Sunday, November 6, 2016
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Death, The Illuision That Seem Right To Adam
-Day Seventy-three 10/29, of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniels week, see Dan. 9,,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," (death is inevitable), I pause because the date wasn't clear, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something cataclysmic as an ELE that's gonna take only one night, to happen by Oct. 2017, see Rev. 2:21-23
There Is A Way That Ends In Immortal Death, Without Jesus As Lord
-I was sitting yesterday when the question rose, just who would or how many people would a person, well an American kill just to live to see another day of death and dying, and just how totally ridiculous to manic depressant, to genocidal it all is. You see death isn't the anomaly here, all men, with the exception of Jesus being the Christ of Resurrection, even the first begotten of death and dying three days after crucifixion by a curse since the first Adam, now RISEN!
-The point is, All mankind die, whereas by the second Adam, God's Almighty Throne taking on flesh and dwelling among us soon. Soon even the angels could see and approach unto Him, God as Jesus, now this world sacrificial Lamb, John the beloved now ascended to their would see reigning and celebrated mightily in heaven, behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah hath prevailed! Repent or Perish! see more here
Fear not the one (physical death), who can destroy the body (temporal house, shelter), fear the one who can destroy both the body and soul in hell's fire, Jesus (so you see it's not your medical doctors, surgery, pharmaceuticals and lest I forget nor Popes, Presidents and or Pastors.
Unto Falcon Wing, Nesting Braveheart was Born
"Hellooo, earth to Wool, heck man where are you? Ah Christ somewhere I shouldn't be, Tatum right? Yeah, who or where else you know, that girl drives me crazy, that's your fault Wool man, you know she belong, yet you keep trying, that's because Izzo man she seem so unhappy, and I yea she's with Isha but her heart, her heart is not man, I'm just saying. Ok, ok, does she know that? I'm just saying how is it Wool man you know where her heart is better than she does? I just know alright, I got to go, told Tyriq I'll meet him at the Museum, later then man, look what about her, about Laeren? You think this is fair to her? I got to go Izzo man, later."
You May Ask, What Happen To Your World, then I'm to say, the fulfillment of bible prophecy into Jesus' Millennium, get Him, if you want to continue. ...I Am the way, truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father, except by me, Jn. 14:6
Thou carriest them away as with a flood, they are as a sleep; in the morning, they are as grass that groweth up. In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth. (Psa. 90:5, 6)
-Life is fragile. We hear this quite frequently. It is spoken by Christians and non-Christians because it is true for all men. As soon as we are born, tender and new though we are, we actually begin to die. Each day we live, bring us that much closer to death. Now I realize that may sound morbid, but it is the truth.
-We are each like a shadow that is soon swept away when the light of life fades. -Think of the billions of people who have lived before us, but who are no longer exist-at least, not in the realm which we know as life.. We are continually gliding down the unrelenting stream of time into the ocean of eternity. God carries man away as a flood would a leaf. Sometimes the waters of the flood seem to rush forward violently; and we are carried away with suddenness. JSM
And Unto Tatum Lake Yorkster was born...
"You been doing that a lot, what a lot? The standing in the window looking out into wild multicolor yonder, that's because he's out there, Sia Maaseiah say he's closer to the earth than he's been since his ascension, that's because she's way out, yeah. I guess that's true too, a bounce upon the bed, a stretch, a healthy yarn, a seeming complacent Wolverine often wondered was there a Jesus really coming, this rescue at welcoming promise Laeren this cuddled into joining him. "Now tell me, tell you what? The smell of her alone, Laeren Mia Kiosh, always so invigorating to him, supposedly the love of his life, of the approaching marriage ceremony, but sadly something was off and they both knew it. Tell me, tell you what? Who has Little Wolf Wolverine's heart? Beside you, first of all Christ, no who has Wolverine romantic heart? You have something to ask me? Bitterly swinging up into a seat along side the bed, throwing her off, this castaway, or so it felt. "Testy, testy, no, it's not that, just what are you accusing me of? I got to go, I don't want any run ins with the dorm security, they've already threaten me. Maybe you should you know," as one leading as she saw him to the door, knowing something but frighten to admit that something was wrong, now grown even more curious. "Maybe I should what? Get away from me, get away from you, as in set you free, is that Wool what I am, am I a trap and you're just figuring a way out?"
A Shadow Of Death, It's Regretted Reminder, Killing Only To Be Killed, Live!
