Thursday, October 20, 2016

Moses Mountain, The Sunlight Of God

Your Trial or Error,

-Day fifty-two 10/10 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/ a week before the last Syrian Truce, 08/25 a coun5tdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017; 2017/18-2024/25, see

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                    

Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ,  Nov. 6, 2016, is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). VOM invites you to request our free IDOP video, Hannelie, on DVD or by direct download.

     When Hannelie and her family left their comfortable home in South Africa to serve on the front lines in Afghanistan, they knew the risks. But they wouldn’t deny God’s call. This year’s IDOP video retells her family’s story of faithfulness and sacrifice amid those hostile to Christ.
Hannelie’s inspiring testimony challenges each of us to consider what we are willing to risk to share His love in an increasingly hostile world, See here,
“We die only once. We might as well die for Christ.”
—Werner Groenewald
     -Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Link

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon                                          

     -Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb

     The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27, see Cain
     The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise, see Ps. 51, see Abel

And A Child Shall Lead Them, One Way Prayer                       

Something Wicked, Bewitching and Cataclysmic This Way Cometh

The Alien, (Mysterious), Bewitching Yellowstone Eruption

     -Fret not thyself, imagine Holy Spirts telling you this after they've shown you the all out, simply horrific proposal of what's being predicted in this article, an end of America, virtually this planet of a Yellowstone explosion. I mean Elohim, God, the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Heavenly Host are all there, you can hear them lamenting, how it's death, and it's being send upon the abominations and the detestations upon the lives,  lands and churches of the people for they have forsaken God. Admittedly it's early in your faith and you don't rightly know what those two words mean, but if it's to summon a mighty bringer of death right out of the earth, they must mean something really, really bad, God being this angry.
     -Little do you realize, although they're forewarning of master disasters, they're quoting you this blessed hope, "fret not thyself, rather trust, delight and commit," right out of Psalm 37, whereas it's reassuring you from the beginning. That's all who is Christ, how you're not to fret those who prosper especially by mountainous blood,  the elite they say now a days, like the green grass they will wither or be cut down, never to be considered or be of any use ever again. Which remind me, the dream a year or so ago, where I witness the most wondrous, most prestigious family of all of America, and parts of the world, The Obama's. How now being replaced, again never to be see or heard of again, that's except doing like right now, the greatest of America's sorrows they find themselves kneeled, as in kissing the Son of the Cross of it, sweet, sweet Jesus; I saw the Whitehouse burn.
     -Though here, again they're being evicted by fires and horrors come is the deity of all families ever or ever again, that marriage supper recently celebrated so mightily in heavens, of the Prince King, and the Princess Bride, this ultimate forbidden couple, now Heaven's Reigning Pair. Here they're come down to instead rule the earth, and that for a thousand years, hear ye, hear ye, the Prince King is here, and the Government shall be upon His Shoulders, and His name shall be called, the Everlasting Father.  What I also saw, was that just as bitter as it is sweet, Jesus the only worthy, for He it is that hath by His Blood gain eternal salvation for us all, trusted to sat in rule over it, though just as so, I saw, as one looking through a glass darkly, death tolls, America's or the West soil, I admit I've little spoken of it, totaling some 15%, meaning some 45 million and counting.
     -Alex Jones did a surreal scenarios on his show while Hurricane Matthew was threatening especially Florida's coast, (see here, Surely, how if it capsizes doing these greatest of storms, 19 million lives could be lost, now I know those reading here, not only thought this a staggering number. Though did they as well think it completely inconceivable, even ridiculous, though I've listen to more than one prophet. Those prophesying these manners of death tolls US soil, this now dwindling down year of 2016, I must admit, not only with monster storms, earthquakes, volcanoes and Mega disasters like Yellowstone, and lest we forget NEO's like Asteroids, EMP's and CME's.
     -Right now there's America and Russia bordering on the line of WWIII to Nuclear war, with both Russian and China civilian's practicing for such horrid of impacts, while American rest in their hammoths of normalcy bias, yet this slow motion exodus I saw. It could be all or either of  which have caused and would, could cause these manners of inconceivable for a million years mass genocide of human lives. Especially with nonchalant Americans making themselves such the target of mass murderers simply shooting as ducks in an economic barrow, or let's say millions sedately awaiting a single water cooler for drinking, (see here,
     -So whether you believe this end time Apostle and others like her, these three decades, depends on just how well have you prepared you and yours for the inedible decline. Seemingly not only of America, meaning the dispensation of grace, the church age, enabling the antichrist reveal, but the entirety of Westernize Civilization. Millions will die, millions will be sicken, I've seen this, as I witness a pale horse judgment reign just as mightily, and millions left homeless, beware, be very aware. The born again are told not to fret, not as in don't prepare, but just as the worse of these pandemics of every order is to threaten them the more, then will come the order, as the four winds are commanded to whole back, so will come an alike directive to get the Bride out.
     -Perhaps the minutes prophecy I received recently, is just one more reminder that Jesus snatching the Bride out has come down to a minute by minute countdown. I've shared how I've been demonstrated upon by Jesus, The Father and various other members of Heavens Host of this one blessed event than all of end time bible prophecy. There's been dress rehearsal, trial runs, I've even stood Mount Olivet with Him, the marriage supper done, now we're in the second return, all nation building prior and mankind's much deluded future expired in ways most terrible.
     -Lest I forget, the most extraordinary of all, in heaven, doing a ceremonial, the book of life is open, and out of it is being performed without proper description, a divine roll call, the book or life, if you're not by Christ Blood in it, well lets just say, this is why Christ and His has lamented these thousands of years repent or perish, God's King reign, so vain is the help of man. Awake, be as aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see also

