes, so much so even the greatest of scientist, unless admittedly, they just can't wrap their highly technical brains around it, which is why science fiction itself is become so tremendously advance, as they pretend what they can't see their way through, what if, what if, what if. What if they admit, Jesus, Daniel's man in linden, even Ezekiel's witness of God's awkward for him, literal indescribable chariot, where all signs of great knowledge and unsightly innovations that was to come, just as King Nebuchadnezzar's prophecy of the stone cut out without hands falling from heaven was it's aching to mind, heart and blood finale.
-Even its surreal evidence, that growing mankind, reaping wicked devices, genocides sown only had a certain length of time to do so, hell having enlarged itself all. That in a times, times, and a half, now all expired into Daniel's final week, into countdowns continuance. Again, swearing by the man in linden, much too much righteous blood to measure had been spilled trying to stop him, the very one who hath them from the beginning. Who became so sorry that He did, devised a plan which laid all that is HIM, that's Elohim for what, billions of years? There now it laid in the balancing act of His cleverness or what some would call foolishness of advancing HIS Incalculable Heart's blood to Love Affairs for them.
-As to make of Himself, flesh, the woman's womb, taking it all the way to a garden of indecision, and into a den, even a spider's web of corrupt, to demonic men, soon they would drive nails into him. All the while thinking to finish him, only to polarize into beyond that thinkable of every word promised Mother Eve that day. How her womb alone would bare us a son, wounded, bruised, the chastisement of our peace all upon His divine, spilled blood, this Lion of the tribe of Judah. This Son of David, that one John now witness reigning in heaven, and now, according to our own Oracles of God's throne, the Bride now witness as reigning there, readying the strike, to conform the rebellious earth Kingdoms of men are done, Apb, The RAM
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting
Father, The Prince of Peace, Isa. 9:6
The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27, see Cain
The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise, see Ps. 51, see Abel
-Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
-Seen to seeing, hearing, the word, forewarning "week," there's something mightily important about an approaching week, 08/18/2016 (see Syrian Truce, 08/25)
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, (also see beginning of Syrian Truce, 09/13), beware, Apb
-There's something about a dream, regarding the setting of this 'ring of fire,' all round, on the map, even more proof, all rebellion is come to an end, 08/30/2016
There's Something about again living on plantations, before be evacuated into closed borders of Mexico 07/16/2016
-Seen to be seeing Miya on Dunlap street where Obama at one time was, as so at a time, Lady Obama, meaning again, time has lapsed America into it's own works of oblivion, 08/18//2016
When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb
And A Child Shall Lead Them, One Way Prayer
Mystery America, Who Hath Bewitched You?
"Clayden, ah, whom we call Apple, he's ah, he's kinda, he's infatuated with the homophile lifestyle, and at the time Dr. Deburk was speaking on it, explaining the difference between fornication and same sex marriage. How one is more naturally sinful and the other more, well He hinted around to how choosing the homophile lifestyle is like choosing Satanism, that in some cases it's even pedophile, ah demonic. As one, he said, goes into this lifestyle knowing God has given it's practice up to vile affections, that continuing into contagions and malignancy like Cancer, which totally explains HIV Aids, both which has killed tens of millions world wide. He ah, ah, well it all started when a person asked the difference between an infirmity and a temptation, wait, wait, you was there? A few rolls ahead of you Aggie, to the left, and well, Dr. Allum, ah Deburk explained how an infirmity is a natural occurrence of mankind being cursed, while a temptation is to be urged by condemned flesh, Satan, even demons into or along an ordeal you know is against God, is to transgress or grieve the Holy Spirit. That you're then left in aching indecision between the two, like momentarily being torn between two or even many lovers and Apple said, like choosing the lesser of two evils. Yeah, then Dr. Desrek said, actually no, because godliness isn't evil, you know you're choosing between a light or twilight, one by God's Grace, Jesus, the veil is no more. One, even from birth, there's a mirror but it's not clear, your ability to decide is cloudy, the storms, dragons,