I like to say, yea though I walk through the shadow, of the valley of death, men like fish are snared in a net when they least suspect it. Here recently I'm certain I scared a lot of people, reminding them as they go two and fro about the earth, so does a gone fishing after their prized lives, lands and churches, curse of death. Beware, Jesus is the only good out of all of it...Apb
-Think of the billions of people who have lived before us, but who are no longer exist-at least, not in the realm which we know as life.. We are continually gliding down the unrelenting stream of time into the ocean of eternity. God carries man away as a flood would a leaf. Sometimes the waters of the flood seem to rush forward violently; and we are carried away with suddenness, JSM
Unto Maaseiah Adonai Saurus was born...
>>>"Yes, but I Maaseiah hear you referring to us as Holy Spirits, right, those who are Christ are becoming Holy Spirit, the Holy Temple of God, thsi is what Jesus meant when he declared you must be born again, how the wind bloweth where you listeth and no man knows from whence it come, nor to where it goes, so is everyone born again of the spirit, ever marriage worshippers heard the expression free as a bird, well how about free as the wind, having no dependents, and only one directive. Now we know what the sunlight of God, emerging from behind a mountain meant, when he cried, let my people god, he was saying make them holy spirit, make them free as the wind, meaning, Jesus possibly wasn't walking at all, because he was floating across the water, Jesus had to walk in the revelations of God in order to transform the people to this degree, so when Jesus said, if I be lifted up I will draw all men, he was in all essence saying, if or only when truth and grace is lifted, can all mankind be brought into a spirit of worship, for God is a spirit, and those who worship him, can only worship him in spirit and truth."
Remember The Genesis?
My husband suddenly being taken without a say from family, friends from man's concept of reality, Elohim having this power. As one suddenly finding himself in revelations of the Genesis, must act of this reminder, not only did it not belong to us, just this loan, but we can be taken from it or it from us. Evidently, all while those whose eyes are now fixed on the true prize, Jesus Christ attempting to enter into these miraculous inheritances any other way, have found themselves in outer darkness, this wait until judgment day, Apb
Unto Izzadore Caspen Lucien was born ...
"He found you sitting on her porch, actually sleeping, have you lost your mind? Aren't we supposed to, yes, yes Wool yes, but only for Jesus, He is the only worthy, you know that, she is as good as married, do you want trouble with reapers? Ah come on, who in their Christ mind want that? Then out with it, Christ, Wool man there's something you're not telling. I had a dreamed ok, she, ah, Tatum, ah, she ah, killed herself, even hung herself, and it was really, really graphic, I witness every ounce of it" visibly as one making the most bitter and hardest swallow in his life, just imaging it's most terrifying, that he'd never been so frighten in all of his life. "You know what that mean, cast into outer darkness because suicide this curse is just another vulgar attempt to get to him, whose penalty is hell, right, right Izzo! Ok, Ok, lets say I see that, but you camping out on her porch is gonna do what besides get you in heaps of trouble? They know Wool man, reapers know to whom each of us belong, they will not tolerate dishonesty, so you are going to have to see her, go to her, talk, explain, there is no other option, look! Bringing a sickly to dazed Wolverine Little Wolf his way, this eye to eye contact this serious, even concerning, Issadore Caspen Lucien was a friend most trusted, "you do this, you fix this, and you get out of it!"
