Saturday, October 29, 2016

All 4 One, Better Or Worse, Death To Resurrection

-Day Sixty-one 10/19, of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniels week, see Dan. 9,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                 

     Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Christians Martyred by ISIS: 1,131, in addition, at least 125 Christian churches had been attacked or destroyed by ISIS. The report, Genocide Against Christians in the Middle East, was submitted to Secretary of State John Kerry on March 9, 2016 by the Knights of Columbus and the humanitarian group In Defense of Christians. Eight days later, March 17.
     Kerry officially declared that ISIS’s ongoing actions against Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities constituted genocide. Britain, the European Parliament, the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Iraqi and Kurdish governments have also declared ISIS’s actions genocide. see more here, and here

     Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Countdowns To Daniel Week, Continue                                 

     The 2016 Election, Dodging The Alter, Escaping God's Wrath,

Prophecy Link

     There seem to be this play of tug of war with the physical heart, with the medical profession proposed lady killer, (heart disease, see America's Grim Reaper bearing a sword like syringe, death is inevitable), 10/29/2016. Just what would you do, how many people does America kill on a daily basis this nation, this world, just to give them one more day to live, (DIE, perish)?
     Has the US Military, or just a freedom to bear arms become your personal safeguard to assigned assassin, of being terrified with panic just to have one more day to walk alone the now infected with apocalypse, the multitudinous bones of it, of the valley of death (wilderness of sin, where the fat man sings, Armageddon)? See more here,
-As one sitting in the dark, a single can of unopened pork and beans, horrid lack, things this way cometh, 10/25/2016 
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," (death is inevitable), I pause because the date wasn't clear, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something cataclysmic as an ELE that's gonna take only one night, to happen by Oct. 2017, see Rev. 2:21-23

Hey Neighbor, (see Venezuela), Can I Borrow A Can Opener

All 4 One, For Better Or Worse,                                          

     -I been bombarded mind, heart and soul, with the lyrics, I swear, by the moon, and the stars in the sky. I'll be there, for better or worse, till death do us part, I'll love with every beat of my hearts, ....I swear. These indescribable lyrics coming into my head, heart days ago were so loud in my ear early morning, that they awaken me from my sleep.
     -I'm not going to even play around with guessing here, this can only be one thing, receiving songs (psalms, allegories), as words of knowledge, Here is the lament of the Bridegroom, regarding the now made ready Marriage Supper here reassuring us this waiting seeming for the ancient, especially here lately. As those being assured He. Jesus is on His way here, believing Her Prince King is now closer to her, than He's been since His ascension above, His now wooing the Righteous Bride, how not to faint, but stand, today, even its very second, is the day of it's Blessed Salvation, (escape).

Arriving With Healing In His Wings, The Sunlight Of God!

      -Believe this end time Apostle, I was there doing such the celebration, (see here Although it was time, a sorely injured Sunlight of God, moving from behind a mountain which spoke totally interrupted it, instead having Me (end time outreach), brought before Him. Then as a mighty Elohim answering Moses most urgent inquiry, "who do I say sent me?" ("Who do men say I Am?" Jesus), and the answer being "I Am,
     -That I Am." I am reminded here of Jesus relating calmly to Governor Pilate having placed in his hand the power of death and dying over Him, Heaven's Perfectly Crafted Lamb for mankind, Jesus, again Pilate's sharp inquiries "What Is Truth? And I quote Him, Jesus, 'I'm sent into the world to bear witness to the truth, God's Word (Living Spirit, Heart, Blood), is Truth,"   ...for vain (accursed), is the help of man..

    "Let My People God," yet cried the Sunlight of God of such indescribable ceremonies HIS Throne,

    "Ye shall know the truth," (Gospel of Christ) and that Truth (Christ's Cross), shall make ye free,"(Holy Spirit),

     So saith Jesus, the Sunlight of God, although we'd entered the Lamb's Wedding Supper, Elohim wasn't finished with them yet... see Rom. 12:1, 2.

    The wind bloweth where you listeth and no man can tell from whence it come nor to where it goes, so is everyone born from cursed flesh to Holy Spirit," Jesus, for God so loved the world...