dangerous, deadly and even damning. He said the bible make it clear all unrighteousness is sin, that if you decide to remain in sin, then you're deciding to live a life without Him, without God as Shepherd. As so, without Jesus as Lord and without the Holy Rim as this unpronounced Comforter and Friend, soon you're without this impenetrable armor of God. So are you, well, was he, Dr. Deburk saying, heterosexuality is a natural sin, whereas homosexuality, unnatural, is more the work of satanic, even demonic temptation? Almost like crossing the point of no return, I mean what a wow factor, I know, he made a lot of young people mad that day, Apple just decided he would, well, do something about it. Ah stop the wielding sword of truth I guess, it's cutting, stabbing pain one way or another, which is either prayerfully, socially or violently, just know, choosing violence is like the carnivorous world, a doctrine of kill or be killed, I guess. Is that why so many are choosing to put metal to the brain, put metal to the what are, suicide, Stamos means the taking of ones life? That the more it is apparent God does have a Will, and it is that by end time prophecy being fulfilled, there are people who're deceived into thinking. Well, how they may as well rush their appearances in hell I guess, why wait around and watch everything they treasure more than God by horrors inconceivable sink into the mire, a virtual endless abyss? Yeah, but those committing suicide Reese don't see it that way, they see it as a means to the end all pain, but there is only one to end all pain, even death itself will be put away, and that is Jesus. His winning and getting all believers to God's Throne, His Heir, and if you're wondering how actually, even factually true is all that? Just as it was recorded Jesus existed, that he was crucified, that He went into that tomb, wounded, bruised and dead for all of us. So said the prophet Isaiah, so said all of them about Him at one time, allegory or another, it is also recorded you guys how He came out of that tomb three days later. That He walked again upon the earth with His Disciples some 40 days, just as we enter into His suffering, even His cross and martyrdom, we've also entered into His Resurrection and glorification. If we can believe His Gospel Truth straight through to His Resurrection, to His Teaching, even His Promises that His Own Ascension was that He go and prepare us mansions in heaven. Evidently, why is it then so hard to believe in a Savior who was promised us, mankind before the foundation of this earth? That He is coming for us. Then according to grandma Maaseiah, it's any minute now, you hear me guys, it's any minute now, so don't go falling into temptation now, you no longer walk according to the flesh, remember? The Apostle Paul and the twelve, suffered mightily, even the lost of his head, their heads to bring us this message, this beyond description victory, don't unravel it or lose it all now. Here falling into temptations of damnations, for if our Christ Lord can be tempted but without sin, then guess what? So can we who're heads over hill in love with Him, see, if this wasn't possible He wouldn't commissioned us to love nor to be perfect as our Father in heaven. So Beeth do you think he knew, you think Jesus knew he would ascend that fortieth day? He was Reese now again more Holy Spirit, than man, so it's possible He knew, probably like Maaseiah, who know, it's any minute now, I mean she just know it, wow Beeth man, wow! Look here, since I got you all's attention, I been meaning to tell you guys, Brave, she ah, wasn't, ah pregnant, it was a false alarmed, so thank you guys for keeping that too yourselves. So Heus, when Elohim brought six couples into Noah's Ark, that wasn't just Him being overly generous? But commending His Love toward us even then, He was enabling six couples to one day be the one, this woman seed that's to reproduce right into the fullness of time concerning the Christ. Then here's the Angel Gabriel arriving explaining to a teen girl Mary what beyond extraordinary is about to happen, all by the anointing of Holy Spirits in her womb. Now here presently this same Gabriel appearing to Maaseiah regarding all the kingdoms of men, now become those of God and His now Reigning in heaven and on the earth, Son/Christ/Lord. Yeah and he would save His people, all of mankind's blood lineage, from their sins, that's like saying, from their own man made detriment, now this stone made without hands made active by the reigning Bride, into it's descending Millennium. Then you Mr. BFA files, you don't worry about Brave's conception, keep doing what's natural and as is nature, it will happen, "yeah, yeah," they all agreed, even lift their cups into a toast. Even thinking, how soon they would all be lifted up to Him, and as was explained, there'll be no more misery, no more death and dying. Although it couldn't be helped, but by the choices they made, so for so many still, there would be hell to pay, seeming forever, though for the redeemed. For those mocked, abused and martyred for their belief, it's outreach of Jesus, their was a heaven both to ascend to and eventually a New Jerusalem to descend into an earth as well shaped and mold into a newness of glorification. "That's stunning Aggie, Aggie, what is that short for? Agurus, after my father, ah I see, yeah my sister Megan started it and it just went from there. Hey, I just need you all to know, Apple wasn't always like that, he worshipped the Genesis Covenant Marriage, he worshipped Jesus' Cross, like us, and I. Well, once the Obama Administration start pushing the LGBTQ and Maaseiah you guys would say, P for pedophile, agenda. Clayden, he just became more and more obsessed, ah tempted I guess you can say, even possessed, first it was prized networks, pushing it, even churches. Soon he became more interested in their movies, I frightfully told mom what was happening to him and to be honest she looked at me like I was crazy, almost like she hated me. Then it progressed worriedly to him watching more and more really vulgar vids, to looking and flirting with men like that, like woman. It was so, so crazy to me, so