There Way, A darken Mirror, Only Seem Right, This Death Traps
-Life is not only fragile, but dreamlike, {see Americans Dreaming, even Pretending, Apb}. Generally we don’t see our frailty or nearness to eternity unless a life threatening situation arises. Like men asleep we dream great things, (united, man can have all that he dream, Elohim, Apb}. For ourselves unto death awakens us and put an end to the dream. While we asleep, unconcern about the things that belong to our eternal peace, our allotted time runs out. JSM
Unto Clayden (Apple) Mikel Nicholas was born
"Ah, grand Maaseiah, I can only wonder how it must of been growing up with you as mother, please enlighten us, ah Preece Apple, Sia, or Maaseiah will do, and I only tell you that a young Heus, or Agurus, used to always tell, well I've always heard them tell their friends, that, how their home was like be in a church, they were saying the anointing, the worship and the teaching of the spirit of Jesus was all through it's places, marriage worshippers, Sia, I heard you refer to us as that, ah yes, those who worship Christ, Jesus, also worship the authentic procreation of the godman, the Genesis, everything else this imitation most abominable in other words accursed. Now can any of you tell me the difference between being free as a bird, and free as this wind? Well, ah, Sia Maaseiah, you said it just now, a bird, like man yet has it dependents, free as the wind, mean you've shed yourself of everything, of the flesh, or selfdom of the things, the worries of world, with it all now entrusted to God, it like you often say, you don't feel like you're walking anymore, but that you are floating, the birds have nest, the fox have wholes, but the son of man has not a place to lay his head, so once Jesus was crucified, in other words once he died, once, mortality put on immortality, and corruption incorruption, in three days risen. Jesus was then seen as one who could now come and go like the what? Wind. So how does one it do, how does one become born again? And that Marriage worshippers is your assign inquiry for today, and here the hint, I was reading in Roman's 6, just a might passed, when it's pages, it's written scripture took on a live vision, and their being written, in red letters, almost like in blood, before my eyes, and I quote, man can't do this, only the can do this, as well I leave you an additional scripture passage of Gal. 2:20, and I want at least two paragraphs, thanks, Sia Preece for you time and your attention, good day, and good night.
For Vain Is The Help Of Man
For thirty years and counting I've been shown an apocalyptic America whereas movies like "Mad Max" and "The Road," have only scratched the surface, now like the massive warnings and preparations gone before approaching storms, there is nothing that can be done but to ready yours, alters, souls, and fall out shelters. see more here, also see,
Ishariah Ibrahim Kroff
"Do you know me? The porch guys, caught as one would say sleeping, what so you want with me? As one readying a lunch tray, so those just behind them, a realizing there wouldn't be any privacy. I saw what you did, ah," as a frustrated one rolling his eyes back to reconsider, into wondering what to have as hey all where, "I guess you can say, I saw, ah know what you were thinking, and what Mr. Knowing was that?
"I just have a question, sit with me, please, I can't do that, don' even want to, what if I tell you it's a matter of life and death, both of hours, please a minutes or two. Stay away from me, we have nothing to talk about, and either of us being in danger of death isn't an excuse, i's natural, but there is one Tau, Tau that isn't, how, how do you know that name? What are you? Give me what I asked and I'll explain this, all of it! I will report you if you came anywhere near me ever again, you say away and you stay out of it, whatever you think you know, or seen stay away from me."
Satan's Seat, This Imitation Of Life
In additional to being fragile and dreamlike, life is short and transient. We are like the grass that, in it’s prime, is green and flourishing. But grass is tender and subject to the forces of nature. When the winter comes, the grass loses it’s greenness and withers away. Even in the spring and summer , when the grass is yet green, it may be cut own, (JSM). {Doing the death rider vision, 1994, as a blessed assurance, Fret Not Thyself, I was given Psa. 37:1-6, the comparing of the rebellious, even the wicked to the soon to be cut down, withering daily of the grass,1994, Apb}.
No human being that we know of witness what had to be this incomprehensible sight and sound of the running, screaming and drowning of thousand upon thousands of men, women and children of the people of Noah's day. All Noah and his family heard was the pitter, patter and pounding of 40 days of rain, and they tucked away wondering, even scared, Truly how was it fair, that they'd been found worthy while so many perished? Apb
Beethoven Fifth Arts Begots
"They always have all the answers right? No, they don't, it was Jesus who promised not o leave us comfortless, that he would send us another, that when he come, he will lead us into all truth, let me guess, BFA? No, Agurus Heus Jr., Grand Maaseiah's grandson, as granny said you guys, good day, you off to home already? I have plenty to do, yeah, is that plenty to do your pending promise? And You Sia Kadesh, know me so well, well just you remember that hill, surely I will, surely we all will. Do you, I'm sorry do I what? Always on he defense, this is what people of the Juttah, said of the newest visitor of the Juttah, how tense and obtuse he remain.
"Do you Preece Apple know how bless you are to make a visit to these hallowed territories having only been at SHRINKS a couple of weeks, it normally take months, like a least 12 of them. Perhaps my being a slayer of one of it's members bump me up on that list a little bit, perhaps I'll grieve him, and reapers will steal me, don't be deceived, the reapers know who you are and why you're here, that this is only a trial, never are he visitors from SHRINKS taken. I'm home you guys, I have a stunning wife, and a new son and I can't wait to get to either one of them, you guys be blessed."