      -Just as the Prophet Daniel being told by the Angel Gabriel how beloved by God he is, I mean of course we know God love us, it is the foundation of His Form of Righteousness, Christ's Cross, but to have a member of Heavens Host, like an Angel Gabriel, withstanding fallen Angels 21 days all to confirm it. I now know, what I felt that day, as I was departing God's Throne, Holy Spirits holding me up by telling me, and I quote not just him, but Them, the host unnumbered, "we can't wait to be where you are." Talk about fear and trembling, when I shared this phenomenon with my god daughter Angela, she said, they trust telling you that because you are so humble.
    -Meaning I'll just feel unworthy, and will find a way to share it, so that no amount of glory is taken upon myself, but Elohim alone. Remember when John went to bow to pay worship to the one assisting him along heavens reveal and the elder in question told him, no! To do it not, that he was one of his brethren in these identical labors after the souls of men, (meaning one of the twenty-four elders), to instead worship God. One thing we learn from Jesus, no doubt a Holy Spirit anointing, is how there is only One who deserve all worship and praise, and that is Abba Father, let everything that hath breath, praise His Holy Name, let every knee bow, to the only worthy. 

Drunken, Bewitched, Suicidal On Martyed Blood                            

     And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. Rev.17:6

     -Although one of Moses first curses by God against Egypt was to turn their water supply into blood, clearly, there isn't enough wars and blood. Those even spilled for the purpose of peace, these supposedly Holy Wars to prevent Him from seeing what is being described to John as this Satanic to demonic formation of mankind, even it's addition to carnage, spilled everywhere. This crimson stain all over the everything supposedly his, theirs, how even as they take of pleasured dishes, the cups and plates, the bed and pulpits are all inundated with it. So much so if you're not one righteously partaking of Jesus' Blood and eating of His Precious Flesh, (worship of Spirit and Truth), then are you the mankind doomed to wound and mutilate of this constant digesting of themselves right into the grave and after this, the judgment, and for multitudes hell.
    -Prophetically, their spirits back to God who gave it, whereas the Soul by the millions having pleasure in sin will find itself waking up in hell with that only the beginning. From there they're await the movement from one horrid fate to another, for still is there a great white throne judgement and he guilty tossed into a lake of fire, burning with brimstone, it is said to be an unthinkable punishment that is forever, see here,  I explain lately how hell is a beyond terrifying place that was originally created for Lucifer and a third of heavens host plotting against God and His anointed, and now secondarily, it's where the ungodly will be punished.

The Valley Of Adultery, Whoredom To Dry Bone

     -Seem to be seeing a field after field for as far as the eyes can see of this build up of torture vehicles, (all awaiting the US military, awarded diamond wedding rings for its manslaughter), with a US General replying, "don't be alarmed men, "Mede," (as in the Medes and Persians, ISLAM, The Rebellious), is very dirty." Jer. 37:8 1998, 2003, Apb

    -I started watching the TV series, Aftermath, only to learn it's just another biblically charged apocalyptic spin-off of using America's addition to violence, to guns, bombs and insults toward God/Jesus/The Bride to spill mountainous blood of their proposed zombie apocalypse. One thing I can say, at least America's policing force seem to have gotten the memo, and lest I forget, it's Military force even right now with Mosul it's next bloody holocaust at targeting what's become ISIS, it's own self-destructing brand of a monster, Frankenstein.
     -Right now, every aspect of the wonderful US of A's society, like it's government of years of safeguarding to peace getting bloodletting. It is that noticeably spinning it's infectious inhabitants one way or another presently into its own formation of civil, to nuclear Armageddon, it's own soil, all four corners, please see Eze. 7th chapter. Whereas most preppers, like Wayne Brady Aftermath character just can't wait for their supposedly Mad Max to Zombie Apocalypse to kick into high gear; now having an excuse to spill rivers of blood blowing human beings to bits, it's only satisfactory, with blaming God for it, it's seconds to a damning finale.
     -There is this one good thing I can say about TV series regarding the earth ending to the genocide of the human being like, the Last Ship, 12 Monkeys and now Aftermath, whereas they got one thing right. There's just this painstaking truth that if you're not rooted and grounded in Jesus Christ it is impossible doing these very second greatest of trials, regardless of how you've prepped, that you die well, (saved).
     -As I related in the beginning, now this stark reminder, mankind is going to drink the cup of Christ, of their blessed death, redemption and glorification. Or, they're to bitterly partake of a cup filled up of Righteous blood, targeted by God's Wine Press, that their whore Mother Mystery, hath for them, right into judgment, hell, as so the lake of fire, see more here and also here and also here, so a question, who is the good shepherd of your death, dying and ascension? Jesus, Get to Him!

Behold The Slain Lamb. He Reigns

     Blessed are the dead, that die in the lord Jesus Christ, that they may rest from the labors (crosses, death and dying), and their works (works of the cross, Christ death, dying and resurrection), do follow them, (they have their reward).

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