mentally mutating, you know, so not the Genesis, so not what God intended, hey, hey, Stamos man, look, this is not your fault. No, once they legalized it, now making everything transgender, even God's Rainbow covenant, most young people, children don't stand a chance. Which is why Maaseiah has seen that like it's abominable parents Sodom and Gomorrah, only much, much worse, it all must end, again right now, right after the Bride or as the Bride is taken out! Though until then Apple's light so glorious at the end of this genocidal tunnel is the fact, Mr. ah Dr. Deburk won't press charges, that he has convinced the Dean and the campus to do the same. That's as long as Apple agree to go into Rehab at the S.H.R.I.N.K.S. Facility, you all know what that mean, you don't come out of that place lukewarm, no indecision, veils, coats. No more darken mirrors, it's still your choice, your will, but as Jesus the night of Gethsemane, now you know what's light, and you know what's dark, the point here you guys is that now you know. So Reese how is Unck fairing? Ah, the last time dad and I went to see him, he was ok, still pouring out of God's word, wait, wait, are, how, are you saying Dr. Deburk is your uncle? Yeah, he, wait a minute, how is it I didn't know that, that's we Stamos man, we didn't know that? I don't, it's not like it's a secret, apparently Reese man, no, my father is Dr. Deburk's youngest, only brother, ah man you should've told, supposed we'd said something wrong. Ok, ok, I don't get this, you're sitting at a table with two of Maaseiah's grandsons, and you're floored because I'm Dr. Deburk's nephew. Grandsons, what are you, Agurus and Amir are Maasieah's grandsons, meaning she gave birth to their parents, what? Ok, why you think they call her grand? As in grand Maaseiah I thought, guess, ok, ok, any way Mir to answer your question, the last I saw Uncle Deburk, he was taking about how men are reduce to sin by their disobedience, how it the first sin. How obedience instead is a choice, given the ten commandments, that it can't be forced, again a choice, so you can say Uncle Derry was being himself. Let me share this, grandma Maasieah told my dad, her son, ok, Stamos, River hear that? How she's been, while a certain song, she gets songs as allegories, as words. Well how it's lyrics have been literally worrying her, even burning her, ah, Bill Withers, I think, "aint no sunshine when she's gone." Said she was replacing the word her with the word He', as in Jesus. Only this was just before she realize it wasn't referring to the Bride Groom now rescuing her, but the Church Bride herself, that the world all over will be made a virtual twilight. Even a black void, spiritually, mentally, physically and socially, into the greatest tribulations ever, never, ever being the same once She is taken out. Doesn't the prophet Zechariah speak of Jesus returning doing a twilight? I just saying, that's, yes ah, Reese good catch. I mean you guys, when you take the lyrics to this song and you place it in order of the Bride's disappearance, man they're so, so intimidating until your heart goes panic. Not you guys so much for yourself, but for all who will be left here, yeah brother Heus, even more scary, the transgender bathroom brawls lately, it gave grand Maaseiah even more clarity. That's of the bed and bath scenario ending the demonstration of mankind being awarded this artificial, leopard skin loan of a coat (Mystery America), in the beginning that bedazzled them right into hell's fire, so beware. How at the finale, something this darken mirror until now, how she stood a bed and bath, where from the window she could now see clearly many people. How all around where desperate, desperate people not just standing on these rooftop but stranded there, horridly realizing Jesus having come and snatched out the bride all while they were lost in translating distractions of these bathrooms brawls, so you guys, how scary as hell is all that? Awake, you're ignorance is no longer counted an excuse, but rebellious as we're lead into all truth, be aware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.thegoodshepherd2016.blogspot.com, www.2016pforpedophile.blogspot.com, www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, what did I see? I saw the Bride now reigning in heaven, I saw that she had in her possession the stone cut out without hands, Dan. 2. I saw that it had the surface of a Meteor, (see Niribu,http://planetxnews.com/2016/06/16/overwhelming-evidence-2017-arrival-planet-x-nibiru/ at least coming for us, these last thirty years). I saw, heard that when she released it, I heard a voice lament and I quote, "this is the antichrist murderer," 02/14/2015, Apb, see www.thesevenvials2016.blogspot.com
-The earth and all it survey, even the heavens, the universe are all experiencing both glorious and horrid to imagine changes, so much so even the greatest of scientist, unless admittedly, they just can't wrap their highly technical brains around it, which is why science fiction itself is become so tremendously advance, as they pretend what they can't see their way through, what if, what if, what if. What if they admit, Jesus, Daniel's man in linden, even Ezekiel's witness of God's awkward for him, literal indescribable chariot, where all signs of great knowledge and unsightly innovations that was to come, just as King Nebuchadnezzar's prophecy of the stone cut out without hands falling from heaven was it's aching to mind, heart and blood finale.