For Broad Is The Way That Lead To Death And Many
-But do not be discouraged! The Christian may face the sweeping flood, but its currents will carry us straight into the presence of God. Paul how probably has a better understanding of God’s plan than any other human being , said this: “Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord…We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord”(II Cor. 5:6, 8).
-So, although human life is short, those whose heart are right with God, have the comfort of knowing that Jesus has prepared a place for them in His father’s house (John 14:2), JSM
Unto Beverly Hills Califorya Was Born
"So who was he, as those finding a place a sit, possibly the most wondrous garden in all the world, all around, up and down, mountain and even steeping volcanos in the distance were all these unspeakable reminders of why God, promises to destroy those who destroy the earth, clearly this unpronounced phenomenon. This place, saying with ears growing thicker and thicker with spilling tears eyes, this is place is beyond unspeakable, that you all can make, like this home, the Euphrates river and all, yeah, there are some who predict, we're living in and according to what the garden of Eden would've been before the fall, it's so over whelming to the heart, only by God's Grace are we able to even bear it, that there is apple no place on this earth more magnificent, only if, or when one is to ascend to heaven is there any thing more magnificent. How do you all do it, how do you go into your houses and close the door, easy, by opening every window in the house, no, truly, when you get it here Apple, as a lovely one he's to ever meet gently pressing her exhilarating touch upon his fallen deeply in love with Bev. Hills, the words where right there on the tip on his tongue, but barely knowing her, it had to be temporary insanity.
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Christians Martyred by ISIS: 1,131, in addition, at least 125 Christian churches had been attacked or destroyed by ISIS. The report, Genocide Against Christians in the Middle East, was submitted to Secretary of State John Kerry on March 9, 2016 by the Knights of Columbus and the humanitarian group In Defense of Christians. Eight days later, March 17.
-Kerry officially declared that ISIS’s ongoing actions against Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities constituted genocide. Britain, the European Parliament, the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Iraqi and Kurdish governments have also declared ISIS’s actions genocide. see more here, and here
-Kerry officially declared that ISIS’s ongoing actions against Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities constituted genocide. Britain, the European Parliament, the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Iraqi and Kurdish governments have also declared ISIS’s actions genocide. see more here, and here
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Countdowns To Daniel Week, Continue
The 2016 Election, Dodging The Alter, Escaping God's Wrath,
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," (death is inevitable), I pause because the date wasn't clear, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something cataclysmic as an ELE that's gonna take only one night, to happen by Oct. 2017, see Rev. 2:21-23
There Is A Way That Ends In Immortal Death, Without Jesus As Lord
-The point is, All mankind die, whereas by the second Adam, God's Almighty Throne taking on flesh and dwelling among us soon. Soon even the angels could see and approach unto Him, God as Jesus, now this world sacrificial Lamb, John the beloved now ascended to their would see reigning and celebrated mightily in heaven, behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah hath prevailed! Repent or Perish! see more here
Fear not the one (physical death), who can destroy the body (temporal house, shelter), fear the one who can destroy both the body and soul in hell's fire, Jesus (so you see it's not your medical doctors, surgery, pharmaceuticals and lest I forget nor Popes, Presidents and or Pastors.
Unto Falcon Wing, Nesting Braveheart was Born
"Hellooo, earth to Wool, heck man where are you? Ah Christ somewhere I shouldn't be, Tatum right? Yeah, who or where else you know, that girl drives me crazy, that's your fault Wool man, you know she belong, yet you keep trying, that's because Izzo man she seem so unhappy, and I yea she's with Isha but her heart, her heart is not man, I'm just saying. Ok, ok, does she know that? I'm just saying how is it Wool man you know where her heart is better than she does? I just know alright, I got to go, told Tyriq I'll meet him at the Museum, later then man, look what about her, about Laeren? You think this is fair to her? I got to go Izzo man, later."
You May Ask, What Happen To Your World, then I'm to say, the fulfillment of bible prophecy into Jesus' Millennium, get Him, if you want to continue. ...I Am the way, truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father, except by me, Jn. 14:6
Thou carriest them away as with a flood, they are as a sleep; in the morning, they are as grass that groweth up. In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth. (Psa. 90:5, 6)
-Life is fragile. We hear this quite frequently. It is spoken by Christians and non-Christians because it is true for all men. As soon as we are born, tender and new though we are, we actually begin to die. Each day we live, bring us that much closer to death. Now I realize that may sound morbid, but it is the truth.
