Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A Mountain, The Sunlight, A Cry, Let My People Go!

Your Trial Run:

-Day Fifty-seven 10/15, of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniels week, see Dan. 9, see here,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

Je suis (I Am, We Are) Jesus Christ, Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!
She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the Lord; she drew not near to her God. Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow. Her prophets are light and treacherous persons: her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law. Zeph. 3:1-4

     -When Gods people become lax in the study of his word and when the people will not receive correction from God's Holy Word, God's judgement and woes can't be that far away. Before Judgment come upon Jerusalem, God sent the prophet Zephaniah to warn its inhabitants and to call them to repentance. The great city of Jerusalem that was suppose to be a city if love and the center if God's activity on earth had instead become filthy and polluted with sin and selfishness.
     -Woe to her is now pronounced against Jerusalem. The phrase, "That is filthy and polluted, meaning idol worship  and all b its attend ant filth I. e., both male and female prostitution. Such polluted the city. The love that throbs un these words, "her God," is pathetic.
     Proud and polluted as Jerusalem was, yet God said she was His and that He was "her God." The following are the charges.
1. She obeyed not the voice;
2. She receive not correction
3. She trusted not in the Lord; and
4. She did mot draw close to her God.) The Princes, judges, Preachers and Priest were workers of iniquity and teachers of falsehood.
     -Jerusalem's prophets are light and treacherous people," who had no true mission from God, that were frivolous and empty boasters." Her priest had polluted that which was Holy, doing violence to the law, abrogating the laws of Moses, distorting its meaning, neither observing it themselves nor teaching others to keep it.)
     -As we think on these things that were written for our warning today, let's remember God was force to destroy that nation and the city of Jerusalem  and cast those people out pike chaff to the wind. From, A Word For Everyday, By Jimmy Swaggart Ministry (JSM).

"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sun is a reproach to any people (Prov.14:34).

Remember these Forewarnings? Apb. The RAM

     Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Links

-There's something about bombs falling, curfews, terrorist attacks, and a song, the lyric "one night only," ringing in my ear, my head 10/07/2016, (the song "one night only," as a word, like the lyrics, "ten whole days," as a word, exactly ten days before the Charleston church shooting, beware, see Dan. 5), ... From, What About Bible Prophecy, Apb
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause because the date wasn't clear, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something cataclysmic as an ELE that's gonna take only one night, to happen by Oct. 2017, see Rev. 2:21-23

An End Has Come Upon The Four Corners Of Westernize Civilization
God's Word The Rod Forsaken, America The Spoilage Worshipped, Equal Monster Parents, Children, Repent!

    "Only, they're going to more than hate you for bringing them the truth, like their father Satan, they'll try to steal, (bedevil your message), kill and destroy you too. No, believe me, when your children start to take you correcting them according to their insults, injuries even bullying, as though they're proud of it. That the bad you're pointing out is actually a compliment to them, that is the final analysis you need that they are the lost generation. Those worse than in Noah's Day; this is even why the Angel Gabriel is forewarning we're that mankind, that final dispensation of rebellion as all things of God are unto fulfillment, all things. Thus you also know admittedly are not, it is going to take a miracle, like God Himself coming down from His Throne, using the woman's womb to make of Himself Flesh. Heretofore, tempted at all points as we are and dwell among us as a form of righteousness, whereas belief in Him/Elohim, abolishes the original curse. Excuse, ah, didn't God already do, ah, O my God," as one made sick as to stumble into a seat, this mesmerized mentally, hey were fanning him to bring Him back. "O your God young man, even our God is right. For without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory and according to this same Apostle, first descending He, Jesus lead captivity captured, meaning the bound righteous dead was now released and received into Glory just as Jesus Himself. Awake, Apb, The RAM, also see,