-Even its surreal evidence, that growing mankind, reaping wicked devices, genocides sown only had a certain length of time to do so, hell having enlarged itself all. That in a times, times, and a half, now all expired into Daniel's final week, into countdowns continuance. Again, swearing by the man in linden, much too much righteous blood to measure had been spilled trying to stop him, the very one who hath them from the beginning. Who became so sorry that He did, devised a plan which laid all that is HIM, that's Elohim for what, billions of years? There now it laid in the balancing act of His cleverness or what some would call foolishness of advancing HIS Incalculable Heart's blood to Love Affairs for them.
-As to make of Himself, flesh, the woman's womb, taking it all the way to a garden of indecision, and into a den, even a spider's web of corrupt, to demonic men, soon they would drive nails into him. All the while thinking to finish him, only to polarize into beyond that thinkable of every word promised Mother Eve that day. How her womb alone would bare us a son, wounded, bruised, the chastisement of our peace all upon His divine, spilled blood, this Lion of the tribe of Judah. This Son of David, that one John now witness reigning in heaven, and now, according to our own Oracles of God's throne, the Bride now witness as reigning there, readying the strike, to conform the rebellious earth Kingdoms of men are done, Apb, The RAM
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting
Father, The Prince of Peace, Isa. 9:6
The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27, see Cain
The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise, see Ps. 51, see Abel
-Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
-Seen to seeing, hearing, the word, forewarning "week," there's something mightily important about an approaching week, 08/18/2016 (see Syrian Truce, 08/25)
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, (also see beginning of Syrian Truce, 09/13), beware, Apb
-There's something about a dream, regarding the setting of this 'ring of fire,' all round, on the map, even more proof, all rebellion is come to an end, 08/30/2016
There's Something about again living on plantations, before be evacuated into closed borders of Mexico 07/16/2016
-Seen to be seeing Miya on Dunlap street where Obama at one time was, as so at a time, Lady Obama, meaning again, time has lapsed America into it's own works of oblivion, 08/18//2016
When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb
And A Child Shall Lead Them, One Way Prayer
Mystery America, Who Hath Bewitched You?
"Clayden, ah, whom we call Apple, he's ah, he's kinda, he's infatuated with the homophile lifestyle, and at the time Dr. Deburk was speaking on it, explaining the difference between fornication and same sex marriage. How one is more naturally sinful and the other more, well He hinted around to how choosing the homophile lifestyle is like choosing Satanism, that in some cases it's even pedophile, ah demonic. As one, he said, goes into this lifestyle knowing God has given it's practice up to vile affections, that continuing into contagions and malignancy like Cancer, which totally explains HIV Aids, both which has killed tens of millions world wide. He ah, ah, well it all started when a person asked the difference between an infirmity and a temptation, wait, wait, you was there? A few rolls ahead of you Aggie, to the left, and well, Dr. Allum, ah Deburk explained how an infirmity is a natural occurrence of mankind being cursed, while a temptation is to be urged by condemned flesh, Satan, even demons into or along an ordeal you know is against God, is to transgress or grieve the Holy Spirit. That you're then left in aching indecision between the two, like momentarily being torn between two or even many lovers and Apple said, like choosing the lesser of two evils. Yeah, then Dr. Desrek said, actually no, because godliness isn't evil, you know you're choosing between a light or twilight, one by God's Grace, Jesus, the veil is no more. One, even from birth, there's a mirror but it's not clear, your ability to decide is cloudy, the storms, dragons,