Listening To: Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine, Ours The Kingdom, Power, and Glory, Forever,

And A Child Shall Lead Them, One Way Prayer                                                  

     -Sharing this prayer just remind me while I was ironing a week or so ago, my god grand son, DeAnthony whose five, and I got into a conversation about heaven. Well he replied he didn't know whether it existed, then he asked where is it? And I told him, it's called the third heavens, meaning it's beyond the sky, the stars, and he said, up in space, and impressed I said yes.
     -Then he walked off busy playing and I said, continuing, I been there, so I know it's there, when I was there I saw God reach into the people's chest and take the old heart out; their old heart was right there beating in His hand, then I watch Him give them a new heart, a heart of Jesus.

The Covenant Heart

         “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.” Eze. 36:26, Hebs. 10

     -I said, the old heart is mean, ugly, cruel and selfish, and I could just see the curiousness on his face as he considered the people he knew that was like that, including himself. Then I said, but the heart of Jesus, the heart of Jesus is loving, kind, compassionate and really loving, giving and again just as I walked off to finish what I was doing, I could see him imagining the people he knew that was just like that.
     -Then he said, moving off somewhere else, playing, how can I get a heart like Jesus? And I said, all you have to do is ask God, and He'll give you a heart like Jesus, and I lead him to pray, where he, himself asked God to give him a heart like Jesus.
     -You see, God's Will is done when all who will come agree to release their birth upon corrupt hearts and ask for, and take in, upon all that's life, love and treasure for them, this heart of Jesus, born again, for wherever a man's treasures are, there is also his heart.
     -This morning before school, DeAnthony just out of the blue said disappointedly, I don't even know what death is? I explain not only what death is, but what Jesus who died and three days came back alive does for those who die belonging to him, calling them instead asleep. How since He rose from death, now He rises from death/sleep and take to heaven all those who love (serve) Him, (see I Cor. 15:51-58), so, got Him, got Jesus yet? Apb, The RAM

The Cursed Heart

     -For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man, Jesus St. Mk. 7:21-23 ...and ye shall know them by the fruits (works of the flesh or the Holy Spirit), they bare...Jesus, Mat. 7:15-20

Moses Mountain, The Sunlight Of God

     -So when the Sunlight of God, doing astonishing celebrations in heaven instead move from behind a mountain, where Holy Spirits lead you and speak and I quote Him, "let my people go," the reason Jesus' Gospel exist. You do know, as Jesus Himself, said, only the truth like recorded here, can make us, that's free mankind, and believing mankind himself from the great whore of Religion who sitteth upon the people, Rev. 17.
     -Hence the Spirit and Bride says come, the Marriage Supper hath made itself ready, and the Born Again of Jesus, are welcome, if you love, share, see the one way prayer here,
also here,

Listening To Selah: O The Blood,

A Voice, I Don't Care What The Heavens Do Any More

     -One of this end time Apostle earliest post and now it's most recent had both this indication that Jesus will, now on His way here, would arrive with the stars or the elements of heaven. The dream I had of my now ascended to Christ spouse, this type of Jesus, consisted of him forewarning about alien dangers from heaven, along this additional forewarning, lest we forget, such the like prophecies of these pending dangers.
     -This earliest image was a scientific equation on either ends of Jesus name being in the middle, this weird, as so years later I heard a commanding voice. It was ordering Asteroids to destroy the "West constantly Sinning!" (Wisconsin), where in first of 2015, I here witness the Righteous Bride now reigning in heaven, see, Rev. 19. How she had in her possession the famed of Daniel's prophecies, Dan. 2, Stone made without hands, (Jesus' Millennium Reign).
Whereas one thing most curious to note, it had the surface of a meteor, I'm even posting here because     
     -I've known since especially Dec. 25th 2001, that something in the form of an ELE is pending US soil, threatening millions of US lives and souls. Again, a disastrous performance so cataclysmic it's to end her in only minutes for, 190 years, and lights out forever.
     -Also 2014, designed "a catastrophe upon the earth," I know these horrors are happening, come to me in the form of an Intrepid Dream, America, the West, weighed, measured, guilty blood, upon which in 190 months, 15.10 years, 2001-2017, something cataclysmic this why is come. So much so, with such mounting with it's greatest of sorrows ever, churches, closets and voting booths should be alters of getting yourselves and your loved ones back to mankind's first ever love, Jesus Christ. beware, see more here,,

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