-We are each like a shadow that is soon swept away when the light of life fades. -Think of the billions of people who have lived before us, but who are no longer exist-at least, not in the realm which we know as life.. We are continually gliding down the unrelenting stream of time into the ocean of eternity. God carries man away as a flood would a leaf. Sometimes the waters of the flood seem to rush forward violently; and we are carried away with suddenness. JSM
And Unto Tatum Lake Yorkster was born...
"You been doing that a lot, what a lot? The standing in the window looking out into wild multicolor yonder, that's because he's out there, Sia Maaseiah say he's closer to the earth than he's been since his ascension, that's because she's way out, yeah. I guess that's true too, a bounce upon the bed, a stretch, a healthy yarn, a seeming complacent Wolverine often wondered was there a Jesus really coming, this rescue at welcoming promise Laeren this cuddled into joining him. "Now tell me, tell you what? The smell of her alone, Laeren Mia Kiosh, always so invigorating to him, supposedly the love of his life, of the approaching marriage ceremony, but sadly something was off and they both knew it. Tell me, tell you what? Who has Little Wolf Wolverine's heart? Beside you, first of all Christ, no who has Wolverine romantic heart? You have something to ask me? Bitterly swinging up into a seat along side the bed, throwing her off, this castaway, or so it felt. "Testy, testy, no, it's not that, just what are you accusing me of? I got to go, I don't want any run ins with the dorm security, they've already threaten me. Maybe you should you know," as one leading as she saw him to the door, knowing something but frighten to admit that something was wrong, now grown even more curious. "Maybe I should what? Get away from me, get away from you, as in set you free, is that Wool what I am, am I a trap and you're just figuring a way out?"
A Shadow Of Death, It's Regretted Reminder, Killing Only To Be Killed, Live!
I like to say, yea though I walk through the shadow, of the valley of death, men like fish are snared in a net when they least suspect it. Here recently I'm certain I scared a lot of people, reminding them as they go two and fro about the earth, so does a gone fishing after their prized lives, lands and churches, curse of death. Beware, Jesus is the only good out of all of it...Apb
-Think of the billions of people who have lived before us, but who are no longer exist-at least, not in the realm which we know as life.. We are continually gliding down the unrelenting stream of time into the ocean of eternity. God carries man away as a flood would a leaf. Sometimes the waters of the flood seem to rush forward violently; and we are carried away with suddenness, JSM
Unto Maaseiah Adonai Saurus was born...
>>>"Yes, but I Maaseiah hear you referring to us as Holy Spirits, right, those who are Christ are becoming Holy Spirit, the Holy Temple of God, thsi is what Jesus meant when he declared you must be born again, how the wind bloweth where you listeth and no man knows from whence it come, nor to where it goes, so is everyone born again of the spirit, ever marriage worshippers heard the expression free as a bird, well how about free as the wind, having no dependents, and only one directive. Now we know what the sunlight of God, emerging from behind a mountain meant, when he cried, let my people god, he was saying make them holy spirit, make them free as the wind, meaning, Jesus possibly wasn't walking at all, because he was floating across the water, Jesus had to walk in the revelations of God in order to transform the people to this degree, so when Jesus said, if I be lifted up I will draw all men, he was in all essence saying, if or only when truth and grace is lifted, can all mankind be brought into a spirit of worship, for God is a spirit, and those who worship him, can only worship him in spirit and truth."
Remember The Genesis?
Unto Izzadore Caspen Lucien was born ...
"He found you sitting on her porch, actually sleeping, have you lost your mind? Aren't we supposed to, yes, yes Wool yes, but only for Jesus, He is the only worthy, you know that, she is as good as married, do you want trouble with reapers? Ah come on, who in their Christ mind want that? Then out with it, Christ, Wool man there's something you're not telling. I had a dreamed ok, she, ah, Tatum, ah, she ah, killed herself, even hung herself, and it was really, really graphic, I witness every ounce of it" visibly as one making the most bitter and hardest swallow in his life, just imaging it's most terrifying, that he'd never been so frighten in all of his life. "You know what that mean, cast into outer darkness because suicide this curse is just another vulgar attempt to get to him, whose penalty is hell, right, right Izzo! Ok, Ok, lets say I see that, but you camping out on her porch is gonna do what besides get you in heaps of trouble? They know Wool man, reapers know to whom each of us belong, they will not tolerate dishonesty, so you are going to have to see her, go to her, talk, explain, there is no other option, look! Bringing a sickly to dazed Wolverine Little Wolf his way, this eye to eye contact this serious, even concerning, Issadore Caspen Lucien was a friend most trusted, "you do this, you fix this, and you get out of it!"