dangerous, deadly and even damning. He said the bible make it clear all unrighteousness is sin, that if you decide to remain in sin, then you're deciding to live a life without Him, without God as Shepherd. As so, without Jesus as Lord and without the Holy Rim as this unpronounced Comforter and Friend, soon you're without this impenetrable armor of God. So are you, well, was he, Dr. Deburk saying, heterosexuality is a natural sin, whereas homosexuality, unnatural, is more the work of satanic, even demonic temptation? Almost like crossing the point of no return, I mean what a wow factor, I know, he made a lot of young people mad that day, Apple just decided he would, well, do something about it. Ah stop the wielding sword of truth I guess, it's cutting, stabbing pain one way or another, which is either prayerfully, socially or violently, just know, choosing violence is like the carnivorous world, a doctrine of kill or be killed, I guess. Is that why so many are choosing to put metal to the brain, put metal to the what are, suicide, Stamos means the taking of ones life? That the more it is apparent God does have a Will, and it is that by end time prophecy being fulfilled, there are people who're deceived into thinking. Well, how they may as well rush their appearances in hell I guess, why wait around and watch everything they treasure more than God by horrors inconceivable sink into the mire, a virtual endless abyss? Yeah, but those committing suicide Reese don't see it that way, they see it as a means to the end all pain, but there is only one to end all pain, even death itself will be put away, and that is Jesus. His winning and getting all believers to God's Throne, His Heir, and if you're wondering how actually, even factually true is all that? Just as it was recorded Jesus existed, that he was crucified, that He went into that tomb, wounded, bruised and dead for all of us. So said the prophet Isaiah, so said all of them about Him at one time, allegory or another, it is also recorded you guys how He came out of that tomb three days later. That He walked again upon the earth with His Disciples some 40 days, just as we enter into His suffering, even His cross and martyrdom, we've also entered into His Resurrection and glorification. If we can believe His Gospel Truth straight through to His Resurrection, to His Teaching, even His Promises that His Own Ascension was that He go and prepare us mansions in heaven. Evidently, why is it then so hard to believe in a Savior who was promised us, mankind before the foundation of this earth? That He is coming for us. Then according to grandma Maaseiah, it's any minute now, you hear me guys, it's any minute now, so don't go falling into temptation now, you no longer walk according to the flesh, remember? The Apostle Paul and the twelve, suffered mightily, even the lost of his head, their heads to bring us this message, this beyond description victory, don't unravel it or lose it all now. Here falling into temptations of damnations, for if our Christ Lord can be tempted but without sin, then guess what? So can we who're heads over hill in love with Him, see, if this wasn't possible He wouldn't commissioned us to love nor to be perfect as our Father in heaven. So Beeth do you think he knew, you think Jesus knew he would ascend that fortieth day? He was Reese now again more Holy Spirit, than man, so it's possible He knew, probably like Maaseiah, who know, it's any minute now, I mean she just know it, wow Beeth man, wow! Look here, since I got you all's attention, I been meaning to tell you guys, Brave, she ah, wasn't, ah pregnant, it was a false alarmed, so thank you guys for keeping that too yourselves. So Heus, when Elohim brought six couples into Noah's Ark, that wasn't just Him being overly generous? But commending His Love toward us even then, He was enabling six couples to one day be the one, this woman seed that's to reproduce right into the fullness of time concerning the Christ. Then here's the Angel Gabriel arriving explaining to a teen girl Mary what beyond extraordinary is about to happen, all by the anointing of Holy Spirits in her womb. Now here presently this same Gabriel appearing to Maaseiah regarding all the kingdoms of men, now become those of God and His now Reigning in heaven and on the earth, Son/Christ/Lord. Yeah and he would save His people, all of mankind's blood lineage, from their sins, that's like saying, from their own man made detriment, now this stone made without hands made active by the reigning Bride, into it's descending Millennium. Then you Mr. BFA files, you don't worry about Brave's conception, keep doing what's natural and as is nature, it will happen, "yeah, yeah," they all agreed, even lift their cups into a toast. Even thinking, how soon they would all be lifted up to Him, and as was explained, there'll be no more misery, no more death and dying. Although it couldn't be helped, but by the choices they made, so for so many still, there would be hell to pay, seeming forever, though for the redeemed. For those mocked, abused and martyred for their belief, it's outreach of Jesus, their was a heaven both to ascend to and eventually a New Jerusalem to descend into an earth as well shaped and mold into a newness of glorification. "That's stunning Aggie, Aggie, what is that short for? Agurus, after my father, ah I see, yeah my sister Megan started it and it just went from there. Hey, I just need you all to know, Apple wasn't always like that, he worshipped the Genesis Covenant Marriage, he worshipped Jesus' Cross, like us, and I. Well, once the Obama