From Jerusalem, To America, To Venezuela, The Grim Reaper Has Come

     -Well, I just hope Putin himself gave this order for them to stand down, the last time his military stood down from a US threat, as so Nato or the UN, I don't know who lost their life or their job, I know Putin was furious about it. You all have to consider US elections, if Putin is truly supporting Trump for President, then he possibly doesn't want to do anything right now to forestall US Elections.
    -This I know and understand from 30 years of bible prophecy and counting, just as soon as I witness Putin, after Britain's Cameron ordered his troops Syrian soil; those supposedly targeting ISIS, (but really Assad's Syria). I dreamed about this doing another demo, of the catching away of the Bride, around late June 2015, so this was early July, 2015, whereas I heard a voice lament, "its all about Cameron," even see the Hussein Whitehouse, Brexit, prophesied by this ministry 2003/4..
     -Lets just say, I saw Putin Russia's move easily as the beginning to the end of the peace pack that is supposed to be reached Assyrian's territory by both Ismail sons and the sons of Isaac. As is prophesied these thousands of years by the prophet Daniel, and we, this generation according to an appearing Angel Gabriel, the fulfillment of all of it.
     -Seeming, not only why I witness the two beast of Rev. 13 come out of prediction just as Senator Obama's Presidential Campaign arrived on the scene. I eventually by an alike vision and dream witness Jesus' Millennium follow his, Obama's time table of two weeks and seven years, 2008, there's no turning back of any of it, no, only countdowns continues even into a 15% death toll, pending US soil.
     -What these beyond urgent matters mean is, and believe this Apostle, if the same Gabriel who appeared to the prophet Daniel, and as we know to a teen age, future mother Mary, truly all the world powers great and small are headed toward cataclysmic forms of demonstrations not of their making, here, see especially Rev. 17, 18. arriving them all at the post of Jerusalem America's complete deletion.
     -It is said, all the world is a stage of play actors, if so, all world leaders, allies, need to reconsider this Satanic to Demonic imitation of life. Which is actually the heathen raging against an Almighty God, prick His Anointed, infuriate Him right into the deadliest of Armageddon and blessed are those who do, get out that is, even what is referred to by Holy Spirits, America, the slow motion exodus, now with black bowls pending. Not only is judgment a reality prophecy. hell is right now enlarging itself, and it is not bias whatsoever.
     -Heretofore, seeing Jesus' Millennium follow Obama's at present administration, mean such the explosive world events are to carry these warring masses domestic and foreign right over into the last week of Daniel and the fulfillment and finale of all earth wide rebellion. These sudden destructions of which would then clarify seeing a US General hand his (prophetic), horse off to a prophet Jeremiah.
     -Clearly see America's hand writing on the wall of pending judgments, Jer. 37:8, 1998, a siege into cataclysms is come; now, as Jesus Himself would say, repent, get you and yours completely out of it or perish, banks, houses, churches, children, all corrupt leaders, parents, guardians stripped like in the day of their birth, all great treasures made worthless, please see, read more here, Psalm 2, Jer. 37:8, Isa. 13, Eze. 4: 9: Dan. 9, 12, etc. Awake! Be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see also,,

Her Cup Filled With Martyred Blood

      -"So you're saying there won't be another Us President, no, no, no, not, I, Maaseiah, she actually witness Christ Millennium follow Obama's administration; wait, wait, you're saying we're in that much trouble? Only those not following Jesus, this is Beo the birth pains of the greatest of tribulation ever" remember, Jesus promised to cast all unrepentant, lives, lands, churches into great tribulation which is come. So according to what Holy Spirits here, there and everywhere are telling Maaseiah, these last thirty years these evil times are worse than in Noah's Day. That Obama Presidency was given exactly two weeks and seven years, in that order and then those two beast of Revelation 13, come out of prediction. That's no including an additional one she saw tearing through the churches and stomping, chomping people while they sat their porches, undoubtedly a pundit of the stock/bear market.  Remember Maaseiah  predicted the Hussein White House 2003 in the beginning, meaning you can't Bronze believe none of what you hear or see, none! That is what Jesus was forewarning of the disciples about the Jerusalem Temple, because he knew like now across this country and the world, there will be nothing left of any of them, that's not one stone left upon another, even by king Nebuchadnezzar's prophecy, he saw all nation building be brought to dust, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, all blown away into oblivion accordingly therefore, and I quote Him, Jesus, "let no man deceive you." I tell you guys, never in mankind's prophetic history has Jesus' every word said here ringed so evident, and all mankind have been set up for this biggest ever fall, even this entire earth, since before the Genesis. Yeah, like if you want to know what is this very second going on in the spirit world, and thus the real world, yeah Cheyenne calls it, reality prophecy, instead of reality TV, then read Daniel 7-12 chapters, and Revelation 16-22 chapters, it is all what thousands of years of disobedience and rebellion hath for all things unrepentant man.

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