There Way, A darken Mirror, Only Seem Right, This Death Traps
-Life is not only fragile, but dreamlike, {see Americans Dreaming, even Pretending, Apb}. Generally we don’t see our frailty or nearness to eternity unless a life threatening situation arises. Like men asleep we dream great things, (united, man can have all that he dream, Elohim, Apb}. For ourselves unto death awakens us and put an end to the dream. While we asleep, unconcern about the things that belong to our eternal peace, our allotted time runs out. JSM
Unto Clayden (Apple) Mikel Nicholas was born
"Ah, grand Maaseiah, I can only wonder how it must of been growing up with you as mother, please enlighten us, ah Preece Apple, Sia, or Maaseiah will do, and I only tell you that a young Heus, or Agurus, used to always tell, well I've always heard them tell their friends, that, how their home was like be in a church, they were saying the anointing, the worship and the teaching of the spirit of Jesus was all through it's places, marriage worshippers, Sia, I heard you refer to us as that, ah yes, those who worship Christ, Jesus, also worship the authentic procreation of the godman, the Genesis, everything else this imitation most abominable in other words accursed. Now can any of you tell me the difference between being free as a bird, and free as this wind? Well, ah, Sia Maaseiah, you said it just now, a bird, like man yet has it dependents, free as the wind, mean you've shed yourself of everything, of the flesh, or selfdom of the things, the worries of world, with it all now entrusted to God, it like you often say, you don't feel like you're walking anymore, but that you are floating, the birds have nest, the fox have wholes, but the son of man has not a place to lay his head, so once Jesus was crucified, in other words once he died, once, mortality put on immortality, and corruption incorruption, in three days risen. Jesus was then seen as one who could now come and go like the what? Wind. So how does one it do, how does one become born again? And that Marriage worshippers is your assign inquiry for today, and here the hint, I was reading in Roman's 6, just a might passed, when it's pages, it's written scripture took on a live vision, and their being written, in red letters, almost like in blood, before my eyes, and I quote, man can't do this, only the can do this, as well I leave you an additional scripture passage of Gal. 2:20, and I want at least two paragraphs, thanks, Sia Preece for you time and your attention, good day, and good night.
For Vain Is The Help Of Man
For thirty years and counting I've been shown an apocalyptic America whereas movies like "Mad Max" and "The Road," have only scratched the surface, now like the massive warnings and preparations gone before approaching storms, there is nothing that can be done but to ready yours, alters, souls, and fall out shelters. see more here, also see,
Ishariah Ibrahim Kroff
"Do you know me? The porch guys, caught as one would say sleeping, what so you want with me? As one readying a lunch tray, so those just behind them, a realizing there wouldn't be any privacy. I saw what you did, ah," as a frustrated one rolling his eyes back to reconsider, into wondering what to have as hey all where, "I guess you can say, I saw, ah know what you were thinking, and what Mr. Knowing was that?
"I just have a question, sit with me, please, I can't do that, don' even want to, what if I tell you it's a matter of life and death, both of hours, please a minutes or two. Stay away from me, we have nothing to talk about, and either of us being in danger of death isn't an excuse, i's natural, but there is one Tau, Tau that isn't, how, how do you know that name? What are you? Give me what I asked and I'll explain this, all of it! I will report you if you came anywhere near me ever again, you say away and you stay out of it, whatever you think you know, or seen stay away from me."
Satan's Seat, This Imitation Of Life
In additional to being fragile and dreamlike, life is short and transient. We are like the grass that, in it’s prime, is green and flourishing. But grass is tender and subject to the forces of nature. When the winter comes, the grass loses it’s greenness and withers away. Even in the spring and summer , when the grass is yet green, it may be cut own, (JSM). {Doing the death rider vision, 1994, as a blessed assurance, Fret Not Thyself, I was given Psa. 37:1-6, the comparing of the rebellious, even the wicked to the soon to be cut down, withering daily of the grass,1994, Apb}.