Administration start pushing the LGBTQ and Maaseiah you guys would say, P for pedophile, agenda. Clayden, he just became more and more obsessed, ah tempted I guess you can say, even possessed, first it was prized networks, pushing it, even churches. Soon he became more interested in their movies, I frightfully told mom what was happening to him and to be honest she looked at me like I was crazy, almost like she hated me. Then it progressed worriedly to him watching more and more really vulgar vids, to looking and flirting with men like that, like woman. It was so, so crazy to me, so mentally mutating, you know, so not the Genesis, so not what God intended, hey, hey, Stamos man, look, this is not your fault. No, once they legalized it, now making everything transgender, even God's Rainbow covenant, most young people, children don't stand a chance. Which is why Maaseiah has seen that like it's abominable parents Sodom and Gomorrah, only much, much worse, it all must end, again right now, right after the Bride or as the Bride is taken out! Though until then Apple's light so glorious at the end of this genocidal tunnel is the fact, Mr. ah Dr. Deburk won't press charges, that he has convinced the Dean and the campus to do the same. That's as long as Apple agree to go into Rehab at the S.H.R.I.N.K.S. Facility, you all know what that mean, you don't come out of that place lukewarm, no indecision, veils, coats. No more darken mirrors, it's still your choice, your will, but as Jesus the night of Gethsemane, now you know what's light, and you know what's dark, the point here you guys is that now you know. So Reese how is Unck fairing? Ah, the last time dad and I went to see him, he was ok, still pouring out of God's word, wait, wait, are, how, are you saying Dr. Deburk is your uncle? Yeah, he, wait a minute, how is it I didn't know that, that's we Stamos man, we didn't know that? I don't, it's not like it's a secret, apparently Reese man, no, my father is Dr. Deburk's youngest, only brother, ah man you should've told, supposed we'd said something wrong. Ok, ok, I don't get this, you're sitting at a table with two of Maaseiah's grandsons, and you're floored because I'm Dr. Deburk's nephew. Grandsons, what are you, Agurus and Amir are Maasieah's grandsons, meaning she gave birth to their parents, what? Ok, why you think they call her grand? As in grand Maaseiah I thought, guess, ok, ok, any way Mir to answer your question, the last I saw Uncle Deburk, he was taking about how men are reduce to sin by their disobedience, how it the first sin. How obedience instead is a choice, given the ten commandments, that it can't be forced, again a choice, so you can say Uncle Derry was being himself. Let me share this, grandma Maasieah told my dad, her son, ok, Stamos, River hear that? How she's been, while a certain song, she gets songs as allegories, as words. Well how it's lyrics have been literally worrying her, even burning her, ah, Bill Withers, I think, "aint no sunshine when she's gone." Said she was replacing the word her with the word He', as in Jesus. Only this was just before she realize it wasn't referring to the Bride Groom now rescuing her, but the Church Bride herself, that the world all over will be made a virtual twilight. Even a black void, spiritually, mentally, physically and socially, into the greatest tribulations ever, never, ever being the same once She is taken out. Doesn't the prophet Zechariah speak of Jesus returning doing a twilight? I just saying, that's, yes ah, Reese good catch. I mean you guys, when you take the lyrics to this song and you place it in order of the Bride's disappearance, man they're so, so intimidating until your heart goes panic. Not you guys so much for yourself, but for all who will be left here, yeah brother Heus, even more scary, the transgender bathroom brawls lately, it gave grand Maaseiah even more clarity. That's of the bed and bath scenario ending the demonstration of mankind being awarded this artificial, leopard skin loan of a coat (Mystery America), in the beginning that bedazzled them right into hell's fire, so beware. How at the finale, something this darken mirror until now, how she stood a bed and bath, where from the window she could now see clearly many people. How all around where desperate, desperate people not just standing on these rooftop but stranded there, horridly realizing Jesus having come and snatched out the bride all while they were lost in translating distractions of these bathrooms brawls, so you guys, how scary as hell is all that? Awake, you're ignorance is no longer counted an excuse, but rebellious as we're lead into all truth, be aware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.thegoodshepherd2016.blogspot.com, www.2016pforpedophile.blogspot.com, www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com
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