No human being that we know of witness what had to be this incomprehensible sight and sound of the running, screaming and drowning of thousand upon thousands of men, women and children of the people of Noah's day. All Noah and his family heard was the pitter, patter and pounding of 40 days of rain, and they tucked away wondering, even scared, Truly how was it fair, that they'd been found worthy while so many perished? Apb
Beethoven Fifth Arts Begots
"They always have all the answers right? No, they don't, it was Jesus who promised not o leave us comfortless, that he would send us another, that when he come, he will lead us into all truth, let me guess, BFA? No, Agurus Heus Jr., Grand Maaseiah's grandson, as granny said you guys, good day, you off to home already? I have plenty to do, yeah, is that plenty to do your pending promise? And You Sia Kadesh, know me so well, well just you remember that hill, surely I will, surely we all will. Do you, I'm sorry do I what? Always on he defense, this is what people of the Juttah, said of the newest visitor of the Juttah, how tense and obtuse he remain.
"Do you Preece Apple know how bless you are to make a visit to these hallowed territories having only been at SHRINKS a couple of weeks, it normally take months, like a least 12 of them. Perhaps my being a slayer of one of it's members bump me up on that list a little bit, perhaps I'll grieve him, and reapers will steal me, don't be deceived, the reapers know who you are and why you're here, that this is only a trial, never are he visitors from SHRINKS taken. I'm home you guys, I have a stunning wife, and a new son and I can't wait to get to either one of them, you guys be blessed."
For Broad Is The Way That Lead To Death And Many
-But do not be discouraged! The Christian may face the sweeping flood, but its currents will carry us straight into the presence of God. Paul how probably has a better understanding of God’s plan than any other human being , said this: “Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord…We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord”(II Cor. 5:6, 8).
-So, although human life is short, those whose heart are right with God, have the comfort of knowing that Jesus has prepared a place for them in His father’s house (John 14:2), JSM
Unto Beverly Hills Califorya Was Born
"So who was he, as those finding a place a sit, possibly the most wondrous garden in all the world, all around, up and down, mountain and even steeping volcanos in the distance were all these unspeakable reminders of why God, promises to destroy those who destroy the earth, clearly this unpronounced phenomenon. This place, saying with ears growing thicker and thicker with spilling tears eyes, this is place is beyond unspeakable, that you all can make, like this home, the Euphrates river and all, yeah, there are some who predict, we're living in and according to what the garden of Eden would've been before the fall, it's so over whelming to the heart, only by God's Grace are we able to even bear it, that there is apple no place on this earth more magnificent, only if, or when one is to ascend to heaven is there any thing more magnificent. How do you all do it, how do you go into your houses and close the door, easy, by opening every window in the house, no, truly, when you get it here Apple, as a lovely one he's to ever meet gently pressing her exhilarating touch upon his fallen deeply in love with Bev. Hills, the words where right there on the tip on his tongue, but barely knowing her, it had to be temporary insanity.
And Corruption Shall Put On Incorruption
I know this is going to sound crazy, but as one whose been shown more times that can be counted, the resurrection of the righteous dead, Saints. I'm now at that point whereas as I noticeably past a gravesite I mentally and wholeheartedly break into a dance celebrating, that's knowing we're closer to this blessed event than ever before. The righteous dead will shake, break and quake right out of their graves, or what ever places on this earth having dissolved their temporal flesh, all now changing before it's wicked decomposition into glorified bodies and like fire rockets shot into the heavens above.
I was early 2015, Holy Spirit reveal the Jesus of Resurrection as being on his way here, because he is the Christ of Resurrection, is equally why he alone is the good shepherd, blessed death, Jesus alone. Henceforth his crying aloud, how any one who believe in him, no longer making provisions for the flesh, but living in and by the Holy Spirit will never die, but I, Jesus, will raise them up on the last day. Meaning as was described of the Angel Gariel, the last day of the church age, divine time tables has ushered us, this generation, right into, this beyond description for eons to come, of a glorious finale, got Him, got Jesus? Awake, be as aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM
I was early 2015, Holy Spirit reveal the Jesus of Resurrection as being on his way here, because he is the Christ of Resurrection, is equally why he alone is the good shepherd, blessed death, Jesus alone. Henceforth his crying aloud, how any one who believe in him, no longer making provisions for the flesh, but living in and by the Holy Spirit will never die, but I, Jesus, will raise them up on the last day. Meaning as was described of the Angel Gariel, the last day of the church age, divine time tables has ushered us, this generation, right into, this beyond description for eons to come, of a glorious finale, got Him, got Jesus? Awake, be as aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM
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